"The road is chosen by oneself," Lin Fei finally said about this issue, "Killers, people will always kill them. If your people dare to do it, you must dare to do it. Why do they kill my people and blood flow into rivers? Food like pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, experimental subjects who can be treated cruelly like mice, but you want me to be magnanimous?"

"Of course, you don't have to agree with me, and you can do it now. Although I will kill you, I won't blame you. At least I can understand your position."


After Lin Fei said this, he turned his head and looked at Tian Yichen fixedly.

The atmosphere between the heaven and the earth became tense for a moment, and it seemed that a terrifying fight might happen at any time, and the sky and the earth would be smashed to pieces.

He really admired Tian Yichen.

It's a pity that the other party is not human.

Tian Yichen shook his head, and after a long sigh, he said with a sense of relief: "It really is the answer...but I can barely accept it."

There is no reason why the Sky Snake Clan can be completely changed without bloodshed.

Since Tian Yichen pinned his hopes on Lin Fei, it is impossible to think about the preservation of the entire race, otherwise there is really no need to think about it at all.

Come to think of it, although the Heavenly Snake Clan has the idea of ​​extracting all value from human beings, less than half of them are really guilty of blood crimes.After all, all races are madly persecuting human beings, and after such a division, the number that can reach the hands of the Heavenly Snakes is really limited...

As ironic as the truth of the matter is, it is true.

Lin Fei was able to let go of those innocent Sky Snakes, this is to give the maximum tolerance.

That night, the two looted the entire Baiyun Mountain Range, and then returned to Zhenbei City.

The next day, the entire town of Zhenbei was once again busy.

Cultivate new planting areas to grow elixir; monks who are good at alchemy, refining, and cooking all got the corresponding body parts of the sky snake and fell into a busy schedule.

The treasury will be replenished again, and it will be no problem to maintain the long-term operation of Zhenbei City.Not to mention surviving the initial start-up stage, it will transform from making ends meet to breaking even, and then making more money than it makes.

It's just that the first batch of taxes has not yet been collected, and Zhenbei City's income is relatively limited.

They are mainly long-term plans, such as low-interest loans with monthly repayments; or the sect of cultivation, which charges tuition and miscellaneous fees.

If you want to say that the only treasury income that can be seen at the moment is probably only a little.

Yin Chenglin led the team to mine the spiritual veins, and he really didn't let up at all.Even if all the low-grade spirit stones are reclaimed from the outer layer, as long as the reclamation is deep enough, middle-grade spirit stones will gradually appear, and the proportion will gradually increase.

Even after going deeper, top-grade spirit stones and top-grade spirit stones will appear.According to Ye Wudi, in the center of the spiritual vein, there are even fairy stones scattered in it.And there will be corresponding derivative ores, which are precious materials for making fairy artifacts.

Just the news he revealed was enough to make everyone excited.Not to mention that Lin Fei felt that the one-tenth ratio was too small, which meant "exploiting the working class", so he decided to increase the treatment of the mining team so that they could get one-fifth of the spiritual stones they collected.

A full fifth!

All of a sudden, more people joined the mining team with enthusiasm, which also greatly improved the efficiency of mining.

And Lin Fei was also quite busy. First of all, he used the resources at hand to refine the pill for Youyue, and erased the influence of the Qiqiao Fascinating Pill on Youyue. The influence of my Qiqiao Ecstasy Pill, what does this sound like?

The next step is to collect other elixir needed to refine the "Qianyuan Hualong Pill".

Although Lin Fei came to the Great Desolate Continent for a short period of time, he repeatedly plundered the territories of foreign races, and the harvest was unimaginable.

Without even the slightest hesitation, he went directly to the elixir planting area to pull out the dragon blood vine.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Ling, who was in charge of guarding the medicine field, was taken aback immediately, and immediately went up and grabbed Lin Fei's arm, trying to dissuade him: "Tianzun, you can't do it! This dragon blood vine has already bloomed, and it is expected that the result will be the same." It won't be too far, it would be too wasteful to unplug it now!"

Lin Fei did not accept her proposal: "It's okay, I can use the whole plant as medicine, and I can also practice Qianyuan Hualong Pill. Otherwise, I have to wait for it to bear fruit in three months and mature in seven months, how can I have so much time?"

Xiangling didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only let go resentfully.


So extravagant!

Even Ye Ming of Eternal Night City is not so extravagant, is he?And looking at Lin Fei's calm and indifferent appearance, it seems that it is not worth caring at all...

But that's what happened.

There are not so many good things in the world, and it is already an unexpected joy to get the dragon blood vine, how can you expect it to just mature for your own use?Just wash up and sleep, there is everything in the dream.

Compared with the improved efficacy of Dracaena vine after its fruit matures, time is still the most precious.

Not to mention that the Demon Lord of the Six Paths is like a sharp sword hovering above his head, and he doesn't know when it will come down.Even this Great Desolate Continent is also turbulent and treacherous.

The mysterious "everyone is like a dragon", the unknown first race, those strong golden immortals who know they exist and must be exterminated...

A moment of peace and happiness, I am afraid that what you get in exchange will be eternal doom.

Not to mention the siege of thousands of races, even any one of the top [-] races, including all the golden immortals, is enough to slaughter Zhenbei City!


Lin Fei pulled out the dragon blood vine, splashing a few pieces of soil, leaving only a short section of rhizome.Although it needs to be baptized by the blood of the heavenly dragon, and it will take 700 years to grow again, there is no reason to fish in a dry lake.

If the monks of all races do not keep the root seeds of the elixir and squander them all, I am afraid that in tens of thousands of years, the elixir in the Great Desolate Continent will be scarce to a terrible level.

Just like that, Lin Fei returned to the City Lord's Mansion.Using the alchemy furnace taken from the Heavenly Snake Clan, he directly began to refine the Qianyuan Hualong Pill.

As night fell, a deafening roar of a dragon suddenly sounded like rolling thunder over Zhenbei City.

A phantom of a dragon condensed by mist is extremely huge, with dense scales and armor, it is lifelike.The eyes are cold and stern, and they are entrenched in the sky.

And there was an extremely strong medicinal fragrance spreading out from the city lord's mansion, but passed through the streets and houses, causing an uproar.

"It's a small scene, Tianzun is just refining alchemy." Ye Wudi was not surprised, and signaled everyone not to care.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded. There was such a big commotion, is it still a small scene?

And in the city lord's mansion, a blood-red agate-like crystal medicine pill instantly took the shape of a dragon, and it soared into the sky with a "chi" sound, and was about to flee.

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