Baiyun Mountains.

This is one of the territories of the Heavenly Snake Clan all over the prehistoric region, and it is also the territory closest to Yunheng Mansion.According to the terrifying speed of the celestial being, it is only about half a day away.

The majestic mountains are continuous and magnificent.There are also mountain peaks that are like sharp swords, piercing into unknown places in the depths of the clouds, as if reaching straight to the sky.

The mountains are shrouded in smoke from the mountainside, just like a fairyland.The peaks are green, the valleys are emerald, the waterfalls are like training, the sound of the water is roaring, and a large number of exotic flowers bloom, revealing their fragrance.There are also clusters of spiritual fruits, causing the branches to droop, containing a majestic life essence.It is brightly colored, crystal clear, and full of fragrance, which makes people want to pick it and taste it.

Every mountain peak has a strong man from the Heavenly Serpent Clan sitting in command, and it belongs to each of them.

Among them, there are two main peaks named Yunheng and Yunshu.

There are two main peaks in one territory, and there are two immortals!

The details of the No. 70 Eight Clans of the Great Desolation are just the tip of the iceberg, which is enough to make people tremble.

"There are as many human immortals as dogs, and earth immortals walk all over the place. Only heavenly immortals can shake." This is a compliment to the top [-] races, and it is not necessarily all groundless bragging.

Yun Hengfeng.

"Tian Yunheng, give me the barren man, I have made a major breakthrough in my research." Tian Yunshu is a female of the Sky Snake tribe, and she looks extremely seductive.Its body is snake-tailed, with wings on its back, and it is even more naked.

Only the long black hair hangs down, covering the key points in front of him.It seems that you can enjoy the spring scenery with a light touch, which makes people dream about it.

Tian Yunheng was in human form, without showing any characteristics of the Celestial Snake Clan. He looked like a middle-aged scribe in white, full of ink.

However, after hearing Tian Yunshu's words, such a powerful celestial monk, his pupils shrank slightly in an instant, unable to hide the shock and excitement: "Your plan has made a breakthrough, to what extent?!"

Everyone is like a dragon!

If this plan reaches the final stage... even the weakest and humblest ants can burst into brilliance in an instant, so bright that it is dazzling.

How terrible is it?Almost four words can explain it.

Mortals kill immortals!

This is a plan, and it is also derived from an incomplete volume of formulas, also titled "Everyone is like a dragon".

As long as you can practice this technique, you can charge yourself like a battery.When accumulated to a sufficient extent, even mortals can kill immortals with one sword.

There are gains and losses, such a shortcut naturally has huge shortcomings.

One is that it is difficult to achieve, and it is extremely difficult to practice this incomplete exercise.

The second is that even if that step is successfully achieved, after the extreme splendor, it will wither.That blow that far exceeds its own might will destroy the user physically and mentally.

Dormant for thousands of years, just for one sword.

The plan of everyone like a dragon is to mass produce this kind of "one-time cannon fodder."

Just imagine, one hundred thousand slaves, each with one sword, can kill an immortal.

What about the million?Ten million?

"I found that this tactic is most suitable for human cultivation, especially for human beings whose internal organs have given birth to supernatural powers." Tian Yunshu smiled, unable to hide his pride.

Tian Yunheng frowned slightly, feeling that this was a bit weird: "Is it true that everyone is like a dragon, and is only suitable for human cultivation? It is not okay for all races to transform into human forms?"

Tian Yunshu shook his head resolutely: "No way. Although this tactic came from the East China Sea, I suspect that it has something to do with the Heavenly Court. It should have been left in the Eastern Sea after the fall of the Heavenly Court."

"Everyone is like a dragon" is a wordless book, and only the divine mind can perceive the information in it.Although there is no human language to show that it comes from heaven, but only humans can practice this feature, isn't it the property of heaven?

For some reason, Tian Yunheng suddenly had a strange thought in his mind, and subconsciously asked, "Have you ever thought that this formula might come from the other side of Heaven?"

Tian Yunshu was slightly astonished, then smiled and shook his head: "You really dare to think. Instead of talking about such absurd conjectures, why not consider my proposal? I have no shortage of human experimental subjects, but barbarians You are the only one who is executing this plan, how, do you consider swapping?"

Without hesitation, Tian Yunheng spoke like a lion: "One barren man, I want to exchange 1000 human beings."

Tian Yunshu frowned: "One hundred. The human reproduction plan has not yet reached the final stage, and my experimental subjects are limited."

Tian Yunheng made a slight concession and changed his words: "Eight hundred."

"Three hundred!" Tian Yunshu bargained.

"Seven hundred!" Tian Yunheng began to emphasize the scarcity of the goods, "I am the only one who is researching barren people, and you can only buy them from me."

"Five hundred, no more." Tian Yunshu insisted, "Nowadays, the prehistoric human race has been killed to wither, and they are hiding like rats in the gutter while they are still alive. After 3000 years of slaughter, you thought that the human beings were caught in the first place?" A lot of cannon fodder resources?"

Tian Yunheng smiled lightly, finally nodded and said: "Deal."

In the conversation between the two, they didn't treat human beings as intelligent creatures at all, but treated them more like goods.

"I want a hundred barren people, go to the misty forest to get them, I'll wait for you." Tian Yun stretched comfortably, stretched her soft and graceful body, stuck it to the ground, and vomited hissingly Snake Xinzi squinted his eyes in enjoyment.

Tian Yun stood up and was about to leave, but just as he took a step, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Tian Yunshu was careless and lazy.

""Everyone Like a Dragon" is a fragmented volume, and you led the team to deduce it, right?" Tian Yunheng asked.

"Nonsense." Tian Yunshu was displeased.

"What about the other part of the scroll? If you get it, can you deduce the whole formula?" Tian Yunheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Tian Yunshu frowned, and said with a sneer, "Do you think everyone is worthy of comparison with my Heavenly Snake Clan?"

Tian Yunheng just looked at her fixedly: "What about the other top [-] races, and what about the top ten?"

The latter's face changed slightly, and he only uttered one word: "Yes."

The two were silent for a while, both thinking of the terrible scene.

If the top ten races have mastered "Everyone is Like a Dragon"...

They have too many slaves, and it is possible to create an army of immortals and immortals composed of slaves from all races, and there are even a very small number of immortals who submit to the top ten races.

How would such a slave army perform "Everyone is Like a Dragon" individually?

Is it possible for the strong man in the fairy realm to exchange for one at the limit and kill the golden immortal strong man from other clans?

"You have too many thoughts!" Tian Yunshu interrupted his terrifying imagination, and said a little irritably, "It's "Everyone Like a Dragon" comes from the other side of Tiandu, and the top ten races got another part earlier than us, It's all just speculation without any basis."

Tian Yunheng was also dumb, and then shook his head with a smile: "I have been studying academics for 3000 years, probably because I am used to such divergent associative thinking."

He turned around and waved his sleeves: "Wait for me to come back."

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