I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 957 Misty Forest, Hymn to Immortal Dao

Tian Yun could only make a loud roar, but with vigor, he covered an incomparably long distance.

Starting from the depths of the foggy forest, it penetrated and destroyed everything in front of it, and struck straight towards Zhenbei City.

Not to mention other people, even the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm like You Yue and Yin Chenglin also paled and felt unspeakable fear.

No doubt.

Even if this roar is separated by such a long distance, once the energy strikes, it is enough to shock everyone in the city to death!

It is everyone, even Lin Fei, who is a human being who is perfect and whose soul is in the body of a demon, is no exception!

That destructive power is naturally not enough to hurt the body of the demon, but it can shatter and tear Lin Fei's primordial spirit on the spot, and even completely annihilate it...

But all of this has a premise, that is, the terrifying and destructive sound waves can reach the city.

Lin Fei didn't move his footsteps, and he didn't even raise his palm.

Just controlling the body of the demon, took a deep breath.


It was just the sound of inhaling, but it overwhelmed the sound of thunder in the sky, and it exploded in everyone's ears, shaking their blood and blood.

There seems to be a sky-swallowing vortex in the mouth of the body of the demon, which unexpectedly engulfs the sky and wind and rain, and even the cloudy clouds in the sky are turned into mist and drawn away.

There are also a large number of debris from trees, mountains and rocks, and the smoke and dust stirred up all over the sky, like a tornado, spirally sucked into the mouth by the body of the demon.That terrifying vigor seemed to be able to destroy the world, but after being swallowed by the body of the demon, it couldn't even startle the slightest ripple.

The physical strength of a very strong person is enough to rival an entire infinite plane of the universe.

Although the body of the demon is very different, if the physical body wants to achieve the level of "mustard seed Nasumi", it is as common as eating and drinking...

Lin Fei dispelled such an ultimate move lightly, but countless people in the city were still in shock and dripping with cold sweat.

"Is this the strength of a celestial being?"

"It's just a roar, why is it so cruel and terrifying..."

Many people muttered to themselves, their hearts were beating wildly, and they felt like they had wandered through the gate of hell.

Tian Yunheng looked at Lin Fei from a distance, his eyes were deep and cold, full of murderous intent.His qi and blood were violent and turbulent, and he was enveloped in a larger light that turned into a sky snake, which was condensed by the protective qi and wrapped himself in it.

His spiritual consciousness was in full swing, and he could clearly see Lin Fei on the top of the city even from a long distance away.

But Tian Yunheng couldn't see through reality.

The opponent's physical body is a bit special, and for some reason, he can't feel the slightest aura, so he has no way of knowing the state of his cultivation.The previous inhalation was also not revealing, which made his tentative thoughts come to nothing.

"It's impolite to come and not to go." Lin Fei sneered, opened his mouth in an instant, and spit out everything he inhaled before.

"A man?!" Tian Yun was startled, but immediately ignored such trivial matters.

Because of an incomparably overbearing vigor, wrapped in clouds, debris of trees and rocks, and rainwater, it formed a mad dragon, roaring and attacking him.

Vigorous, crisp, fast, and ruthless.

It was only in front of him in an instant.


With a bang, Tian Yunheng's protective energy was pierced through, leaving a blood hole the size of a bucket on his body, and a large amount of blood splashed down with the rain.

He let out a scream of shock, anger and pain, and looked at Lin Fei in disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

Tian Yunheng's hair stood on end for a moment, and he believed that the opponent's realm must be far beyond his own.Otherwise, if you just open your mouth and drink it, why is its vigor so terrifying?

This mother hasn't even used a trace of immortal energy!

When the residents of the city saw this scene, their confidence was instantly boosted, and they were no longer panicked as before.

Lin Fei's eyes were firm and determined, and he took a palm across the air.

While you are sick, I will kill you!

If the thief is not eliminated and he is allowed to escape, there will be no peace in Zhenbei City and he must give up.Otherwise, all the residents in the city will be slaughtered by the multiple golden immortals of the Heavenly Snake Clan, and even he can't turn things around.


With this palm, it seems to the naked eye that the space is distorted by it.

An invisible repulsive force erupted instantly, and the dense forest with a width of [-] meters was directly destroyed. This destructive power spread to an extremely distant place in an instant.

Wherever it passes, everything tangible is destroyed.The rain curtain was also torn apart, briefly revealing a vacuum range of unpredictable length and a width of [-] meters.

Tian Yunheng was frightened and angry, and immediately used the Heavenly Snake Transformation Dragon Art to resist.

As soon as he thought about it, his whole body was covered with shining golden scales, which was the same as what Lin Fei had obtained before.Not only that, Tian Yunheng grew a pair of dragon horns on the top of his head, and two pairs of golden dragon claws on each side of his body.

In an instant, the dragon's majesty was mighty, and the golden light shone brightly on the heaven and earth.Even though there is an extremely long distance, countless residents in the city also have the urge to bow down.

But this impulse just appeared, and it stopped abruptly before everyone could react.

Because the majestic and mighty Baizhang Tianlong...was slapped to pieces.


The golden energy storm spread, drowning everything, even the raindrops were not spared, and even the water vapor failed to appear, and disappeared without a trace.

But Tian Yunheng is not dead yet.

His vitality is so huge that it is unimaginable, he is a veritable wild beast, and he is one of the best.This blow shattered half of his body, but there was still half of his body left. Although the golden blood fell like a waterfall, he let out an angry dragon roar in pain.

But he just didn't die.

"Definitely!" Tian Yun spat out a word like a heart-rending lung, distraught and indignant, feeling unprecedented regret.



For 3000 years, the heart is too arrogant after all, and it was only a moment of anger that it fell into such a dangerous situation...

"Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is."

"A true scholar always has a humble and cautious heart. Suspicion is not a bad thing, but ignorance and fearlessness are." The silver-eyed and silver-haired patriarch of the clan once caressed Tian Yunheng when he entered the teacher's school. On the top of his head, there was a smile as warm as the sun teaching.

It's ridiculous, as my strength increases day by day and the Sky Snake Race rises day by day, I actually forgot...

"What is this? Feelings before death? Marquee?" Tian Yunheng spat out a mouthful of golden blood, showing a desolate and desperate look.

Lin Fei raised his palm, but at this moment his pupils shrank slightly.

Because of a faint sigh, it suddenly came out of nowhere, resounding through the world.

That voice seemed to contain endless pity, and it was as warm and warm as the winter sun.

A wisp of silver smoke emerged from Tian Yun's eyebrows, turning into a phantom of a young man with silver hair and silver eyes.

"Tianzun, long time no see, please stay safe."

The imprint of the primordial spirit hidden in the Tianyun Horizontal Sea of ​​Consciousness appeared, and an ethereal singing sound resounded in the sky and the earth.

Hymn to Immortals.

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