Hearing such words, Lao Pengwang's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Lin Fei in horror as if he had seen a ghost.

What about angels?

The sky is turned upside down in a single thought, the clouds and rain are turned into clouds, and the thunder falls in the flick of the sleeves. Even the tall and majestic mountains of the highest plane will collapse in an instant.Given the difference in nature, no matter how invincible an Earth Immortal Dzogchen powerhouse at the same level, it is hard to escape the end of body and spirit annihilation when encountering an existence that has just entered the Celestial Immortal realm.

But Lin Fei didn't pay attention to such a strong man?

Old Peng Wang didn't know that Lin Fei had a terrible trump card, and even killed a clone of Yong Yehou.Although Ye Wudi didn't let his opponents be wary this time, it is not difficult to compete with the gods, or even kill the weak ones.

He felt that Lin Fei might have a problem in his thinking, but there was no evidence.

"Master, you are not at the peak level, I think it's better to be careful!" Old Peng Wang said anxiously, hoping to dispel Lin Fei's thoughts.

This is euphemistic, but the meaning is already obvious.He thought that Lin Fei stood on a high place for too long, and his mind and posture did not change for a while.

"Then go back yourself." Lin Fei gave him a sideways glance.

Lao Peng shook his head hastily, and kept showing his loyalty, saying that he would follow his master through thick and thin.

In fact, he was timid, and he was afraid of offending Lin Fei, and he would be gone if the Yuan Ming Disk was broken.Second, after learning the information about the Heavenly Snake Clan scholars, I really felt that the dense forest was full of murderous threats, and I didn't dare to act alone.

Lin Fei didn't bother to pay attention to his thoughts, and just glanced at Zeng Shun who had turned into a monster.Immediately he sighed, pointed like a sword, and pierced through the latter's brow with a "chi".

It can be regarded as a relief for him.

"Let's go." Lin Fei said bluntly, looking for the traces of Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin again.

He was not afraid of that celestial strong man, but only worried about what happened to Zhao Yu and others.That Sky Snake scholar was cruel and treated the human race as experimental subjects like guinea pigs, so there was no way he would be merciful.

Lin Fei unfolded his consciousness, penetrated through layers of fog, and traveled through the dense forest at high speed, and soon found traces of human beings.

Pieces of tall trees collapsed, and there were fragments of trees and rocks everywhere, with blood dotted on them like splashed ink.There are also corpses of the prehistoric human race, either pierced through the body by sword energy, or torn by sharp claws, and there are residual broken arms and broken flesh and blood organs everywhere.

Similarly, there are also several corpses of "barren people".

Desolate man is the name of the Heavenly Serpent scholar for these transformed monsters.Its primordial spirit has been completely obliterated during the transformation, and a new spiritual wisdom has been bred like a corpse.Although it has left a memory, this tiny amount of intelligence is no different from a beast, and can only be regarded as a low-level biological weapon of the Celestial Snake Clan, or a wild beast raised in captivity.

"This is the trace left about two quarters of an hour ago." Lin Fei said firmly, sharper than the best forensic doctor.He rushed past like a thunderbolt, causing the wind to surge and the trees to roar.

"Wait for me!" Lao Pengwang became impatient and chased after him with all his strength, but he could only watch helplessly as the distance was opened.

At this moment, he finally felt deeply how unqualified his speed was for a mount.

At this moment, Zhao Yu and the others had already fallen into a hard fight, and their faces were pale.

Previously, they were chased and killed by a large number of unheard of monsters, fighting and fleeing all the way, but now they were surrounded by all directions.

At a glance, thousands of monsters are surrounded from all directions.

But the brutal fight that Zhao Yu imagined did not come. Amidst the unhurried melodious sound of the flute, these monsters stopped their movements collectively.Even though his eyes were red and bloodthirsty, and his mouth was dripping with saliva, he forcibly suppressed his instinct of predation.

"What the hell is this?!" An old human race man in the late Mahayana period had a horrified expression on his face, and there was a bloody paw print on his back, which was hard to heal.

"Why do I feel that they... kind of look like people?"


"Instead of arguing about what kind of monster it is, it's better to think about the current situation—these monsters seem to be controlled by the sound of the flute!"

Zhao Yu, as the only celestial strongman present, and a former official of the Heavenly Court, has more experience. Dang Li was full of despair, and smiled sadly: "It's the soul-stirring flute of the Heavenly Snake Clan... These monsters are the gods. Creation of the snake clan!"

The crowd was in an uproar, already showing signs of collapse without a fight, full of panic.

Heavenly Snake Clan, No. 70 Eight Clans of the Great Desolation!

At this moment, in a corner of the encirclement, the barren people spread out to both sides, giving way to a path.

Among them, there was a young man with a snake tail, holding a jade flute with black light flowing, and slowly crawled over without any hurry.The young man has a handsome face, but he has a domineering and flamboyant look, with a mocking smile.

And on his back, there are huge bat-like wings spread out.

Behind the young man, there are four subordinates with the same human body and snake tail, but they don't have wings on their backs. They are obviously the vassal race of the Sky Snake Clan, the Snake Clan.

The snake clan includes snakes, pythons, and anacondas. Among the three, the intelligent creatures are also a large race, ranking 2897.

The moment they saw them, everyone was terrified and felt great fear.

Not just for your own life and death.

In this forest, there is actually the existence of the Heavenly Snake Clan. Isn't Zhenbei City in danger?

"Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect to see human beings here." The boy of the Sky Snake tribe was full of pride, "You really dare to come here?"

He pretended to be stunned, and continued: "Oh, that's right. If I didn't hide in such a place, I'm afraid I would have been killed long ago."

Speaking of this, the boy from the Sky Snake Clan showed a cruel smile: "You guys came at the right time. First, my father's research has made some new progress, and he needs a lot of experimental subjects. Second..."

"Master, I'm hungry, I think the food in the Immortal Realm is delicious!"

He yelled violently, his face was extremely ferocious, and he ejected with a "snap" in an instant, leaving a huge pothole on the ground.


too fast!

The people present couldn't react at all, and Zhao Yu's eyes were about to burst, and when he held out the silver frisbee in his hand, he felt a gust of evil wind hit his face, followed by a sharp pain.


Blood spattered, and her arm holding the sword was chopped off by the silver Frisbee and immediately fell off.

In the blink of an eye, the boy from the Heavenly Snake Clan was so impressed with the silver frisbee that he sent it flying, roaring and cutting off Zhao Yu's arm.

Even the frisbee has been deformed and distorted, it is hard to imagine the strength of the latter's physical body.

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