I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 907 Blowing his dog's head off with one palm!


The silver light wheel the size of a millstone was dodged by Lin Fei, and it went through the air, cutting off huge trees and causing them to fall to the ground.Immediately following a roundabout, the momentum remained undiminished, and he attacked Lin Fei again from behind.

And the ferocious bone stick was even more terrifying. With a "boom", it hit the ground fiercely, directly smashing a huge boulder thousands of kilograms, and huge boulders splashed all over the sky.

These gravels made a sharp whistling sound through the air, and exploded like cannonballs, hitting dozens of people hard, causing them to vomit blood and fly backwards.

You know, this is not a low-level plane where Mahayana monks can destroy the world!

To be able to create such a power in the highest plane makes Zhao Yu and the others' scalps tingle...

For a moment, everyone was worried, fearing that Lin Fei would lose.


Lin Fei swung his fist, and the immortal and demonic aura intertwined like a dragon, roaring and roaring.It seemed that instead of one arm being swung out, two black and white mad dragons were entangled, rushing forward indomitably, about to destroy everything.

Gou Dongxi's pupils shrank sharply, and his whole body burst out with a bang.The gray aura even covered his body with a thickness of one foot, forming the image of a giant kobold with a ferocious face, which made people daunting.


Lin Fei punched his blocking arms, and the latter's eyes almost popped out.He felt a powerful force attacking him, his whole body exploded with a bang, his arms even cracked, and his bones were broken.

There was also a wisp of the power of six extinctions, which directly caused a large piece of flesh and blood to fall off Gou Dongxi's right arm, and the bones connected with it were obliterated, and disappeared before his eyes out of thin air.

"What the hell is this?!" Gou Dongxi was terrified, and the arms that were blocking him were also pressed down hard by the huge force, and smashed to the front door.

With a crisp sound of "pa", Gou Dongxi's fragile dog nose was smashed to a pulp, and his face was covered with blood.With a scream, he immediately flew backwards under the terrifying force, smashing a big tree into pieces with a "boom".

Broken wood and sawdust mixed with fallen leaves splashed, and the smoke filled the air.

Gou Dongxi's face showed horror. If he hadn't been a dog himself, he might have scolded on the spot, "I'm fucking a dog!"

What terrifying agility and speed is that?He was able to avoid the two incarnations and attack his body between lightning and flint!

What kind of terrifying explosive power is that?There was a difference of eight small realms, yet he was able to injure him with one punch.Even if Gou Dongxi's reaction speed was a little slower, he might die on the spot!

This is no joke.

In a trance before, Gou Dongxi even saw six patterns flashing away.That terrible breath even made Gou Dongxi suddenly feel afraid of it.

At the same time, the light wheel transformed from the silver flying disc and the huge bone stick also struck at the same time.

Lin Fei's figure was slightly on one side, and he seemed to be in extreme danger, but in fact he avoided the fatal blow with ease and ease.The silver light wheel slashed down vertically, almost passing by the tip of his nose.


As easy as cutting tofu, the frisbee sinks directly into the hard rocky floor.Not to mention other people, even Youyue and Xiangling, who are not weak in the realm of holding lamps, feel a chill on their skins for an instant.

They had no doubt that this blow on their head could split them in half on the spot.

And the most frightening thing is that this Frisbee is driven by Xianyuan, 360 degrees without dead ends, swallowing the blazing stellar energy.Undoubtedly, once struck, even Yuanshen will not be spared, and will be annihilated on the spot.

This thing is as fast as lightning, and the offensive is fierce.If they were to fight against each other, they would be invincible, and they would die in an instant.

But in the blink of an eye, Lin Fei not only avoided the Frisbee's attack, but also wrapped the surging terrifying power in his palm, and caught the huge bone stick that hit him with a "snap".

How terrifying is the power of this blow?

Lin Fei's legs never bent, but the ground under his feet collapsed with a loud bang.You know it's not a dirt floor, the rock formations are surprisingly solid.If a strong person in the Mahayana realm wants to dig out such a rock, his efficiency is almost the same as that of ordinary people on the earth working with a chisel...

But at this time, the rock layer around Lin Fei's feet shattered directly, turning into countless gravels of different sizes, and was even more vibrated by the terrifying force to fly more than half a meter high, stirring up a little smoke and dust.

Lin Fei stared at the white dog in front of him coldly, and complex and mysterious patterns appeared in his pupils.

In an instant, the white dog was terrified.The solid and deep fairy gang on his body seems to be unable to defeat it even if the mountain is pressed down, but it is melting silently at this moment!

All this is because of Lin Fei's gaze!

If there is no such body-protecting celestial gang, the white dog's physical body will be the first to gradually annihilate.

"Ah!" The white dog screamed in horror.His body protection celestial body completely dissipated, and the flesh and blood on his face were disappearing, revealing the white bones of the face, which looked extremely terrifying.

He instantly gave up fighting for the bone stick that he regretted not moving, and flew back to the right with a "chi".

There were already bloodshot eyes in Lin Fei's pupils, seeing the white dog back away, the complicated and mysterious patterns in his pupils instantly faded away.At the same time, without looking behind him, he turned around and slammed down the bone stick he had snatched from his hand.


The terrifying explosion made people's eardrums ache. Even though everyone had seized the time to hide away, some people were still bloody and dizzy, and even some people's eardrums were shattered, bleeding out.

Lin Fei smashed the flying disc flying with a stick. Seeing Gou Dongxi's three bodies coming from different directions, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.


The Chaos Lotus Pond suddenly appeared, including the three of them.

The white dog's eyes are about to burst. Although he is trying his best to mobilize the immortal energy in his body, it is not a matter of instant to want to regenerate after the body protection immortal gang is broken once.He was directly overturned by a wave, and then pierced by lotus flowers like golden fairy swords.

None of the vital points such as the brow, throat, heart, and eyes were left behind.

And Gou Dongxi was also terrified, fighting hard against Jinlian and Chaochao.His main body lived the longest, had the deepest accumulation, and had been baptized by the blood of the Tengu clan, so his physical body was extremely strong.

The golden lotus was cut on his body, but it also caused him a burst of burning pain, leaving marks like sword wounds, and made a series of clanging sounds, like gold and iron.

And Lin Fei took this opportunity to shoot the Six Extinguishing Tai Chi Diagram, directly blasting the head of the black dog with a "boom".Even the blood mist was completely wiped away by the Taiji Diagram.

The audience was stunned.

Standing in the chaotic lotus pond, that stalwart figure with relaxed and freehand style is like an invincible god of war.

Zhao Yu was infatuated for a moment.

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