I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 903 Selling Girls' Little Matches

The Hanging City rose all the way up, passing through more than a dozen broken planes of the lower level.There was no interception by Gaia's consciousness, and the journey was extremely smooth.

Just seeing those planes at a glance still made Lin Fei frown slightly.

All the planes I saw along the way had distorted rules.

For example, as soon as life appears, it looks like old age.But as time goes by, it will gradually become middle-aged, young, juvenile, and even cubs, and finally turn into eggs, placenta, etc., until death disappears;

For example, dead objects such as stones, soil, and metals have life, but various animals have become dead objects.

Lin Fei even saw with his own eyes that there was a "stickman" more than two meters high, with hands and feet.Walking down the road, pitifully selling little girls to other people.

Such a subversive picture almost instantly makes everyone doubt life.

"Where did this little girl come from?" Ji Yaoguang looked complicated.

"I probably know." Lin Fei sighed inexplicably, and pointed to the other side.

There was a big bouncing mushroom with a basket on its back.Beside a river, under the trees, there are...little girls.

The big mushroom is 1.4 meters five, with a nose, eyes, hands and feet; on the contrary, the little girl is only the size of a mushroom, half of her body is buried under the soil.

"Pick the girl's little mushroom, carrying a big basket..." The weird mushroom sang and pulled a little girl out of the soil.The little girl was still soiled, so she was thrown directly into the basket behind her.

Such a grotesque scene, let alone human beings, even the monsters and demons present felt a chill.

It's just that everyone was surrounded by mysterious power and followed the Hanging City to the upper plane.If this power is not stopped by Gaia, you can only see everything in front of you, but cannot touch it.

Until he left this plane, Lao Peng Wang still couldn't help asking: "Among the fragments of time and space, is this kind of plane with distorted rules very common?"

Lin Fei shook his head and denied: "On the contrary. Before 3000 years, such a situation did not exist at all."

Lao Pengwang was very surprised, and Ji Yaoguang and others were also full of curiosity.

Lin Fei continued: "In the past, most of the fragments of time and space were caused by the invasion of other cosmic planes by the insects, spirits, and dragons. Those universes were smashed to pieces, and they were all put into this garbage dump for disposal."

"As innate beings, they are the three major races that are most favored by the Dao of Heaven. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the sons of the Dao of Diversity. No matter what they do, whether it is to destroy the world or save the world, they will not trigger the punishment of God."

"Of course, there are also Liudao and I, as well as the multi-dimensional war we triggered, which caused the planes to be broken. All in all, these broken planes filled the entire Jedi."

"But even for broken plane fragments, their rules and order are basically intact."

This situation is... not normal.

As Dark Gaia said, whether the multiverse itself has a problem or has been eroded by a mysterious force, this is a terrible event.

Ji Yaoguang and the others were silent for a moment, each thinking.

However, Lao Peng Wang and other monster races were terrified, shocked by the information revealed in Lin Fei's words-he and a strong man named "Six Paths" triggered a multi-dimensional war, causing the cosmic plane to be broken?

There are also innate creatures, the three most beloved races of heaven, how do they exist?

Lao Peng Wang suddenly felt like the frog sitting at the bottom of the well.Now after jumping out of the well, everything he came into contact with was so subversive, and only then did he realize that the world is so vast.

He didn't even look at the broken planes he passed, but instead started dealing with the lamp bearers, asking politely about Lin Fei's information.

Lin Fei had a panoramic view of everything, but he didn't bother to care.

As for the aborigines of Shuilanxing, although they are full of fear of Xuanxing's monster clan, those monster clans are also quite knowledgeable, and all of them are polite.Even at the suggestion of the third prince, all the monster races were transformed into human forms, so as not to frighten these timid and weak mortals.

Being so knowledgeable, there was no need for Lin Fei to remind him.

The Hanging City didn't reach the middle level of the space-time fragments until the broken plane with good rules and order appeared.

This is a vast jungle with towering ancient trees and green mountains.There are also clear springs and waterfalls, and the fragrance of birds and flowers.Compared with the hellish and tragic scenes I saw before, it was like heaven.

There are also large green vines hanging down from the ancient trees, almost weaving into a green curtain, swaying in the wind, stretching the body.

The rising trend of the Hanging City finally stopped, and it was fixed in the sky above this piece of heaven and earth.

"Stop?" Ji Yaoguang was a little dazed, and sighed with regret, "I thought I could go all the way to the Great Desolate Continent."

"It's not that simple." Lin Fei pinched her exquisite and tall Qiong nose, and said with a faint smile, "The rules are complete, but they are fragments after all. If you can come to this middle plane, you will almost arrive."

After all, here are plane fragments with relatively complete rules, no different from Hanging City.

The luck of Lin Fei and the others was relatively good, and they met Shui Lanxing, a plane that could be saved.Although the process was tortuous, and everyone would have died without him, but in the end it was all done.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple.If it is so easy to reach the Great Desolate Continent, then it would be too small to underestimate one of the Four Great Jedi.

For the extremely powerful, they can only guarantee to survive the four great Jedi, but they dare not say that they will definitely be able to leave and reach the Great Desolate Continent.

But for Lin Fei, this was not the case.

Because it has reached the middle plane with complete rules and order, that means...

The time-space axis of heaven can exist.

Lin Fei cut his palm and let a line of blood drip down.

Crystal clear red blood beads flew out in the air, blooming divine light and dissipating between heaven and earth.


The entire plane was trembling, and even an ethereal singing sounded.

Listen carefully, it's not actually a song, but this plane is trembling, crying, and mourning, as if it is enduring unimaginable pain.

Lin Fei's blood sensed the time-space axis of the Dao of Heaven he left behind, and it was about to trigger it.

A huge vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, sucking and swallowing the clouds.

Immediately afterwards, a vast beam of light descended from the sky, directly covering the entire hanging city.

At this moment, countless people looked at the sky in shock, their minds went blank, and they could hardly think.

Because they saw a huge shaft.

This axis vertically runs through the middle and upper layers of the time-space fragments, and when the two sides extend, there are layers of broken planes, everything seems to be in sight.

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