I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 938 Benefiting all people!

"I don't accept it! I want to see Tianzun, and I have done my best for Tianzun!" Old Peng Wang growled and protested, almost dying of anger.

The crowd burst into laughter again, which made Lao Peng Wang even more annoyed.

However, after Yin Chenglin took out a thing, the latter immediately looked like an eggplant beaten by frost—it was gone.

Lin Fei handed over to Yin Chenglin the fate disk containing a wisp of the soul of the old Peng king.

"This is fundamentally racial discrimination!" Lao Pengwang was angry in his heart, but surrendered shamefully to reality.

As a result, an extremely absurd scene appeared in Zhenbei City.

The silver-winged roc of the third and ninth ranks of human immortality was actually being used as a farming ox.He changed back to the original shape of the silver roc, which looked very powerful, but it was a pity that he was dragging a huge plow behind him.

Yin Chenglin, the "supervisor", was still sitting on its back, whipping it up and down with a whip from time to time.

The old Peng Wang strongly condemned and protested seriously, thinking that he was abusing his power and causing "peng physical harm" to himself: "You wait! I will sue you at Tianzun, and I will designate no good fruit for you!"

Yin Chenglin didn't care at all: "Okay! Anyway, this is the meaning of Tianzun, if you don't accept it, go and talk to Tianzun."

The old Peng king stopped his flag and drums in an instant, and said angrily: "Oh, it's the meaning of Tianzun, then it's all right."

In the vast planting area, many monks are busy.Different from ordinary people's farming, they appear to be extremely efficient, showing their own special abilities, and even letting themselves go, a scene of demons dancing wildly.

"Drink!" A monk in the Mahayana realm yelled, and a large piece of spiritual soil was blown away from the air, spread evenly on the bluestone slab, and built layer by layer, so that the soil reached a sufficient thickness.

For some spirit trees, their root systems can grow to extremely deep places, and the shallow soil layer cannot allow them to grow normally.

Immediately afterwards, several monks flew past, and with a wave of their fingers, several flying swords shuttled like streamers.Its sword energy entangled with the thickness of a bucket escaped straight into the ground, and passed through it with the sound of "booming", opening up a series of gullies, making a lot of hard soil in it soft.

Someone cast a water spell on the spot, condensing water dragons, which exploded in mid-air, and "artificial rainfall" came, soaking the dry soil;

Someone separated the space and allowed a high-quality elixir to be planted, and then the surrounding soil surged to completely cover its root system;

Someone exerted a keen divine sense, and his figure was as nimble as a breeze, shuttling among the elixir plants, picking the bugs on them;

The old Peng Wang was like a silver streamer, crazily shuttled back and forth on the soil, and behind him was the sky full of smoke and dust, and the soil was scattered, which was comparable to a small sandstorm...

Even the son of Lao Peng Wang was not spared, and was "caught strong men" and sent to eat worms.

And the Shuilanxing people who had nothing to do and came to watch suddenly let out a gasp of amazement, and some even applauded.

"As expected of a cultivator! I am amazed even by farming, it's amazing!"

"It's amazing, I want to farm like them in the future!"

"With this kind of efficiency, I'm afraid we can finish the work today, right? This social productivity... Sigh, I suddenly feel that the technological production speed of our Water Blue Star is simply a joke."

Hearing such praise, Lao Peng Wang couldn't feel proud at all, and even had the urge to cry.

"A crime!"


On the other hand, Lin Fei intends to make the results of the day public.With the publicity of the cultivator's spiritual thoughts, the whole city knew about his feat, and there was a great sensation for a while.

"Oh my god! They looted the Dog Clan, the Tengu Clan, and even a Celestial Immortal Cave?!"

"Tianzun led us to this city for one day, and made such a feat. After that day..."

"Hiss! I can't think about it for too long, this Great Desolate Continent is about to change!"

"There will also be a Heavenly Snake and Tengu Feast in the evening. Oh my god, all qualified citizens have a share?! It's too exciting to eat the meat of the two top [-] races!"

The races of all major races were incomparably ebullient, and too many creatures felt a burst of enthusiasm, proud of being a member of Zhenbei City, proud of being a subject under Lin Fei's jurisdiction, and felt an unprecedented sense of honor and belonging.

Especially for human beings, this earth-shaking change in the situation has brought tears to the eyes of many suffering people.

In addition, Lin Fei's various systems are all owned by the continuation of the Heavenly Court, with clear rewards and punishments, as long as you pay, you will get something.For a time, the hearts of the entire Zhenbei City were united, and the enthusiasm for work was high.

Many creatures are vying for the stage when nothing is happening in the city, thinking about what to do.A complete city must have the rise of many industries and trade exchanges, and this is no exception in the cultivation world.

"I'm good at refining weapons, why not open a magic shop!"

"Well, the old man has nothing else to do in his life, but he is excellent at cooking. If he wants to open a restaurant and buy some food that can help his practice, he can live a good life. In the past, he was in a homeless life. I really didn't expect that there would be such a day that the hero would have Useful place..."

"I am proficient in surveying the veins of the earth. I expect to join the special forces and go out to search and cultivate the veins!"

"I'm proficient in tea ceremony. I want to be the first to open a tea shop in the city, and I can earn a lot of money, right?"

If intelligent creatures only pursue basic material needs, it is really sad, which shows that their life is really bad.As long as the social environment and personal resources reach a certain level, spiritual enjoyment will inevitably be pursued.

Some people have even signed the paperwork and asked the City Lord's Mansion for instructions: "Can I open a brothel?"

This is actually a scary thing to think about.

After all... How long has it been since Lin Fei arrived in Beicheng, this town?

And the change of the people in this city is the result he wants.He even proposed the concept of "low-interest loans". As long as you make a plan and submit an application, you can review and decide whether to grant loans to promote the development of commerce in the city.

Lin Fei carried a jug of fine wine from Xiang Ling, lay wantonly on the roof of the City Lord's Mansion, and took a few sips.The rich and fragrant aroma of wine spread between the lips and teeth, followed by a hot line of fire, pouring into the stomach along the esophagus, and then burning.

Hearty, very enjoyable.

He casually threw the jug on the beams of the roof, put his hands behind his head, and lay comfortably on the glazed tiles.

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the white clouds in the sky, and unfolded his consciousness. Feeling the bustling atmosphere in the city, listening to everyone's eager discussions, he showed a slight smile.

When creatures of different races saw this scene, they all looked up with yearning and reverence on their faces.

Among them are many young and beautiful girls, no matter what ethnicity they come from, they all appear in human form, and their faces are full of admiration.

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