Tian Yunheng held his hands behind his back, and when he stepped out of his feet, a ray of mysterious light turned into a road and spread out, extending towards the sky.

Even though the Sky Serpent's body has not manifested its extreme speed, it is still far beyond the speed of light, reaching an unimaginably amazing level.

If it is a scientific and technological civilization like Blue Sea Star, if some scientists observe this scene, they will probably utter an exclamation similar to "Damn it" on the spot.

Tian Yunheng made an understatement, but he realized the curvature navigation, reaching a terrifying level of ten times the speed of light.To achieve such a level with one's own mighty power is still under the suppression of the highest plane, which is already too strong.

It's just that Tian Yunheng still felt very slow, and even a little envious of the strong Jinxian in the clan.

"It's only ten times the speed of light, and it takes a whole year to reach a distance of ten light years. What is ten light years to this prehistoric continent?" He sighed softly in his heart.

It's better to be a strong Jinxian, open up a space channel to shuttle through it at every turn, and the distance of ten light years can be reached in less than a minute.

I don't rest day and night, I have been on the road for a whole year, and the golden fairy arrives in 1 minute...

A difference in realm is already a natural moat.

This doesn't even mention the teleportation formations, directional, and fixed-point teleportation in various races.Depending on the level of the space formation, it might not be difficult to span millions or tens of millions of light years, right?

Of course, this does not include the top teleportation formations of the top ten clans, that is not information that Tian Yunheng can access, it is unimaginable.

Although to him personally, only a few million light years are too far away to be touched, but to the Primordial Continent...it is still nothing.

It should be known that even the plane where the earth is located, the most distant galaxy can be observed, and the distance from the earth is about 132 billion light years.

That's right, even at the speed of light, it would take 132 billion years to reach that galaxy from the earth.

In this diversity, any complete cosmic plane is ridiculously huge.

"If you can't prove the ultimate fruit position, who can travel all over this prehistoric world?" Tian Yunheng sighed with emotion, and then showed a self-deprecating smile.

I still can't change this bad habit, and my thinking diverges again, thinking too much.

He flew across the sky at high speed, and visions appeared one after another wherever he passed.

It was a vast world of torrential rain, but the moment the sky and clouds passed by, the wind and rain stopped suddenly, without any warning.Under the shocking eyes of countless beings, the dark clouds in the sky have dissipated, the sky is clear and bright, and there is even a rainbow of seven colors hanging from the sky.

Where the sky and clouds pass, the sky changes.The wind and snow dissipated, and the sky was clear all the way.

He was in a good mood. First, he could see his precious son whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and second, he was able to bring a group of desolate people in exchange for human beings as experimental subjects.

"By the way, I guess some elixir should be ripe, and it's time to make alchemy to strengthen the foundation of my daughter." Tian Yunheng thought of the large amount of precious elixir in his cave, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Not only is there a cave in Yunheng Peak full of elixir, but there are also a lot of resources in this misty forest, which is not as good as Tian Yunshu.

But Tian Yunheng's relaxed and happy mood disappeared when he came to the entrance of Xiaotiandi!

The ground is full of dried and coagulated blood, and there are even scraps of snakes.

Not only that, the restriction at the entrance of Xiaotiandi was directly destroyed, and the scene inside could already be vaguely seen.

Tian Yunheng's pupils contracted sharply, and he stepped into the small world with one step, and then a violent killing intent burst out from his chest, as if he wanted to overthrow the world!


All the restrictions have been erased, and one after another the mountain peaks collapsed, and the remains of a large number of stones were piled up on the ground, endless and desolate.Not only that, the Treasure Pavilion has also been reduced to ruins, and the medicine field has not even left the spiritual soil, only the deeply sunken ground...

"Who is so bold?!" Tian Yunheng felt a rush of blood go straight to his forehead, and a roar made Xiaotiandi tremble.


The sky was shrouded in smoke and dust, and a large number of stones burst into pieces, turning into small stones and shooting out, making a sharp sound of piercing sonic boom.Even the remaining mountain peaks collapsed in an instant, and the entire vast and small world was shaken unimaginably in an instant, and the ground was covered with deep cracks.

It seemed that this whole small world would be destroyed in his anger.

Only the boulder in front of Tian Yunheng was still intact.

He stared at the boulder, and he gritted his teeth angrily, as if his chest was about to be ignited by anger, burning badly.

"Your collection is not very good, I reluctantly accept it."

"If you are not convinced, come to Zhenbei City to die."

Just a few words, but the sky is filled with anger!

Not only did some people violently break the Yunheng mansion's restrictions, slaughter and sweep up the entire area, but they were not afraid of themselves, leaving such provocative handwriting?


Tian Yun slapped it horizontally, and the boulder in front of him exploded on the spot.

"Okay, very good, very good!" His voice was trembling, his whole body was filled with majestic golden aura, and his blood was majestic and vast, like a dragon.

Tian Yunheng had never been so provoked and humiliated before, and he almost lost his mind under the anger.Especially when the whereabouts of his children were unknown, he even suspected that they had died.

"If you don't take revenge, you will not survive!"

Tian Yun raised his head to the sky and howled, his expression ferocious and ferocious.Amidst the thunderous roar, the whole small world suddenly collapsed and disintegrated!

At the same time, Lin Fei who was far away in Zhenbei City suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the foggy forest.

Above the sky, a hundred-foot snake soared into the sky.Its wings are outstretched, as if it wants to tear the sky apart.


The sky was suddenly overcast, rising from the sky, but instantly diffused over Zhenbei City, casting a large shadow.

Countless residents in the city looked at the layers of lead clouds hanging down above their heads, and were instantly horrified.


A torrential rain fell in an instant, and the wind roared, making the trees dance and roar.

From clear skies to dark, gloomy, stormy skies, only in the blink of an eye.

Almost in an instant, Lin Fei sacrificed the body of the demon.

And it is not controlled by oneself, but the primordial spirit comes out of the body and enters the master.


Tian Yunheng's huge and shocking figure opened his bloody mouth in an instant, and let out a roar from a long distance away.

At this moment, the residents of the city saw a horrifying scene.


An invisible sound wave struck, and pieces of towering ancient trees collapsed.That kind of vigor was violent and violent, destroying all the way.Whether it was an ancient tree as strong as a dragon or a boulder weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, they all burst into pieces in an instant, and countless tree leaves and stone fragments flew all over the sky.

Even the continuous rain curtain was torn apart, creating a vacuum!

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