At this moment, Gou Dongxi was almost suffocated!

What kind of exaggerated combat power is Lin Fei?

There is obviously a gap of eight small realms in his real cultivation base, and he has also cultivated two himself of the same realm, but he was unilaterally hanged and beaten!

Whether it was the previous chaotic eye or the current vision of the chaotic body, boundless fear gushed out from the depths of his soul.

He knows that the Chaos Body is very powerful in the same realm, but... how strong is "very strong"?

No one has analyzed this experience with Gou Dongxi, but everyone said that the chaotic body is very strong...

He didn't have a clear understanding and concept of this kind of combat power, thinking that with three rare treasures, even three against one, each avatar has a considerable level of suppression...

No matter how you look at it, this should be a hanging situation, right?

It turned out that the beating was real, but there seemed to be something wrong with the person being slapped.

"No, I can't just sit and wait for death!" Gou Dongxi was so heartbroken that he immediately bit off his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood directly on the bell collar with a "poof".

The collar instantly absorbed the blood essence rich in energy, and a bloody red light bloomed, illuminating the entire chaotic lotus pond.

"Jingle Bell--"

Gou Dongxi shook the bell collar, roared like crazy, and desperately urged it with immortal energy.In an instant, there were fluctuations visible to the naked eye that spread along with the sound, layer by layer, causing the Chaos Lotus Pond to set off waves amidst the sound of "crashing", and spread out in all directions.

Ji Yaoguang was shocked, and many people also looked at this magic weapon eagerly.

Lin Fei was slightly surprised, thoughtful, and did not take advantage of the momentum to pursue.

Because he knew that Gou Dongxi couldn't be hurt now.

This is... the life-saving thing given to him by Gou Dongxi's master.Although it looks very humiliating, its strength is beyond doubt.

At least when he was urging this thing with all his strength, Lin Fei couldn't hurt it due to the difference in realm between him and him.

"Earth Immortal Spirit Treasure, it's just that the effect he can exert is limited." Lin Fei had already seen the clue, and only quietly looked at Gou Dongxi who was struggling desperately.

Now facing the latter, there are two options.

One is to go all out and sacrifice this thing to fight Lin Fei to the death.Although it is extremely dangerous, once you win, you will have endless fortunes, and God knows what unimaginable benefits you can get.

The second is to run away, which is nothing to say.

Who is Gou Dongxi?

The character who is most afraid of death, sees Lin Fei and Ye Wudi coming, and immediately frightens the shit out of him, kneeling down and crying for his father and mother.At that time, I really didn't even dare to hope to escape, I just wished I could smash my head.

Even if Lin Fei said that he would save his life by stewing dog meat hot pot with his descendants, he would never hesitate at all, and would even be extremely excited because of saving his life.

Gou Dongxi knew that this was really embarrassing. As a "zong" of a race, it was like a disgraceful existence, which shamed the entire race.

But so what?

There are too many backbone lives in the Great Desolate Continent, and they are dying in pieces every day, which is hard to count.On the contrary, it was a shameful bastard like him who survived the crisis of death again and again and lived for more than 60 years!

Looking at the entire dog clan, only "gou", the ancestor of the race, can make him feel ashamed, and feel that he is too reckless and not cowardly enough.


"Lin Fei, you wait for me, I will report this matter to the Tengu Clan!" Gou Dongxi yelled violently, shaking the bell collar vigorously, breaking out of the Chaos Lotus Pond, and flying towards the distant sky like a stream of light.


Lin Fei stepped in the air, and instantly made a scalp-numbing terrifying sonic boom.Invisible waves rippled out, causing the trees to roar and sway, like an emerald green ocean churning.

Heavenly Demon Seven Steps!

In just three steps, Lin Fei was about to catch up with Gou Dongxi.

Gou Dongxi was so frightened that he trembled, and his heart became ruthless in an instant, burning his blood and immortal energy crazily.

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell made a crisp sound, but this time it was no longer a passive defense, but an unimaginable mental attack.Lin Fei's eyes went dark instantly, and he felt an indescribable tingling sensation coming from his soul, as if the center of his eyebrows was about to explode.

Fortunately, the golden light between his brows was shining brightly, and the golden Yuanshen villain had a solemn appearance, sitting cross-legged on the altar, as if he was chanting scriptures.A large number of golden runes gushed out, intertwined into chains of order in the clattering sound, and tried their best to resist such an offensive.

Lin Fei frowned, but he didn't retreat, but stared at Gou Dongxi in front of him.

On the contrary, Gou Dongxi's face was pale, and his heart was burning with anxiety.

The collar in his hand is actually not worth a penny, but the circle of small bells hanging on it, together it is a piece of earth fairy treasure.Shaking the collar, all the bells will vibrate together, the power is extraordinary.

Its name is "Golden Bell of Soul Seizing Essence", and it is said that in a blink of an eye, the mountains shake and the ground shakes, ten thousand dharmas are invincible, and the primordial spirit dies.That is to say, it has two characteristics of attack and defense, and it is extremely lethal even to the primordial spirit.

It's just like Lin Fei guessed, the power he can display is limited, but even so, it's quite impressive.

If it wasn't for this spirit treasure, he would have died directly in the chaotic lotus pond, without any thought.

At this moment, Gou Dongxi rang the bell, and Lin Fei was the first to receive the attack. Although his soul was trembling and the pain was extremely painful, he was able to withstand it.On the contrary, the few innocent lives on the ground died immediately, their heads were blasted into blood mist.

"I can't hold it anymore!" Gou Dongxi panicked and felt unstoppable for a while.

But Lin Fei was wrapped in a misty and chaotic atmosphere, slowly but resolutely approaching him.Although his primordial spirit was trembling, blood flowed from his nose, followed by his ears, eyes, and corners of his mouth.

"Don't come here!" Seeing him getting closer, Gou Dongxi didn't even change his expression even under such an impact, he was almost scared out of his wits.

"Die to me!" With a ruthless heart, he roared angrily, and threw the ring of bells in his hand.


Driven by Gou Dongxi, this object is extremely heavy, and the wind pressure paves the surface. It seems that it is not a string of bells, but a vast and majestic giant mountain, which arrives in an instant.

Lin Fei's pupils shrank slightly, and he suddenly opened his chaotic eyes, and a lotus pond of chaos emerged around him, holding the Tai Chi diagram in his hands, and greeted him head-on.

The bell shuttled fiercely, making a series of crisp sounds, and even left behind a vast golden horse.

It tore open the chaotic lotus pond, shattered the golden lotus, shattered the Taiji diagram, and defeated Lin Fei's body protector. The light finally dimmed and hit his palm.


Lin Fei's right hand was bloody and bloody, and he was pushed back hundreds of meters by the terrifying force.

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