"Death!" the boy of the Sky Snake Clan roared with hatred, and sacrificed a gleaming golden scale in an instant.

This scale is about the size of a washbasin, extremely smooth, without any messy texture on it.Like the scales of a golden dragon, it is filled with the terrifying aura of a real dragon, which is frightening.

"It's Lord Tian Yunheng's scales!" A strong snake clan exclaimed in shock. After being suppressed by the unimaginable blood of the race, he immediately fell to his knees on the ground, trembling and sweating profusely.

The other two snake clan powerhouses were also unbearable, and they were not much better.

Zhao Yu and the others also turned pale instantly, feeling an indescribable fear.She couldn't imagine the terrifying power contained in this scale, and her heart was in her throat for a moment, for fear that something bad happened to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was not at all surprised that the young man of the Heavenly Snake Clan had such a trump card—his father is a strong man in the realm of the Celestial Immortal, how could he not leave something for his son to save his life?

Almost at the moment when the boy from the Heavenly Snake Clan sacrificed this scale, he had already taken out the body of the Heavenly Demon and stood in front of him.


This scale absorbs the majestic and abundant immortal energy of the youth of the Sky Snake Clan, and even makes its huge body of a hundred meters shrivel up at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if its blood energy has been emptied.

The golden scales burst into a radiance like the scorching sun in an instant, dazzling and dazzling, making it difficult to look directly at.For a moment, the void roared, and the sky trembled.

The young man of the Sky Snake Clan aged instantly, and the horns on his head and sharp claws protruding from his body were all disappearing.A pair of majestic and extraordinary wings drooped weakly, his energy and spirit were extremely weak, his own scales were brittle, peeled off in the wind, and turned into ashes again.

Even the extremely tough and smooth snakeskin has lost its luster at this time, and is densely wrinkled, like dry bark, with intertwined lines.

At first glance, it looked like an old snake whose lifespan was nearing the end of its life, as if it would die on the spot in the next moment.

This is the result of Tian Yunheng's repeated training of this thing with the blood of a young man, allowing it to fuse to the greatest extent.Otherwise, just a mere half-step earthly immortal monk, even if he sacrificed his life here, he would never even think about mobilizing the weapon of the heavenly immortal!

"This human being is doomed!"

"Pretend to be a ghost, and dare to pretend to be the Ten Thousand Saints."

"Being able to push the young master into this situation is enough to be proud even if you die!"

The three monks of the Snake Clan spoke resolutely, having foreseen Lin Fei's tragic death.

They even felt that the young master was making a fuss out of a molehill, relying directly on the strength and sharpness of this thing, even if he didn't use immortal energy to move it, it would be enough to kill the human beings in front of him.

"Humans, it's time to say goodbye!" The Sky Snake boy shouted loudly, and finally threw out the golden scale.

boom -

Like a bright golden sun, it rushed towards Lin Fei brazenly.

The golden light shines in the world, the power of the gods covers the top, and it is a terrifying scene of destruction.

As the strong wind raged, the crowns of all kinds of tall and towering ancient trees collapsed, and sawdust and chaotic leaves fluttered in a mess.

This is a majestic force, even if it is above the sky, the energy level does not leak out, and the terrifying wind pressure still sweeps everything.Trees, ancient vines, barren people, even boulders covered with moss of tens of thousands of catties, were crushed to pieces in the first instant.

Countless people were terrified!

Just the wind and pressure it creates is so powerful, what will happen if it is hit by this scale?

Zhao Yu only felt a "bang" in his mind, like a thunderbolt, and it went blank.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Fei pushed out the body of the demon, and at the same time, he dodged to the side in a flash.



There was an extremely terrifying sound of gold and iron intersecting, except for Lin Fei and the boy from the Sky Snake Clan, everyone present was shocked.Most of the monks were bleeding from the seven orifices, dizzy, and felt tight in their chests.

The heads of dozens of weak desolate people exploded and shattered into blood mist.

The invisible sound wave was violent like a big wave, and it spread out to the surroundings, causing large trees to collapse.

The body of the demon was blasted obliquely to the ground by a single blow, and all tangible objects it passed were shattered, and it blasted away the solid rock layer like a meteor falling, sinking deep into the ground, causing the earth to Trembling violently, everything on the ground was shaking.

On the other side, the golden scale was seriously distorted and deformed, making a piercing and sharp sound, and was also ejected.

The cruel and cold smile on the face of the Heavenly Snake Clan boy froze instantly, his eyes stared as if they were about to burst out of their sockets, he was terrified for a moment, and tried his best to avoid it.

Unfortunately, it was too late.


Half of his body was directly blasted to pieces, and the primordial spirit also died instantly.

The twisted and deformed golden scales remained undiminished, tearing apart everything like a golden meteor, and blatantly smashed into the distance.


Amidst a terrifying loud noise, a golden mushroom cloud suddenly rose from a distant place.The energy trembled violently and swept around, causing the trees to collapse and be annihilated in the golden energy storm.

Its coverage area is extremely terrifying, and even outside the coverage area of ​​the energy storm, you can see pieces of trees and boulders being torn apart and thrown into the sky.

There was a sudden deathly silence in the audience, which was eerie and terrifying.

Only the trembling and roaring sound of the earth, and the "humming" sound in everyone's ears, seemed so clear.

Zhao Yu and the others looked at Lin Fei with shock and disbelief.

The latter looked calm, without any emotional fluctuations.

No matter how many ignorant and fearless barbarians there are, they just felt that they were free from restraint and suppression, and roared violently in an instant, attacking everyone frantically.What's more, they directly rushed to the half body of the boy from the Sky Snake Clan, full of uncontrollable desire to eat, wishing to gnaw all the bones into pieces and swallow them.

At the same time, the three Snake Clan, who were so frightened that they were about to lose control, yelled out.

"How is this possible? The young master sacrificed the master's scales, but was killed instead! What is the origin of that corpse!"

"Damn it, when are you still thinking about this?"

"Run away!"

The three snake tribes were terrified, and felt that their souls were trembling.

Unfortunately, all struggles were in vain.

"Puff puff--"

Three bucket-thick silver sword lights shot out fiercely, piercing the sky like a horse, and instantly killed the three snakes.

Then there was an invisible sword field unfolding, and sword qi intertwined into a death storm, strangling all the desolate people present in an instant!

There was a mess everywhere, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

All the prehistoric humans who escaped from death were all trembling for a while, and looked at Lin Fei blankly.

It's so fucking brutal, so violent that it's a mess!

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