I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 946 Hesitate, you will lose

Rats have always been disliked by all races, mainly related to their living habits, and are known as one of the "Four Plagues of the Wild".

In the long history of the Great Desolate Continent, the rankings of the Ten Thousand Clans fluctuated, and the Rat Clan even ranked No. [-] at the most glorious peak moment.This is mainly related to their strong reproductive ability and population base.

Just imagine how many rat creatures are there on the earth?According to the inaccurate estimates of scientists, it should be around 150 billion.

What about the entire Great Desolate Continent, which is as large as the Cosmic Plane?

No matter how unbearable the cultivation talent of this race is, as long as there is only one genius out of a base of [-] million, this is an extremely terrifying number.Any race, as long as it can open up a sea of ​​​​qi, with such a terrifying base, its rise is inevitable!

But this Rat Clan is so fucking hated by all races!

"When a mouse crosses the street, everyone shouts to kill it." This is one of the few truths that is universally accepted by all races.

Frequently looting and destroying the spiritual fields of other clans, he is cautious and fast.The Rat Clan hardly had the idea of ​​working and reclaiming land by themselves, and their nature of stealing and plundering was deeply imprinted in their blood inheritance.

Moreover, their vitality is extremely tenacious, and they can venture into many dangerous places.It often carries all kinds of outrageous plagues, ranging from hurting young people and newborns with insufficient cultivation of thousands of races, to directly spreading the infection on a large scale, and suffering from immortals and below.

Even the Rat Race can use these toxins for their own use, and practice plague-related spells, and their destructive power and influence will increase with the improvement of their cultivation.Once upon a time, there was a silver-footed golden-maned thunder mouse that could cast spells to spread the plague. Relying on its cultivation in the golden fairy realm, it simply changed the color of all people.

Until the establishment of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, the glory of the Rat Clan was forced to come to an end.

Haotian killed the two ancestors of the rat clan and issued a "mouse killing order".So far, the Rat Race has been killed to wither, but relying on its terrifying number base and reproductive ability, it is still killing them endlessly.

all in all.

The Great Desolate Heavenly Court wished to exterminate the Rat Clan, how could it be possible to recruit them as members?Absurd!

Tian Xiaoxue is not illiterate, and has learned enough historical knowledge in the clan.It was precisely because she knew this very well that she was so bold and directly searched the sea of ​​consciousness of the flame rat in front of her.

Soon, she got the information she wanted.

"Not only Ye Tiandi, but also Wansheng Tianzun?!" Tian Xiaoxue was startled at first, and then showed a greedy and cruel smile, "Hahaha, God helped me!"

There is an information error here.

Tian Xiaoxue knew that Lin Fei had killed her younger brother, but she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and she even wanted to applaud her.Without a younger brother, there is one less precious cultivation resource to share with him!

As for the body of the demon... Yin Chenglin, who has been wandering between life and death all year round, has a cautious mind beyond imagination.He knew that this was Zhenbei City's biggest trump card right now, and before leading the team to set off, he had already erased everyone's relevant memories.

The Flame Mouse only knew the information that Lin Fei claimed, that he had robbed the cave of the Celestial Immortal, but he didn't know how he did it.

"What else can I do? A mere human being can loot the Celestial Immortal's cave. It's clear that my good brother brought him into my father's cave to save his life!" Tian Xiaoxue sneered inwardly, feeling disgusted and disgusted.

Looking at people with tinted glasses, naturally you can only draw wrong judgments.

Tian Xiaoxue disliked her younger brother very much, and believed that he was suppressed by Lin Fei, and he couldn't even use the scale given by his father.Then he chose to surrender in an extremely shameful manner and lured wolves into the house.

"Humans, you still have the value of live experiments. As for other ants—" she sneered, and transformed into her real body in an instant.


This is a colorful giant snake that looks as if it is highly poisonous.Its size is as huge as a hill, and its tail is coiled in circles, which is extremely shocking.The pair of wings behind him spread out, blocking the light and casting a large shadow.

She opened her mouth and sucked in, and all the foreign races present were swept by the violent suction force, and they were swallowed by her in an instant, turning into blood.

The Flaming Rat was not spared either.

Tian Xiaoxue revealed her true body for only a moment, and then turned into a half-snake, half-human form again.She threw out a jade gourd casually, and directly included everyone in it, her eyes became more and more excited.

"Zhenbei City, here I come!"

If you hesitate, you will lose.

With such an opportunity, it is natural to have it all to yourself!


"Huh? Compulsory education?!" Ji Yaoguang's exquisite face was full of astonishment.

In the political hall, all the people who participated in the meeting had almost the same wonderful expressions.

This is so new.

Only Lin Fei seemed to be interested, and looked at the Shuilan star who proposed the proposal with a half-smile.

"That's right." The Water Bluestar politician noticed Lin Fei's gaze, and tried his best to suppress his excitement, "I hope to popularize cultivation and carry out systematic and hierarchical education."

Ji Yaoguang had a strange look on her face. She had already thought of textbooks such as "Five Years of Foundation Building, Three Years of Simulation", and felt that it was extremely subversive.

what is this?Modern science comprehension?

"Compared with the system of cultivating sects, this has not changed much. For example, the comprehensive courses you mentioned are also available in many sects, covering alchemy, weapon refining, identification of heaven and earth treasures, and practice of magic formulas. There is no point in changing the soup without changing the medicine.”

"Even if it's the... college entrance examination you mentioned? There is a similar assessment in the realm of comprehension, which is the selection system of the big sects in the small sects." You Yue retorted, "But you reminded me, I was indeed negligent , should take into account the popularization of cultivation.”

"Many residents in the city have extremely incomplete cultivation knowledge, and no one has provided corresponding guidance. And the few people who have knowledge should also have a place to use."

Everyone started discussing immediately, and they all took the attitude of "seeking things in their positions".

But at this moment, an unexpected guest was ushered in at the gate of the city.

The setting sun melts gold, and Zhenbei City is dyed with a layer of orange-red light by the setting sun, which is more majestic and ancient, full of vicissitudes of time.

"Lin Fei, Ye Wudi, quickly get out and die!" The woman's icy voice resounded through the world, like rolling thunder.

In an instant, the faces of countless creatures in the city changed.And the moment he saw the person coming, he was frightened and frightened.

"It's from the Sky Snake Clan!"

"Run, the Sky Snakes are coming!"

"Tianzun help!"

Tian Xiaoxue perched in the air, overlooking this majestic city from a high position, seeing all the ants running away in a hurry, she immediately showed a touch of sarcasm.

She pointed out casually.

"Puff puff--"

Hundreds of alien races died on the spot, turning into blood mist, which was sucked into Tian Xiaoxue's stomach in one gulp.

Lin Fei, who was in the political hall, changed his face, and his whole body was full of murderous intent. He stepped forward, and the golden road stretched under his feet, and his figure was already facing Tian Xiaoxue in mid-air.

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