I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 926 What About the Celestial Immortal?

It wasn't until this moment that Old Peng Wang saw it clearly.

The giant python appeared to be menacing, but in fact it was seriously injured.Aside from other things, the fact that half of his body was torn apart and blood was still flowing was enough to explain the problem.

Something is chasing it!

And judging from the injuries it received, it must be that the life forms that attacked him were ferocious and violent, with sharp claws like wild beasts.

As soon as such a thought popped into his mind, he heard the extremely sharp howling of the wind.Impressively, there were buckets of sword light that were thick and thin, fiercely bursting out from the mist, and directly attacking Lin Fei.


Lin Fei's face remained unchanged, he regretted that the sword light that hit his face hard with his palm finger, unexpectedly shattered it abruptly.

The group of creatures that came chasing down the giant python looked like humans, except that they were not covered with skin, and the outer layer was directly covered with flesh and blood, which looked extremely hideous and terrifying.Not only that, they even abandoned the normal state of human bipedal walking, and changed to crawling on all fours.

The limbs were also shaped like the giant claws of wild beasts, except that there was no hair and skin, and the flesh and blood were exposed, extending claws like daggers, which completely matched the wounds on the giant python.

The previous streams of sword energy spit out from their mouths.

Lin Fei's keen sense of spirit could see clearly that when these strange creatures exhaled sword qi, their lungs were full of energy, and they suddenly transformed into Gengjin sword qi.When its sharpness suddenly appeared, it easily pierced through ancient trees, mountains and rocks.

The lungs correspond to the metal of the five elements, and there is also a formula to conceive and nourish the Qi of Geng Jin in the lungs in the realm of comprehension.Its power is so fierce that it can kill the enemy almost instantly and complete the lore.Even for monsters with powerful bloodlines, the innate emptiness qi they spit out also comes from the lungs, which has the same effect, but it is often much stronger than that simulated by human practice.

Seeing that Lin Fei is so strong, any normal intelligent creature will flee if he finds that he is invincible.But the group of monsters in front of them was different. They didn't care about it, roared like a beast, and rushed towards Lin Fei at the same time.


Their strength was so exaggerated that they even crushed rocks and trees, leaving behind a large afterimage. The sharp claws in their hands slapped fiercely, bringing suffocating pressure.


The clanging sound of the fairy sword coming out of its sheath sounded, and invisible sword energy intertwined like a curtain in the air.

Lin Fei didn't even blink his eyelids, he just calmly looked at the group of monsters that came to kill them ferociously.

"Puff puff--"

There seemed to be a net of death surrounding Lin Fei. The monsters that came to him were all cut into countless pieces in an instant, and fell to the ground like tofu. The scene was quite bloody and brutal.

And even under such circumstances, not a single drop of blood splashed on Lin Fei.

With a sweep of his sleeve, the invisible net of sword energy dissipated instantly, and the last monster escaped by luck.


A wave of overwhelming pressure came down, and the monster roared, but it felt like a mountain was pressing on it, and it fell to the ground on the spot.No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get up at all.

"What clan is this?" Lao Peng Wang was surprised and puzzled.

"There is no such race. Even 3000 years ago, there was no such life in the Great Desolate Continent." Lin Fei frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

This monster is extremely ferocious, it seems that it doesn't know what fear and death are, and it is still roaring at Lin Fei after being in such a situation.His fangs were extremely sharp, and scarlet saliva dripped from his mouth.

Lin Fei pressed his palm on the top of the monster's head, detecting his vital signs, and then his face gradually darkened, with a murderous intent that chilled the world, and a large number of leaves withered, and were torn apart by the invisible murderous aura in the air .

"What's wrong?!" Old Peng Wang was terrified, not knowing what he found.

"Human!" Lin Fei's voice was cold.

The old Peng Wang suddenly widened his eyes, looking at the strange and hideous creature in front of him, he felt suspicious of Peng Sheng.

Is this human?

Am I...have some kind of misunderstanding about humans?Why is it different from what I know?

"To be precise, they used to be humans." Lin Fei sighed, "I see..."

As soon as the words fell, he slapped down the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art.


The devilish energy rolled up and turned into a bright black "Feng" character, which was directly imprinted on the center of the monster's brow, making his consciousness quiet, and he closed his eyes and remained motionless.

"Master, what's going on here?" Old Peng Wang felt that all this was so weird, and couldn't help asking.

"The life transformation of the Heavenly Snake Clan." Lin Fei pointed his backhand, and a flash of spiritual light struck Lao Peng Wang's brow.

At this moment, Lao Peng Wang was startled and saw the past of this monster.

He was indeed human.

The monster was originally named "Zeng Shun", a very common name.Like other human races on the Great Desolate Continent, they fled like bereaved dogs, panicking all day long.

But even so, they were captured by the Sky Serpents.The Celestial Serpents regard them as test subjects for a life-changing plan.

Half of the batch of human subjects died tragically during the experiment.Some were rotten and covered with abscesses, which turned into pus amidst the screams and howls; Bones; some legs melted with green smoke in the sound of "chi chi", and grew snake-like tails...

With Zeng Shun's appearance, he was the most "successful" experimental subject.Their bodies were fused with the life factors of the ten thousand races, and the unidentified medicinal liquid refined by the Heavenly Snakes, and they became like this.

But the Serpenti were disappointed.

Very disappointed.

What is the status of the Sky Snake Clan?Honghuang No.70 Eight Clans, even in their heyday, once ranked in the top ten!

Although this kind of creation is comparable to a monster with extraordinary bloodlines, it can open its mouth with the sword energy of Seventh Gold, and it is almost instinctive to practice, plunder, and compete for resources, but...it is too weak.This plan was almost completely shelved, except for a stubborn Snake scholar who was unwilling to give up and felt that it could be improved.

After many experiments, the Celestial Snake scholars discovered one thing in surprise—there are very few foods that can enhance the abilities of these monsters.Such as a kind of mushroom, which can breed the characteristics of growth and healing; a kind of red fruit, which can make them breed the power of the sun...

The Celestial Snake scholars were excited, and then discovered that these things all came from an area shrouded in strange mist.

So... this crazy scholar did not hesitate to break into this foggy land and set up an experimental base.

And this so-called scholar has a heavenly realm.

Lao Peng Wang instantly felt creepy, and felt that the forest was full of murderous intentions, as if he was about to die in the next moment without a place to bury him!

"Master, let's go! Heavenly Immortal, that's an immortal!" He said anxiously.

"So what about the gods?" Lin Fei sneered, with murderous intent in his eyes.

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