I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 962 The Earth Immortal is in sight

Qianyuan Hualong Dan is bright red in color, crystal clear, and has a dragon shape.

Ji Yaoguang was also very surprised that a elixir seemed to have life and wisdom, and was about to escape.

Seeing Lin Fei concocting alchemy in the past, although there are various mystical and miraculous things, but there has never been such a miracle.The current Qianyuan Hualong Pill is indeed the most extraordinary elixir she has ever seen so far.

Lin Fei seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold it in the air.


A huge golden light palm condensed into shape, and grabbed Qianyuan Hualongdan.The dragon-shaped elixir did not give in, but was still trying its best to resist. It hit the light palm and made a loud "dangdang" sound, as if ringing a bell, which made people's eardrums hurt.

"Is this elixir? Has it become refined?!" Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded.

Originally, she thought that she had seen a lot by Lin Fei's side for so long, so what scene hadn't she seen?

But at this moment, she realized that she was wrong - I have never seen such a scene!

Ji Yaoguang even suspected that it would be okay to swallow this pill, right?It won't be impossible to refine and absorb, but it will tear and destroy the user's sea of ​​qi, meridians, flesh and blood, bones, viscera... right?

On that huge bare palm, cracks in the shape of tree roots were knocked open, causing Lin Fei's palm and fingers to ache.

His complexion still didn't change at all, he only took the Qianyuan Hualong Pill from the air.


Lin Fei held it in the palm of his hand, the immortal essence surged violently, his fist seemed to turn into a bright little sun, refining the Qianyuan Hualong Pill.

The initial reaction to the elixir was still very intense, and there was still traces of dazzling bloody light escaping from his palm.Even the golden light can't block it, for a while the room is filled with golden and red light, which coats everything with a mysterious glow, which is quite beautiful.

But soon, the elixir calmed down, no longer struggling violently, and Hongmang also began to restrain himself.When Lin Fei spread out his palm, the pill was already calm, but the red became more vivid, as if it was about to bleed.

The rich and fragrant medicinal fragrance filled the room, and just smelling this smell made the pores of Ji Yaoguang's whole body relax, with a sense of lightness and relaxation.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei appeared outside in a flash, and jumped onto the roof of the City Lord's Mansion.

Under the surprised eyes of many people, he sat cross-legged on the spot and swallowed the Qianyuan Hualong Pill.Then breathe out the aura of heaven and earth, circulate around the sky, and turn the medicine effect for your own use.

A miraculous scene appeared.

As soon as Lin Fei sucked it, the light between the sky and the earth dimmed, as if even the light had been swallowed up by him.

And after he let out a mouthful of breath from his nose, the light between the sky and the earth brightened again.

Every breath is carried out to the extreme, rapidly increasing the speed of Zhou Tian's operation, trying to dissolve the majestic and vast medicinal effect of Qianyuan Hualong Pill.

Such scenes are really frightening. One person is cultivating, but the light between heaven and earth is attracted to be bright and dark, but countless residents in the city are somewhat used to it, and they are no longer the "unseen world" appearance at the beginning .

The medicinal effect of Qianyuan Hualong Pill is too overbearing. For other monks, they would have to retreat for several months to fully absorb it before they can usher in the earth fairy thunder calamity and break through to the earth fairy realm in one fell swoop.

Although there are differences in the strength of monks' physical bodies and souls, monks with deeper backgrounds can often shorten this process, but those who can complete it in one month are already outstanding.

If this time can be shortened to one month or even half a month, there is basically only one possibility - this monk has once been in the realm of the earth fairy, but he is just walking the familiar path again.

As far as Lin Fei's status is concerned, his every move in Zhenbei City is enough to attract the attention of all directions.There is no need to say much about such a major event of breaking through to the realm of the earth fairy.

Many people in the city have already discussed, guessing how long it will take for him to fully absorb the effects of the medicine, break through the bottleneck, and usher in the first catastrophe of the Earth Immortal Realm.

"According to the known records, the fastest record in the Great Desolate Continent is the first generation of Human Emperor Haotian, right?"

"That's right, Haotian broke through to the realm of the Earth Immortal for the first time, and was besieged by the strong men of all races when his cultivation base was unstable. Although he barely escaped, the realm also fell down, and he almost died. If it wasn't for the shocking luck and the great fortune, If you break it and then stand up, and re-enter the realm of the earth fairy, I'm afraid your life will not be long."

"It took thirteen days for Haotian to break and then stand up. I think Tianzun needs seven days."

"Qi Tian, ​​are you underestimating Tianzun? I guess Wu Tian, ​​do you dare to bet?"

Everyone talked a lot, and even got excited and started a bet.

The most daring guess so far is from You Yue, who guessed directly for three days.

Until Ye Wudi suddenly said: "I don't think it will take a day."

There was a sudden dead silence in the audience, and they looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

Although I know that Lin Fei cannot be inferred with common sense, but what is the concept of not taking a day?

According to the existing records, in the long history of cultivation in the Great Desolate Continent, the fastest time is only thirteen days!

Even if it breaks the historical record, it won't be so ruthless, right?

"Do you dare to bet?" Ye Wudi also became interested, and suddenly felt that he could "make a lot of money".

Some people were timid, looked at Lin Fei with a little bit of surprise, and muttered to themselves, can't it be such an exaggeration?

But there are always some people who don't believe in this evil, thinking that Ye Wudi's statement is too exaggerated, even if it is the Ten Thousand Saints, it is absolutely impossible to go so far.

As a result, the last Great Desolate Heavenly Emperor blatantly "take the lead in gambling" and made bets with many people.You Yue couldn't laugh or cry, but she also acted as a notary and put the bet in writing.

Ji Yaoguang glanced at Lin Fei who was sitting cross-legged on the roof, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

It seems that as long as it is about Lin Fei, no matter how big or small the incident is, it will always attract unexpected attention from Zhenbeicheng.

"Is this the influence of a big man?" Ji Yaoguang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The sun shining on Zhenbei City flickers on and off until the sun sets in the west and the new moon begins.

The galaxy is brilliant and the moon is bright.The stars and moonlight all over the sky were drawn by Lin Fei, as if absorbed by an invisible vortex, and then released in the next moment.

Like a prehistoric giant beast capable of devouring the world, it is swallowing the essence of the stars and the moon!

Lin Fei's whole body was shrouded in a holy and soft hazy brilliance, falling into a state of forgetting both things and himself.

When he was approaching midnight, that is, around eleven o'clock at night, his whole body let out thunderous roars, and his energy and blood surged violently.

All the medicinal effects of Qianyuan Hualong Pill melted away, and when Lin Fei absorbed it, a divine light shot up into the sky.

Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, their eyes were as sharp as electricity.

He turned into a streamer, and rushed out of the city at a very high speed.

Layers of churning and roaring lead clouds enveloped the sky above his head.

Stay close.

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