For Zhenbei City, this is an extremely important night. The combat power in the city has soared and reached a new level.

Lin Fei cultivated to the fourth and ninth ranks of Human Immortal, only lacking the most crucial Qiankun Dragon Transformation Pill, he can break into the realm of Earth Immortal.

This is a qualitative change at the level of life, and the time and resources it consumes are too exaggerated based on accumulation and ordinary natural resources.It's not impossible to achieve, but the "cost performance" is too low.

Often monks who choose to rely on ordinary treasures and accumulated breakthroughs are forced to do so.This often occurs among ten thousand races with insufficient resources, and those races with lower rankings really have no choice.The racial status is not enough, the resources are not enough, and there is no way to covet such precious elixir, so they can only suffer.

As for the high-ranking top [-] races, as long as the talent is slightly higher, or the family status is unusual, they can have precious elixir like the "Dragon Transformation Pill" to help break through to the realm of the earth fairy.

This is a cruel, but extremely true common sense.

The strong stay strong, the weak stay weak.

Those strong families occupy more resources, create more strong ones, and achieve a virtuous circle.

The weak race is just the opposite. Without sufficient resources, it is impossible to create a strong man who can change the situation.But it can't make such a strong man, and it leads to no fucking resources...

This vicious cycle is enough to make a large number of races despair. It seems that the ancestors and generations can't see the hope of rising, and they can only be slaughtered by the strong clan, and they are destined to live a miserable life.

Just by breaking this point, establishing the heavenly court, and achieving the most glorious era of the prehistoric human race, Haotian will be extremely brilliant.Even though it has been so long since he left the Great Desolate Continent that it is difficult to measure his years, he is still the eternal clan clan in the hearts of the Great Desolate Human Race!

"I'm already in the early stage of Mahayana. If I put aside the work of repairing the formation and spare time to practice every night, I expect to break through to the late stage of Mahayana in three days..." Ye Wudi thought about it for a while, and didn't mean to boast, only considering the practicality and feasibility Sex, "It shouldn't be too difficult."

It shouldn't be too difficult to break through to the late stage of Mahayana in three nights? !

Can you stop talking about such unimaginable things with a serious face?

Everyone was speechless, and You Yue's eyes were burning, as if she was proud of her man.

What was even more terrible was that Lin Fei smiled and said casually: "So conservative?"

Those who heard this were almost suffocated instantly!

Damn...Still conservative?Really don't give others a way to live?

"As expected of Ye Tiandi." Yin Chenglin sighed sincerely, and he was also proud in his heart.

This is the Heavenly Emperor of my human race, the creator of the last glorious period of the human race!

Ye Wudi shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "I broke down and then stood up. I have been blessed by the heavens to rebuild, so I can have such a speed. But to be honest, as a half-disciple of Tianzun, I..."

He was very calm, looked at Lin Fei and said with a smile: "It's still embarrassing for Tianzun."

The fox maid trembled and almost pinched Lin Fei's neck.The latter was so calm that he didn't react at all, but she almost scared herself out of her wits, thinking it was too rude.

But can you really blame yourself? !

What Ye Tiandi said...was too much!unacceptable!

"No, you are very good." Lin Fei praised Ye Wudi lightly, signaling that he need not be so modest.

Even among his numerous disciples and descendants, this is the talent of the local name, absolutely extraordinary.

Ye Wudi hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help being curious: "Tianzun, I just want to know how much worse I am compared to your most proud disciple Lin Yuan? If he put me in such a situation , what will be the progress of cultivation?"

Lin Fei took a deep look at him and only said one sentence.

"You don't know better."

It will damage the self-confidence of a generation of emperors.

Ye Wudi was speechless for a long while, but only sighed as he recalled all the information about Lin Yuan that he had learned from the Heavenly Demon God Palace.

That night, after everyone dispersed one after another, Lin Fei went to Ye Wudi's mansion.

After setting up a restraint to isolate the outside world from perception, he sat down with his hem up, and when he went straight in, he asked: "The 33rd Heaven has not been found by all races so far, so you will not throw it into the Four Great Jedi, right?"

If so, it is almost impossible to obtain.

Although Lin Fei left behind in the Four Great Jedi, it was just like a passage among the fragments of time and space.In short, you can come and go safely from the passage, but you can't guarantee the situation after leaving the passage.

Like the boundless void and the dream of the beginning, as long as you leave the time-space axis of the heavenly way and set foot in the dangerous area, there is only one word of death!

The ancient and eternal Four Great Jedi are no joke.The Golden Immortals of the Ten Thousand Races seem to be too strong, but it's only a matter of time before they break in and die.If you want to protect yourself, you must at least prove the Ultimate Path.

"I've thought about that before," Ye Wudi sighed. "I knew that the battle would never come back, so I thought about not letting the 33rd Heaven fall into the hands of the Wanzu. I thought about throwing it into the four The Great Jedi might even destroy it altogether, but after thinking about it, there must still be some hope."

"So I settled for the next best thing and sank it into the Great Desolate East Sea."

Lin Fei was thoughtful: "The Great Desolate Eastern Sea...the sea of ​​suffering near the Heavenly Capital on the other side of the Far Eastern Jedi?"

Ye Wudi nodded and said: "That's right. It is immeasurably deep and unfathomably vast. It is rumored that there is a heavenly capital on the other side. It is the most mysterious Jedi in the prehistoric world. But even if I am at the peak of the extreme realm and hold the power of the emperor, I can't travel through it." I have crossed the boundless sea, and I have never seen the other side of the sky."

When mentioning this incident, even he couldn't help being a little puzzled: "It is said that there is a heaven on the other side, but no one has seen it, and I don't know what it is like?"

Lin Fei said lightly: "I have been there, but I can't say anything, and I can't even reveal the slightest clue in any way."

Ye Wudi's heart trembled, and he subconsciously looked up, but he couldn't see the sky, only the roof and the ceiling.

The other side of Heaven... What kind of secrets does Duoyuan Tiandao hide so much?

"The Great East too far away." Lin Fei pondered for a while, and said, "Rushing from the extreme north to the extreme east is not something that a human immortal can do. It is through the teleportation formation that the body of a human immortal Can't take it either."

Even though he said so, he didn't sigh that there was nothing he could do.

Ye Wudi naturally knew what Lin Fei meant, and said with a smile, "But the body of the demon can bear it."

Golden Immortals and Heavenly Demons are strong enough to travel through space passages in the Great Desolate Continent.

"So the current plan is very simple. First ensure that the northern city of this town is safe, and then look for the space formation and rush to the East China Sea. It's just that I can't say it, and I will wrong the Heavenly Lord again." Ye Wudi seemed to have thought of something very interesting, even jokingly Laughed.

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