I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 931 Don't Injure My Lord!


Zhao Yu, who had a broken arm and whose clothes were stained red with blood, knelt down and bowed to Lin Fei.

Her bright autumn eyes were filled with tears, and with a "boom", she kowtowed deeply, and said with a tearful tone of sincerity: "Little girl Zhao Yu, thank you for your kindness!"

Without Lin Fei, it would be hard for Zhao Yu to imagine the terrible situation she would have ended up in.

No, not just her....

Those iron-blooded monks present, those comrades-in-arms who fought with her in the suffering and defended the bleak path of survival of the human race, will also perish here.Even if it weren't for Lin Fei, all of their group of more than 3000 people would have died at the hands of Gou Dongxi!

"Thank you for the great kindness of the Heavenly Lord!" All the monks present also roared loudly, and knelt down on the ground amidst the continuous "plop" sound, and kowtowed deeply.Many good men have red eyes, tears in their tiger eyes, and emotional agitation in their hearts, which cannot be added.

They have personally experienced the history of blood and tears of the human race, and witnessed too many tragedies.This prehistoric continent looks glorious, with thousands of races and heroes rising side by side, it is a world of great contention.But for the human race, it was an out-and-out hell.

In this deep and desperate darkness like hell, Lin Fei let them see a ray of light.

In their eyes, Lin Fei is not just a lifesaver.

It is the hope of the human race, the savior of the entire prehistoric human race!

Seeing the golden scale sacrificed by the boy of the Sky Snake Tribe earlier, many people present thought that Lin Fei must die, and felt unspeakable helplessness and despair for a while, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

They couldn't imagine that after losing Lin Fei, what else was waiting for the prehistoric human race?

Perhaps, there is only death and extinction.

At that moment, some people even wished that Lin Fei hadn't come to rescue them.I would rather die at the hands of the Heavenly Snake Clan, or even accept the torture of being worse than death, and be transformed into a monster like a barren man.

Only if Lin Fei is alive, can the human race have the hope of making a comeback, and will not be reduced to extinction!

That infinite hatred caused too many prehistoric humans to give up life and death, just hoping that the human race could rise again and kill that cruel ten thousand races to wither!

"Get up, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, you go back first." Lin Fei sighed unrecognizably, and then everyone stood up.

"Tianzun, you..." Zhao Yu lowered his head and wiped away his tears, bit his lips, and finally said, "It's too risky. It's not worth it for us."

Faced with such words, many people present nodded and echoed.

You know, if Lin Fei doesn't come, they are really dead, and even if they die, there will be no peace.If this kind of scene is seen by the outside world, I'm afraid they will think it is extremely absurd and unimaginable, and even think that this group of people is talking against their will.

"A mere little snake is not enough." Lin Fei smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

Everyone looked at the incomparably huge corpse of the sky snake in unison, their expressions were strange for a moment, and they even wanted to complain a little.

Is this just a little snake?

But at this moment, Old Peng Wang came late, panting, and still pretending to roar: "Don't hurt my lord, I will fight with you!"

Everyone turned their eyes in unison again, and looked at Old Peng Wang with an even more strange expression.

This guy looks loyal and ready to fight to the death with the enemy, so how come the timing of his appearance is so coincidental?I didn't see anyone during the war, but they are here now?

In fact, Lao Pengwang really didn't want to get involved in danger.After hearing the news about the Sky Snake Clan, he didn't want to join in at all.

Especially in the previous fight, the power caused by it was so terrifying that Lao Peng Wang simply stopped moving forward.The golden sun and the mushroom cloud that exploded after that scared him even more so that he almost turned around and ran away.

Lin Fei smiled but pointedly said: "Is this the ceiling speed? It's really unpredictable. I'm afraid that if I fight that little snake for half an hour, it will take half an hour for you to get here, right? "

Old Peng Wang's face turned blue and white, and said awkwardly: "I was not affected by the fog, I went the wrong way for a while..."

Lin Fei ruthlessly exposed: "I have traveled all this way, and I have never covered my tracks."

No matter the footprints, the trees destroyed by the rampage, or the crushed rocks, they simply pointed the way.Even if he can't develop his spiritual sense at all, as long as he is not blind, he can see where he is going...

Facing the contemptuous eyes of all the humans, Old Peng Wang felt a burst of anger from embarrassment.

Anyway, I am also a strong person, right?Tianzun said it's fine for me, I'm very shameless if you do this!

Lin Fei shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to this embarrassing thing.

It's fine to be greedy for life and afraid of death, and I didn't expect him to be of any help.The key is to show loyalty and earn performance. After the battle, I popped up and yelled "Don't hurt my lord"...

"Put away all the corpses of the alien race. Old Peng Wang, go and retrieve that golden scale." Lin Fei walked towards Zhao Yu after saying these words.

Zhao Yu saw that the mythical being of the human race was getting closer and closer to him, and inexplicably thought of the warmth and touch of being embraced by him in despair earlier, his face blushed and his heart beat faster for a moment.

Lin Fei's palm radiated a clear light, as blue as the sky, pure and pure, and he lightly tapped the center of her brow with two fingers.

Zhao Yu trembled all over, and then completely stiffened, feeling numbness between his brows.That day, the brand of the Snake Clan gradually faded until it disappeared.

Immediately after Lin Fei rotated the immortal yuan again, the emerald green light flowed, and the majestic life energy burst out in an instant, rushing towards Zhao Yu's broken arm.

"Tianzun, you don't have to—" Zhao Yu was flattered and hurriedly said.

To restore the broken arm of a human immortal, the consumption of immortal energy is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary monks, and the essence of life of the two is at different levels.

For example, a elixir that is enough to bring back the monk of Dongxu from the dead is nothing worth mentioning to the powerful life essence of human immortals, and it can be regarded as completely useless.

"Stop talking nonsense. My person is hurt, how can I just sit back and watch?" Lin Fei interrupted her words lightly.

my people?

Zhao Yu's face turned even redder all of a sudden. Although he knew that Lin Fei meant his subordinates, he still couldn't hold back his fantasies.This made her feel extremely ashamed for a while-what am I thinking?

Lin Fei saw through his little daughter's thoughts at a glance, but he just laughed it off and didn't care.

Accompanied by the flow of emerald green waves, Zhao Yu's severed arm was quickly reborn.Not only that, even the surrounding destroyed vegetation is growing rapidly, from withered to lush in just an instant.

After Lin Fei went to search for the body of the demon, Zhao Yu still looked at his back with fascination.

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