I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 953 Kid, do you have a lot of question marks?

Ye Wudi thought of the incident in the Eternal Night City in the Demon Realm, Lin Fei pretended to be a demon woman, if it got out...

The majestic Wansheng Tianzun has actually been a master of women's clothing. The shocking news of this gossip is unimaginable.

"If you miss, try it." Lin Fei cast a glance at Ye Wudi, as if he had read his mind, and said jokingly.

"Haha, don't dare dare!" Ye Wudi was also in a happy mood, and poured a cup of tea for Lin Fei, "Try it and die, I'm afraid I'm afraid."

With the deep friendship between the two, he and Lin Fei are not as stiff and uncomfortable when getting along with others.Before meeting Lin Yuan, Ye Wudi was even Lin Fei's most proud student and junior, and he got along best with his personality.

Just from the fact that the two of them made people panic and turn the world upside down for food, and made such deeds as "dragon fights with tigers", "dragon liver and phoenix marrow", and "fairy mushroom and unicorn soup", we can see how comfortable and leisurely they get along.

Four words, do whatever you want.These two fellows who are also teachers and friends, once became the Great Demon King of the Great Desolation, which changed the color of all people's talk.Once the two appear at the same time, it will make all races fear to despair.

Needless to say, Ye Wudi divination nine hexagrams, hexagrams and hexagrams, but calmly rushed to the battlefield of the multiverse, stood under Lin Fei's command, until he died.

This friendship is extraordinary!

So Ye Wudi dared to joke with Lin Fei.

Like now.

"Tianzun, don't tell me, you are really stunning in pretending to be a demon girl! Especially your relaxed speech and demeanor, it is really both the natural and generous of a lady, and the heroic appearance of a heroine... .." Ye Wudi was just teasing at first, but the more he said it, the more he talked, and he found it very interesting.

After all, it was Wansheng Tianzun pretending to be a woman!

It's just that when he saw Lin Fei's smile with slightly narrowed eyes, his voice stopped abruptly, feeling extremely dangerous.

"Why don't you say it? Continue." Lin Fei's smile was extremely "kind".

"Cough cough." Ye Wudi coughed dryly twice, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and Tu Meng got away with it: "That...it's actually nothing. Isn't it just pretending to be a woman, and it's not a shameful thing."

His appearance, I am afraid that others will find it unimaginable when they see it.

How could the majestic Emperor of Heaven show such a guilty look?

"Oh." Lin Fei smiled half-smile, picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, "Since this is the case, why don't you try it tomorrow?"

Ye Wudi was stunned.

"Huh? Any comments?" Lin Fei gently put down his teacup.

Ye Wudi hesitated to speak, and finally sighed resignedly, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "No."

Lin Fei smiled sincerely, it seemed that he rarely encountered such an interesting thing.

Ye Wudi put his hand on his forehead, regretting secretly: Why do you say I have nothing to mention Tianzun's black history?

But he also lived a very long time, so he was very open-minded, and quickly put such thoughts behind him: "Let's put aside the matter of pretending to be a woman, let's talk about the real thing first. With our current practice For the sake of it, it is almost impossible to seize a teleportation formation. After all, the teleportation formation in the Great Desolate Continent can only be used by the strong Jinxian."

"So it is necessary for Tianzun to show his acting skills, control the body of the demon, pretend to be a strong man in the realm of the demon, and borrow this kind of teleportation method. Just make a proud posture of the strong and show a little bit of physical strength. The strong one is suspected to be from the demon clan, and there are people selling some face wherever he goes, right?"

Lin Fei nodded slightly, expressing that he had no objection to this point.

"Then the next step is the most fundamental problem. We must first solve the potential dangers of this northern city." Ye Wudi continued, "Tian Yunheng must die. Only after he dies can the northern city be temporarily stable. Only the body can leave this city."

The two discussed the plan, from the stability of the rear of Zhenbei City, to the arrangement in the middle of the road, and then to the specific coordinates of the 33rd Chongtian, the prohibition left by the East China Sea...

Lin Fei could tell that Ye Wudi had been planning all this for a long time.

He even took into account the possible remaining background of the forces under the Heavenly Court, and included it in the consideration of the route planning, and let Lin Fei try to obtain it as much as possible.

At the end, Ye Wudi sighed, and looked at Lin Fei apologetically: "Tianzun, there are many difficulties in this trip, and there are many problems that I really can't think about. If the repair of the Sun Moon Emperor Formation is completed, I will return I hope that I can walk with Tianzun and imitate the power of dogs and horses."

He showed a hint of hope, and said with a smile: "It's quite yearning to be able to take risks with Tianzun. Back then, you and I were too strong, and we really didn't even have the slightest danger. We rubbed all races on the ground. …”

"It's cool, but I always feel a little less passionate. I always feel the romance of a man. At that time, we stood side by side in the battlefield, sharing life and death, overcoming thorns and thorns in the dark and suffering, and cutting off all obstacles in front of us—maybe I was born to be a militant. ?”

Ye Wudi really had nothing to shy away from Lin Fei, and he spoke bluntly what was in his heart.

Some men always have a passion in their chests, daring to fight against the sky and the earth.Just like back then when he walked forward step by step with difficulty, rising from an obscure little monk, he became a generation of heavenly emperors who shocked the prehistoric continent.

Without this high-spirited fighting spirit and fighting spirit, how could we get to that step?

"Hot-blooded man, that's good. But it seems more interesting for a hot-blooded man to pretend to be a woman." Lin Fei smiled half-smile and reminded, "It's dawn, it's time to change into women's clothes."

Ye Wudi froze for an instant, as if his blood had been extinguished by the oncoming icy water, he tentatively asked: "Can I forget it?"

Like a devil, Lin Fei said firmly, "No."

"Sorry for the interruption, goodbye!" Ye Wudi couldn't sit still, and immediately set up a "farewell three times" and fled in a hurry.

Then he went to Youyue Mansion.

Seeing that Ye Wudi came to look for her at dawn, Youyue immediately showed joy.

I never thought that the latter hesitated to speak, and seemed to have encountered something extremely difficult to talk about.

"What's the matter? Just tell me what you have." You Yue blushed slightly, and lowered her head shyly, feeling sweet in her heart.

Seeing Ye Wudi like this, she thought she was going to discuss marriage with her, but she was embarrassed.

"I didn't expect Emperor Honghuang to have such a side, so I'm too embarrassed to speak up." You Yue thought to herself, and even felt that Ye Wudi was a bit cute and contrasted.

A generation of emperors are shy because of a woman. No matter what they think, this woman should be overjoyed.

"I really said, you are not allowed to laugh at me?" Ye Wudi sighed, and said to himself, I am a majestic emperor, would I be afraid of dressing up as a woman?

"En!" You Yue nodded heavily, thinking what's so funny about this?

Ye Wudi finally said, "Well...can you lend me your clothes for a day?"


You Yue was stunned on the spot, as if question marks were written all over her face.

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