The singing is ethereal, holy and peaceful, like a group of fairies singing softly on the clouds in the sky.

There is no superiority, no superiority over all living beings, only the warmth and warmth like the winter sun.

The dark clouds receded without knowing when, and layers of rain curtains dissipated without a trace.Even the devastated foggy forest, like a reversed video, has returned to its integrity.

The splintered land, which was full of terrifying gullies, healed with a bang, and the trees and stone debris all over the place reorganized and gathered.Under the shocking and terrified eyes of everyone, a large area of ​​ancient trees once again stands on the ground, full of vitality and wildness.

It was an indescribable breath of life, containing endless mysteries, as if it had a warmth that benefited all things.

However, the [-] residents of Zhenbei City felt cold almost instantly, like falling into an ice cellar.

"Master!" Tian Yunheng trembled all over in an instant, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Even he didn't know that his master Tian Yichen left such a backhand in his sea of ​​consciousness to protect his comprehensiveness.

What kind of love is it that the Sect of the Heavenly Snake cuts but is protected by a ray of primordial spirit?

Tian Yichen's long hair was as smooth as silver satin, scattered behind him, fluttering in the wind.That pair of silver eyes were extremely serene, as deep as the deep sea, but there was no hint of arrogance.

He appeared in a human form, wearing a loose white robe, with a beautiful face that was indistinguishable from male and female, and his skin was like jade, and he stepped barefoot in the void.

"Master, kill him!" Tian Yunheng thought he had something to rely on, and immediately said angrily, "He destroyed my cave and killed my children. This hatred is irreconcilable!"

"Yun Heng, don't you know who he is?" Tian Yichen sighed quietly, looking at this proud disciple with compassion and even more intolerance.

Tian Yunheng's expression changed instantly, thinking of what Master said earlier, he had already guessed Lin Fei's identity.

He seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said in a panic: "Master, don't think about the kindness of the past, and practice the benevolence of a woman! His physical body is weird, and it just makes your soul take away and see the light of day again!"

Lin Fei didn't say a word, just watched the scene coldly.On the contrary, Ye Wudi stood directly beside him, looking as if he was facing a big enemy, already prepared for the worst.

In that distant past, the friendship between the two of them and Tian Yichen was really good, even Lin Fei saved his life.

But at that time, Lin Fei was the Ten Thousand Saints, and Ye Wudi was the Emperor of the Desolate Heaven. Now that things have changed, who knows what Tian Yichen's attitude towards them is?If you really want to look around, are there still few white-eyed wolves who have thrown people into trouble?

In the face of reality and interests, they are not the same race.It is not surprising that there are many ungrateful white-eyed wolves, but it is really surprising that there are one or two characters who remember their kindness!

"Yunheng, I'm sorry." Tian Yichen sighed softly, "You know the whereabouts of Tianzun, even if you erase your memory, you will inevitably leave clues when you return, so..."

He raised his hand slowly, but turned towards the sky.

The audience was in an uproar, and many people stared wide-eyed, feeling unbelievable at what they saw!

First, Tian Yunheng attacked aggressively, but ended up being vulnerable in front of Lin Fei; followed by the manifestation of a ray of primordial spirit from the strong Jinxian, causing everyone to fall into panic.

Right now, the situation is even turning around. Today, a ray of soul of Tian Yichen actually wants to help Lin Fei and kill Tian Yunheng to silence him? !

The reversal came too directly and simply, making it difficult to recover.

"My God, what the hell is going on? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"The world is crazy!"

"Tian Yichen really has such good intentions? I suspect that he deliberately wins trust, and wants to let this ray of primordial spirit survive, so that he can return to his body, bring back the news of Tianzun, and set up a killing plan!"

"That's not necessarily the case? Tianzun has so many old acquaintances in this prehistoric world. Could it be that they are all white-eyed wolves, and no one cares about the kindness of the past?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, with different opinions.

"Master!" Tian Yunheng was in despair, filled with grief and indignation.It never occurred to him that the person he respected the most would actually kill him.


Tian Yichen slapped it with his palm, and the space was instantly distorted.

Golden blood splattered all over the sky, and Tian Yunheng's broken body crashed down from the sky, causing the earth to tremble, and trees and rocks collapsed and shattered.Until his death, those eyes were still full of grief and despair, and he couldn't close them.

Countless people were horrified.

The mighty and unimaginably powerful Tian Yunheng appeared so fragile and vulnerable in front of his wisp of primordial spirit.

Tian Yichen sighed softly, and the sadness in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

The audience suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

It wasn't until Lin Fei opened his mouth that he broke the dead silence: "Sky Snakes slaughtered prehistoric humans, and even your disciples experimented with humans, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Lao Pengwang's eyes widened suddenly, as shocked as if he had seen a ghost.In his opinion, Lin Fei was no more than a perfect human being, even if he had the body of a demon as his trump card, how could he talk to Tian Yichen in such a tone?

what is this?A human immortal cultivator actually questioned a ray of the golden immortal's primordial spirit?

However, contrary to most people's expectations, Tian Yichen was only silent for a moment, and immediately responded: "Yichen is ashamed. The Heavenly Court collapsed 3000 years ago, and I had a disagreement with the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake on the issue of how to treat human beings. "

He didn't point out the mental brand rashly, so that Lin Fei could see it clearly.Obviously, there is a consideration to avoid the other party's misunderstanding and lead to the killer on the spot, but it is only for Lin Fei and Ye Wudi to transmit the sound.

Back then, the Heavenly Court was still alive, and human beings were still the objects of currying favor from all races.The Sky Snake Clan is no exception, and they thought of the method of marrying the upper class of the Heavenly Court.Tian Yichen fell in love with Ye Wudi's cousin, Ye Bailing.

However, the latter fell in love with the ancestor of the snake, and finally got married.Tian Yichen had no choice but to leave the stage sadly, blessing the two silently.The ancestor of the Heavenly Snake treated Ye Bailing very well, like a model couple.

Until the heavens collapse.

The ancestor of the Heavenly Snake showed his true colors. In order to seize the heritage left by the Heavenly Court, he did not hesitate to torture Ye Bailing cruelly.

The conflict between Tian Yichen and his elder brother became more and more intense. After learning about this, he couldn't bear it anymore and did not hesitate to fight.

Chongguan turned into a red face in anger.

Even if Ye Bailing had never loved her, even if she was only his sister-in-law, even if the person she had to deal with was his elder brother, she was a strong man whom he had never defeated once since he was a child.

Then Tian Yichen was sealed under Tiansnake Mountain and was trapped for 3000 years.This is how the previous statement that Tianyun bewitched him to take away the body of the heavenly demon and see the sun again with a ray of soul.

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