I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 909 Just survive?

The power of the soul-snatching golden bell is unimaginable, and this time even the main body was thrown out, showing a shockingly exaggerated destructive power.

It's just that Gou Dongxi, who made such a powerful attack, just wanted to repel Lin Fei and escape for his life.

The moment Lin Fei caught this object, he had already flown to the end of the sky.

Gou Dongxi was terrified, only hated that he didn't have the wings of the Tengu tribe behind him, and couldn't fly fast enough.

In his imagination, even if Lin Fei catches the soul-snatching golden bell, he will be severely injured, making it difficult to catch up with him.

But... what's the situation now? !

It was just that one hand was beaten to bloody blood, and he caught the Soul Seizing Essence Golden Bell? !

"Want to leave?" Lin Fei sneered, not planning to let him go.

Gou Dongxi is backed by the Tengu tribe, once the news that he and Ye Wudi came to the Great Desolate Continent leaks out, it will be endless trouble.


Lin Fei dashed across the sky in an instant, drawing a white wave of boundless air, and he had already displayed his extreme speed.

Just the oncoming wind pressure is enough to make the Mahayana powerhouse physically collapse.

"My life is over!" Gou Dongxi was so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood.

Originally thought it was just to deal with a group of surviving human races, who the hell would have thought that they would meet the return of the Ten Thousand Saints?

There was a terrifying sound of sonic boom in the sky, and a huge black palm, wrapped in surging devilish energy, slapped it down on Gou Dongxi brazenly.


Amidst the loud noise, Gou Dongxi showed pain on his face, and spit out a big mouthful of blood with a "poof".His whole body's bones were shattered, and his internal organs were also squeezed to burst on the spot. In a cloud of blood mist, his broken body fell directly to the ground.

The old Peng Wang displayed the extreme speed of the canopy, and the speed was so fast that it was unimaginable.In addition, it didn't stop all the way, and Gou Dongxi was stopped, and he saw this scene through his divine sense from a distance, and his scalp felt numb for a while.

As a mount, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and drive Ji Yaoguang over, whether he wanted to or not.Although the latter's cultivation is not worth mentioning in his opinion, but why is someone else a "boss lady"?

Under the shocking gaze of the two, Lin Fei sighed quietly: "It's a pity."

Lao Peng Wang looked at a loss, and still didn't understand what he was regretting.

But Ji Yaoguang already knew enough about Lin Fei, and he put his hands on his forehead weakly, as if he had already guessed something.

"So much dog meat has been wasted." Lin Fei looked at Gou Dongxi's broken body, feeling a little regretful.The latter's body had been reduced to its original form, and it was a giant dog the size of a house.

It's just that its huge dog's head, neck, and even part of its chest cavity exploded into blood mist and disappeared.

The old Peng Wang suddenly felt creepy!

Thinking of the golden-winged roc that was eaten by Lin Fei, he even trembled a little, for fear that one day Lin Fei would be in the mood, and would like to drink with the roc meat and have a big feast...

Lin Fei directly put the mutilated dog carcass weighing at least seven or eight thousand catties into the interspatial ring, and then jumped up, drew a horse in the air, and landed on the back of Old Peng Wang.

In Ji Yaoguang's exclamation, Lin Fei hugged her in his arms and said with a faint smile, "Let's go, eat dog meat hot pot."

The old Peng Wang was extremely witty, so he flapped his wings and hit the air, and flew back to where Ye Wudi and the others were in the violent howling wind.

The people who came out of the fragments of time and space were alright, but Zhao Yu, Yin Chenglin and a group of people looked at Lin Fei with awe and shock.

"Greetings to Wan Sheng Tianzun!" Yin Chenglin suddenly felt the blood in his chest boil, and he knelt down directly.

Immediately afterwards, this group of prehistoric human races also knelt down in a large area.

In the depressing and gloomy weather, in the vast rain curtain like layers of bead curtains, this scene is extremely shocking.

"Get up." Lin Fei jumped off the old Peng Wang's back and said lightly.

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth, clasped his fists and said, "I hope the Heavenly Lord will take pity on me and lead me to live!"

Lin Fei was silent for a while, and saw countless pairs of hopeful eyes.

The elderly, children, and women are all haggard and tired, full of tension and fear.It seemed that as long as Lin Fei refused, all their hopes would be destroyed.

"Survive?" Lin Fei sighed inexplicably, "Since when did the pursuit of the prehistoric human race become so humble?"

Many people lowered their heads aggrievedly, secretly gritted their teeth and clenched their fists, unwilling but powerless.

Lin Fei didn't say anything, just swept his sleeves away.

The emerald green waves spread, making everyone feel a sense of warmth, and the injuries were gradually recovering.Especially those children who are still young and have no cultivation level at all. They were tired, hungry, and thirsty, and they were blue from the cold. Some of them had their cold and fever symptoms subsided.

There are also invisible barriers formed, shaped like a semicircle.The rain fell on it all over the sky, and it slid down in all directions, making a nice crackling sound of rain, no longer contaminating everyone.

Lin Fei could keep these children out of the rain and dry off their clothes, but he couldn't stop the rain.

Because this is rain from the Great Desolate Continent.

At the beginning, Lin Fei named the realm of immortals, man, earth, and sky in order, which was based on the rules of the Great Desolate Continent.Human immortals can only control human power, and earth immortals can move the underground spiritual veins, change the landscape of mountains and rivers, and the direction of rivers, so as to control the terrain; but if you want to control and change celestial phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, that is the level of heavenly immortals.

Immortals who master the "power of heaven" are heavenly immortals.

And Liu Dao's psychopath, just doesn't play his cards according to the routine.Human demons and earth demons, these two realms are okay, and they match the initial two realms of cultivating immortals.

But according to the law, it should be "Heavenly Demon" corresponding to "Heavenly Immortal" next, right?But he didn't name it that way, and came to the realm of "Shadow Demon", which corresponds to the fairy.

This is the difference in thinking. Liu Dao believes that the word "Heaven" corresponds to the rules of contacting the level of heaven, that is, the "golden nature" mentioned by Xiuxian, which itself represents a little weakened authority and rules.

This caused a major discrepancy in the realm names of cultivating demons and cultivating immortals.At the beginning, when the information was not widely known in the multiverse, there were even melon-piped celestial beings who, upon hearing that the other party was the "Early Demon Stage", immediately became confident and stepped forward to provoke...

Then he was slapped to death.

At one time, some people suspected that the Demon Lord of the Six Paths was just fighting against Lin Fei, deliberately creating a difference, but they had no evidence...

"Tell me about the situation of the prehistoric human race now." Lin Fei looked at Yin Chenglin and Zhao Yu and asked aloud.

Under the two people's answers, he basically knew the ins and outs of the matter.

There is no difference from what he guessed.

The Heavenly Court collapsed, and all races fought back.Human beings are reduced to consumables such as food, slaves, and puppets.

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