I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 945 Heavenly Snake Torture

"Who?!" Hearing this female voice, Yin Chenglin was terrified instantly and turned his head away.

Everyone panicked in an instant, and they used magic weapons one after another.

Everyone knows that such a sudden appearance of a person, even Yin Chenglin has not noticed...

The strength of the incoming people is far beyond what they can match.

Tian Xiaoxue's figure slowly appeared in front of everyone, immediately making everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar and felt a biting chill.

"Sky Snake!" Yin Chenglin exclaimed in surprise, and there was a bang in his mind, like a thunderbolt.


"It's really hard work for you," Tian Xiaoxue showed a sneering smile, "Help me break the restriction left by the Heavenly Court, and mine these three thousand catties of spirit stones. Tsk tsk, but why am I still not satisfied?"

"Ants are ants. The efficiency of mining is so slow that my aunt has to wait for a whole day. Sigh, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't have to take risks, so I reluctantly accept it."

She shrugged and spread her hands, a disapproving attitude.

"Run!" Yin Chenglin yelled violently, unable to think of confrontation at all, and immediately turned into a streamer and wanted to escape.

Not only him, but all the creatures present were not idiots, and at the same time, they all showed their abilities and wanted to escape.

Or sacrifice various magic weapons, such as flying swords, plantain fans, small boats, picture scrolls, etc.;

Or turn into the original form, wanting to win by virtue of the speed advantage of the race, such as birds, rats, etc.;

Or display all kinds of supernatural powers, such as burning energy and blood, changing shape and changing shadow, escaping into the earth, hiding body shape, etc.

For a time, it was like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and various methods emerged in endlessly, in all directions.

However, in the miraculous scene, Tian Xiaoxue just opened her red lips lightly and spit out a word.


In an instant, no matter what methods the monks used, they were all unable to move at all, and were frozen in place.

At this moment, Yin Chenglin was terrified in his heart, and said in shock: "Heaven's Body Fixation Technique! You have stolen the Heavenly Court's inheritance!"

"As for being so surprised?" Tian Xiaoxue smiled contemptuously, the snake's tail dragged across the ground, and slowly came to Yin Chenglin.

Yin Chenglin didn't even have the extravagant hope of blowing himself up.

This is the complete heavenly court fixation technique, and it has even been practiced to the state of "one word can fix the sea of ​​​​qi".

There are four realms in the fixed body technique.

The first realm is to simply fix the opponent's physical body.Haotian created this technique, and when it has been cultivated to such a level, it has repeatedly built miraculous skills against alien races with strong physical bodies, which can force the opponent to give up the most advantageous physical body and fight decisively with the primordial spirit.

In the second realm, you can fix the opponent's physical body and turn it into a cage, imprisoning the primordial spirit in it so that it cannot escape.At this level, if the opponent is pinned down, the opponent is almost a fish waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

But Haotian met an extremely staunch bull. After realizing this, he didn't even bother to say a word, and blew himself up.Haotian was almost killed on the spot, and escaped to the territory of the sheep clan with his last breath. He escaped under the protection of the kind sheep clan.

Haotian is amazingly talented, adhering to the endless bloody luck, and created the third realm after learning lessons.

The third state is "a single word will set the sea of ​​Qi".The physical body cannot be moved, the primordial spirit cannot be released, the sea of ​​energy cannot be used, and even self-destruction is an extravagant hope.

As for the fourth realm... that's too far away, only the emperors of the past have used it.

"Tell me, why are you able to break the restriction of the Heavenly Court?" Tian Xiaoxue raised her head, contemptuously contemptuous of Yin Chenglin.

Yin Chenglin smiled.

Although he couldn't make a smiling expression, his divine sense clearly showed that he was smiling: "You're scared."

"Am I afraid? Hahaha!" Tian Xiaoxue let out a series of unscrupulous sarcasm laughter, "Are you afraid of an ant under your feet?"

Yin Chenglin sneered with his spiritual thoughts: "You are afraid that I will have the restriction of the heavens in my mind. Even if the heavens have collapsed for 3000 years, even if your cultivation is far beyond my imagination, but—so what?"

"Your fear of the prehistoric Heavenly Court has been deeply imprinted in your bone marrow! What kind of high-ranking and strong man, I bah, is just a soft-footed bug ruled by the Heavenly Court!"

Tian Xiaoxue's complexion changed drastically, and Dang Lian shot like lightning.


Blood splattered, and one of Yin Chenglin's arms was torn off abruptly, and he was sweating coldly from the pain.

"Have you poked your sore spot?" He was so strong that he even roared with his divine sense, "Come on! Probe into my sea of ​​consciousness and see if I have any restrictions left by the heavens!"

Tian Xiaoxue showed her murderous intent, and showed a cruel smile: "You don't really think that provoking me will make your death more dignified, right? No, you are wrong, it will only make your death more humble and uglier , even more ridiculous!"

As her voice fell, a strand of hair fell out.It turned into a finger-long snake as if it was alive.

These little snakes wrapped around Yin Chenglin's body like vines.


The little snake neighed, its cold and slippery body crawled over Yin Chenglin's body, and then began to gnaw.

"Ah!!" Yin Chenglin screamed with his divine sense, which could be called heart-piercing.These little snakes released a strange toxin, which amplified the pain countless times, and it was a hellish devastation.

"The teeth of these little snakes are very small, about the size of a grain of rice." Tian Xiaoxue showed a cruel smile, "So they will take a long time to completely bite your flesh, how many bites will they take?"

Blood stained Yin Chenglin's clothes red.

The slight sound of snakes nibbling flesh and crushing bones was so clear under the keen sense of the practitioners.

The torture process was extremely long, Yin Chenglin was such a tough guy, even tears were seeping from his tiger's eyes.At this moment, his cheeks were already covered in blood and flesh, bones could be seen on most of his face, and his gums were exposed, making him look extremely horrifying.Even from top to bottom, there is not a single piece of intact flesh and blood!

When the little snakes came out, there was blood and minced meat at the corners of their mouths, which made everyone feel their scalps go numb.

"Wasting time with ants, I'm really self-degrading." Tian Xiaoxue sighed, with a look of regret, turned to look at the others, showing a threatening smile, "Who else wants to end up with him? , despite concealing the news."

"My lord... ah no, the noble fairy of the Heavenly Snake Clan!" A Flame Rat hurriedly said with a divine sense, "This is what Ye Wudi, the emperor of the past, taught us. He is in Zhenbei City!"

Tian Xiaoxue's complexion changed instantly, her tone was extremely sharp, and she stared straight at the timid flame mouse like a knife: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"It's absolutely true, I dare not hide anything from the fairy!" The Flaming Mouse was afraid that she would not believe it.

Tian Xiaoxue sneered, and boldly used the soul search technique to find out about his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I don't believe it anymore, the most hated and filthy race of the human race is also banned by the powerful in the heavens!"

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