I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 937 Silver Winged Roc King?go plow

Ji Yaoguang took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and secretly called out a name, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

The wind came from nowhere, blowing layers of curtains and her black and beautiful hair.

The illusory lotus flowers are swaying and blooming, stained with crystal clear dew, emitting a faint fragrance.Blossoming lotus flowers are swaying gently in the wind, like a lotus pond after a new rain on an empty mountain, natural and peaceful.

Ji Yaoguang's brows had a brand of lotus flowers emerging, and he slowly opened his eyes.There is no longer a little bit of confusion and hesitation in the eyes, but they have turned into tranquility and clarity like a lake, and are more gentle and easy-going like a spring breeze.

Empress Yaoguang looked at the document in front of her, showing a hint of dumbness, then smiled and shook her head: "Are you asking me what I think? Yes, my reincarnation is too young, just a silly girl... ..”

When she smiled, it was like the wind clearing the moon, like Meng Xia's acacia tree just blooming.

Empress Yaoguang stretched out her hand and grasped it in the void, and the brilliance condensed and gathered between her fingers into a purple hair brush for writing lower script.She wrote briskly, her nose trembled slightly, and with a gentle smile, she stopped writing almost instantly and put it on the edge of the inkstone.

There are only four understated words, extremely delicate, and at a glance, it reminds people of a well-educated girl in a boudoir.

"Nothing is allowed."

Empress Yaoguang never thought of fighting for anything, let alone monopolizing Lin Fei.Even when she appeared too late, she could only look up at Lin Fei at one point, watching the fairies surround Lin Fei.

Up to this point, Empress Yaoguang could still think of her admiration and self-conscious insignificance at the beginning—the other party was the Wansheng Tianzun who could shake the multiverse with a single thought, and she was just a little girl of the human race, and the gap could no longer be measured. …

Time has passed, and Empress Yaoguang thought of her early love as a little girl, but she just smiled reminiscingly and reminiscingly, and she was extremely relieved.

"My reincarnation," she murmured in a low voice, whether it was for herself or Ji Yaoguang, "I can accept Lin Fei's wives and concubines, not only because of the cultural differences created by different times."

"Perhaps in the eyes of all beings in the multiverse, Lin Fei is very brilliant and enviable. But he... is actually very lonely. It's not that he's been alone for a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years, but for more than 1 million years!"

"Can you imagine the boundless world, without a single intelligent being, drinking alone for thousands of years?"

Empress Yaoguang was silent for a moment, then sighed softly: "You and I are different, you don't have to care about my thoughts. But since you asked me, then I will tell you my thoughts."

"To be pitied by the king, the concubine's body is enough."

"Don't say that Lin Fei has a group of wives and concubines, even if one day he wants to destroy this multiverse... I am also standing beside him! Maybe in the eyes of others, I am the empress of Yaoguang, but in fact—" She smiled "I just want to be his little girl."

"That's all."

Empress Yaoguang whispered, and slowly closed her eyes.The dreamlike lotus flowers around her swayed and withered, turning into bits of streamer and spreading away, and the imprint between her eyebrows also dissipated.

After Ji Yaoguang woke up, she looked at the words "Nothing is allowed" with an extremely complicated expression, and was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, a sigh echoed in the hall.

"I probably understand why Lin Fei has such a deep affection for you." She muttered to herself, recalling Empress Yaoguang's previous words, and felt deeply shocked.

Empress Yaoguang didn't fight or snatch, but Lin Fei rejected all women for him, no matter how beautiful fairies and witches they were, they ignored them all, and waited persistently for 3000 years!

A sentence "Even if this multiverse is going to be destroyed one day, I will stand by his side."

A sentence "I just want to be his little woman".

The calm and soft tone has an unquestionable certainty, as if everything is so natural.

Who can compare?

Ji Yaoguang smiled wryly and shook his head, staring at the document in a daze.In the end, just set it aside temporarily.

"Let's deal with other documents first."

She seems to have forgotten.

As long as no corrections are made, the words "everything is allowed" means agreeing to the content of the document.


When Lin Fei returned to Zhenbei City, Yin Chenglin, Zhao Yu and other people who were looking forward to it immediately swarmed over.

This left him a little speechless.

It's just a trip out of the city and back, as for?

It's like this every time, do you still want to start work?

"Tianzun, how is it? Did you kill that Tian Yunheng?" Yin Chenglin was overjoyed. Seeing that Lin Fei returned safely, he naturally thought that he had eliminated such a formidable enemy.

"No." Lin Fei shook his head, "He's not in the cave, but he escaped."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all showed regret.But it's just a pity, not too much worry.

As long as Tianzun sits here, are you afraid that he will not be able to kill him?

"But I robbed his cave." Lin Fei smiled lightly.

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened, and all of them looked at him with incomparable blazing gazes.

That is the cave of a strong celestial being, God knows what harvest it will bring!

Moreover... it is outrageous to loot the cave of a strong celestial being in the realm of human immortality.This news alone is enough to greatly boost morale, and make these long-suppressed humans let out a bad breath and cheer them up.

"Stop gossip, let's talk about business." Lin Fei waved his hand, making everyone quiet, staring at him intently.

"I plundered the ancestral land of the Dog Clan, a territory of the Tengu Clan, and the Immortal Cave. Now I have obtained a lot of treasures, most of which are immature and need to be planted."

"Yin Chenglin, Zhao Yu, the two of you are in charge of the relevant matters. For the time being, transfer your own people first. Afterwards, when the labor reformers are selected, they will join your team together. By the way, Yin Peng, that shameful guy, will also be together. I leave it to you to manage, if he dares to be lazy, he will beat him to death without reporting to me."

Old Peng Wang just had a shy face and leaned over to flatter him, but when he heard this, his eyes almost popped out: "Tianzun, I—"

"Huh? Do you have an opinion?" Lin Fei glanced at him lightly.

Lao Peng Wang frowned instantly, swallowed his saliva, and said with a smile: "No... no problem! I like farming, and farming is the best. I can feel the satisfaction of labor and the joy of harvest!"

Everyone immediately burst out laughing, which made him very embarrassed, and felt desolate in his heart.Anyway, he is also a strong man of the third and ninth ranks of human immortality, how did he get mixed up to the point where he was collectively ridiculed by these weak people?

In any case, the planting plan in Zhenbei City began to develop in full swing.

A large amount of spiritual soil was poured out and piled up in the planting area like hills and hills.

Lao Peng Wang is still complaining about himself.

"I am the King of Silver Winged Peng, but I am plowing the land here?"

As soon as he made such a complaint, he heard Yin Chenglin shout: "Yin Peng, Tianzun asked you to change back to your original shape and act as a farming ox!"

Old Peng Wang jumped up with a "crack"!

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