I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 947 If you are decisive, you will give it for nothing

Tian Xiaoxue came aggressively, and his attacks were fierce and brutal.From her point of view, these beings in front of her eyes are all ants, and if they are killed, they will be killed, and they don't even need half a word of nonsense.

"You are the Ten Thousand Saints?" There was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, "However, you dare to act fiercely in Yunheng Mansion in the mere realm of immortality? Well, I will kill you today and take back everything my father has!"

Lin Fei's face was cold, and he sacrificed the body of the demon directly: "A mere little snake, how dare you come to Zhenbei City to be presumptuous? Even if your father comes, I will tell him to come and go!"

Tian Xiaoxue seemed to have heard a big joke, and immediately laughed out loud without any restraint: "Lin Fei, are you out of your mind? Don't you kneel down and beg for mercy in front of the strong Earth Immortal, and dare to speak nonsense here? Do you think you are still invincible?"

After her words fell, the whole city was in an uproar.

"Earth Immortal powerhouse of the Heavenly Snake Clan!"

"It's over, it's dead!"

The old Peng Wang reacted the fastest, and he pulled Yin Chenglin with a "swish" and flew past, wishing to run as far as he could.

Even bringing Zhao Yu was not out of righteousness, it was simply Yin Chenglin who went out and handed the Yuan Ming Pan to Zhao Yu...

"What are you doing?!" Zhao Yu stared.

"Can't you see? Run away, run for your life!" Old Peng Wang also widened his eyes, with a confident look, "Lin Fei is doomed, the city is destroyed and everyone is dying, you still want to die with him? It’s okay if you want to die, just return the Yuan Ming Pan to me first!”

Zhao Yu was so angry that he almost jumped up: "Who told you that Tianzun is going to die? The one who will die is the woman from the Snake Clan that day! Also——didn't you say that you will go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for Tianzun, and you will die?"

At one point, she wanted to destroy the Yuan ming chart and kill this shameful bastard.

Even if you really feel that there is nothing you can do and want to survive, can you bring some more people along?This posture of wanting to fly alone is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

"Hold my Yuan Fate, don't do anything stupid. When I take refuge in the Peng Clan, I will definitely let you eat and drink with me!" The old Peng King said with certainty, his face full of seriousness.

Zhao Yu just wanted to complain: Just you?I'm afraid it wasn't because he wanted to take refuge in the Peng Clan, so that the strong man suddenly took control of him, and even killed him in seconds, so as to get back his Yuan Fate...

Even this possibility is still very big!

"Definitely!" Tian Xiaoxue sneered, a playful look flashed in her eyes, as if Lin Fei was just a plaything in her palm, which could be rounded or flattened at will.


There was a lotus pond of chaos unfolding around Lin Fei's body, and at the same time, his soul directly came out of his body and entered the body of the demon.


An invisible and strange force directly tore a passage from the lotus pond.Although the speed has slowed down, it still penetrates everything between lightning and flint, and rushes straight to the body of the demon.

"Oh my god, the Chaos Lotus Pond has been broken!"

"What happened to that female corpse?"

"You don't care about his situation, this heavenly snake is using the Heavenly Court Immobilization Technique, it's dead now!"

The body of the demon was motionless, as if it was imprisoned.

"Tut tsk tsk," Tian Xiaoxue looked arrogant, and with a slight sway of the snake tail, she came to Lin Fei, the body of the demon, "Is this the Ten Thousand Saints? It's so ridiculous that he even took a woman The dead body came out. Why, do you think that a mere dead body can turn defeat into victory for you? It’s just...the dog jumped the wall in a hurry, hahaha!"

Lin Fei sneered in his heart, and responded with his spiritual thoughts: "You are already dead."

"What?" Tian Xiaoxue was stunned for a moment, and then almost laughed out loud, "What a waste—"

She couldn't utter the next word, and it turned into a scream in an instant.


The body of the Heavenly Demon is not restrained, and it can be pointed out with a raised hand.


The terrifying power seemed to be transformed into an invisible spear, instantly causing the void to roar and tremble.It pierced through everything, directly crushing Tian Xiaoxue's head, leaving a headless corpse crashing to the ground, causing the ground to tremble violently.

The whole place was dead silent.

Everything happened so suddenly, too many people couldn't even react, and they were stunned on the spot!

This... is dead?

He was so fierce just now, clamoring for Lin Fei to come out and die, how did he disappear in an instant?

However, the creatures from Tianquan Town, Zhao Yu and Yin Chenglin who led the exploration of the misty forest were not surprised by this scene at all, they just took it for granted.

Different from the water blue star people, the mysterious star monster race, and the prehistoric human race who didn't go to the misty forest, they have seen the monstrous power of the body of the demon.

It's just... ridiculously strong.

Old Peng Wang "suddenly braked" on the spot, turned around and flew back, still shouting excitedly: "Tianzun, I knew you had a way! This woman from the Heavenly Snake Clan is not worth mentioning, I don't care about it at all!" I'm afraid!"

Zhao Yu sat on the back of the roc, resting his forehead with his hand, his heart was in a mess.

This guy ran so fast before that he didn't even care about his own son. You call this "not worth mentioning" and "not afraid"...are you serious?

Lin Fei cast a cold glance at Old Peng Wang, and immediately took away Tian Xiaoxue's interspatial ring.Using the chaotic lotus pond to erase the brand mark on it repeatedly, and using the "Shangqing Tongtian Yulingjue", finally mastered this thing.

With a sweep of his spiritual sense, he quickly found the jade gourd and released Yin Chenglin and others.

Lin Fei ignored everyone's reactions, and asked Yin Chenglin the most important information: "This woman from the Heavenly Snake Clan... has the news of Zhenbei City been passed on?"

"No!" Yin Chenglin said decisively, telling what happened before.

Everyone was surprised when they heard it, and looked at him differently.

This Yin Chenglin... is very cautious.

It was precisely because he erased the memory of everyone in the team about the "Heavenly Demon Body" that he misled Tian Xiaoxue and caused her to rush forward to die like a stunned young man.The most important thing is her greed and eagerness to swallow all of this creation, and she didn't even pass on the news.

This is extremely critical.

Otherwise, once Tian Xiaoxue knew the information about the body of the Heavenly Demon, she might kill the Golden Immortal of the Heavenly Snake Clan, or even more than one.

At that time... the destruction of the entire city will only happen in an instant.

"You did a good job." Lin Fei nodded slightly, showing a hint of approval.

Yin Chenglin shook his head with a wry smile, and saluted, "In this prehistoric world, if our human race wants to survive, we must be trembling and walking on thin ice. How dare we be careless? No matter how careful we are, we can't be too careful!"

Lin Fei turned to look at Lao Peng Wang, who suddenly felt terrified.

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