"Are you kidding me?" Lao Peng Wang looked at this scene and muttered to himself almost in a daze.

There was an uproar in the city in an instant.

Ji Yaoguang stared blankly at the billowing dark clouds that were gradually receding. He looked strange for a while, and even wanted to complain, how could he cause a sensation among the public at every turn?

Many old gamblers were dumbfounded, unable to accept such a cruel reality.

"Damn it, it's a terrible loss this time!" This group of gamblers felt that their hearts were bleeding, their intestines were regretful, and they wished to give themselves two big mouths. What kind of gambling is there for nothing?

But after thinking about it, it seems that they can't be blamed too much.

Breaking through from the Great Perfection of the Human Immortal to the first level of the Earth Immortal, the fastest record in history is a full thirteen days!Now Lin Fei can't use it for a day, no one would have thought of this!

Ye Wudi was also unceremonious, and directly brought bets one after another, and came to collect the bills one by one.The most irritating thing is that Youyue is still by his side, not forgetting to teach the old gamblers: "I hope you can learn a lesson and stay away from gambling in the future. I thought about it and decided to create a new law, which is to prohibit gambling .”

All the old gamblers almost spit out old blood on the spot!

You said that gambling is not good, so you still bet us such a big one?When we lose our eyes and Ye Wudi reaps the benefits, we start to criticize this kind of behavior in a blink of an eye, and even want to ban gambling?

My mind is broken!

Lin Fei was not affected by what happened in the city, no longer suppressed his realm, and took that crucial step in an instant.


There was a thunder in the night, and thunder palaces appeared in the sky, and many ferocious and terrifying thunder beasts appeared.

There is a hundred-foot-long giant snake with two wings and sharp fangs, whose roar moves the heaven and the earth;

There is a unicorn that is mighty and extraordinary, with its feet stepping on dark clouds, and the Shaoyin divine water gathers around its body, condensing into a water dragon and wrapping around its body;

There is a real thunder dragon that is lifelike, and the mighty dragon sweeps across the sky, wandering from the thousands of lead clouds, and its figure undulates;

The sound of Qingyue Fengming resounded through the sky and the earth, and the raging flames made the thunderclouds burn...

"Ye Tiandi, do you want to try to cross the tribulation again?" Old Peng Wang swallowed, suppressed the shock in his heart, and shook Ye Wudi.

Ye Wudi took a deep look at him: "You want me to die?"

Lao Peng Wang quickly denied it, and said with a smile: "Isn't this thinking about your supernatural power, maybe you can give it a try......"

Ye Wudi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

It's unheard of for Lin Fei to make such a lightning calamity, whoever dies!

Of course, Lin Yuan and the Demon Lord of the Six Paths are two exceptions.

Faced with such an earth fairy thunder calamity aimed at himself and crossing a great realm, Lin Fei did not hold back.The scorpion energy in his body was as violent as a dragon, and it turned into a sky-shooting divine light, reaching up to the sky and down to the earth, covering his body.

All kinds of killing techniques emerge in endlessly, and there are even visions of various special physiques emerging.

Sword Immortal Ling Jiutian!

The moon rises from the sea!

The golden crow shines on the sky!

The mountain of corpses gushes out into the sea of ​​blood!

This is not like crossing the catastrophe, but a difficult fight with the top [-] races, and it is an enemy of all.

Lin Fei punched the unicorn, kicked the phoenix, and elbowed the real dragon. As soon as the Taiji diagram came out, he strangled the heavenly snake and killed the heavenly dog.His eyes are sharp, and his black hair dances wildly in the wind, as if a congenital demon god descended into the world, invincible, destructive, with an astonishing aura.

The fierce battle lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour, and the residents in the city were terrified.

The lead cloud retreated slowly, and the thunder light dissipated accordingly.

Lin Fei's body, which was as tall as a demon god, still stood proudly in the void.

Because of forcibly absorbing the sky thunder to temper his body and soul, he also suffered a certain degree of internal injury, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Lao Pengwang was dazed for a long time before he murmured: "It's too much..."

Lin Fei not only survived a great catastrophe, but even broke through a layer of realm, "by the way" survived a small catastrophe.

The first and second floor of the Earth Immortal.

Lin Fei let out a long mouthful of turbid air, and there was a "crackling" sound between his mouth and nose, and there was a "crackling" sound, jumping like an elf.Even Ye Wudi's eyelids twitched, it's hard to imagine such a level of catastrophe, how did he lure Na Xuanlei into his body?

At this moment, Lin Fei clearly felt the celestial essence in his body surging and boundless like a vast sea.Although it doesn't have the power to reach the sky, it has thorough power, which is enough to move the earth's veins and change the terrain.

In other words, as long as he has a single thought, he can shatter the earth and form buildings and streets with countless gigantic boulders.It can also perceive the spiritual veins and formations hidden in the ground, or set up a killing formation underground, or in a special area, arouse special energies such as Yin Qi and Dragon Qi in the ground veins to form a deadly killing move.

Not only a change in the level of strength, but also a sublimation in essence.

When the cultivation of the Earth Immortal is completed, it is easy to raise the city, disintegrate the city, and change the direction of the river with a single thought.

Many buildings in the Ten Thousand Races, even small towns and cities, were built by monks of Earth Immortals.Otherwise, given the stability of this plane, it would be considered a huge project even if it was handed over to the immortal monks.

Even strong earth immortals mean a change in the geomantic omen of a race.Not only landforms, but also related to the spirit gathering formation, which can attract and gather more spiritual energy and gather them in the habitat of the race.

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. This is by no means a lie.

There are no monks in the fairyland realm in the race, so they don't have such an advantage.Without such an advantage, the difficulty of getting out of the Earth Immortal cultivator will increase...

This is the Great Desolate Continent, where birth basically determines destiny.Reincarnated into the top ten races, no matter how weak and incompetent they are, they can almost cultivate into the realm of immortality.And reincarnated into the last race, no matter how hard and painstaking efforts are made, there will be no waves in the end, and at some point, they will be crushed to death by the strong as ants.

If it weren't for the blessings and pity of multiple heavens, and the mysterious fortune of blood luck, the situation of the weak would be even more tragic.


Lin Fei surrounded the vast town of Zhenbei, still laying out a large formation for gathering spirits, and the four quarters had passed.

This also means that the Ten Thousand Races ranking has been refreshed again.

"The human race climbed from 3992 to 3582!"

"From this point of view, the human race has a powerful Earth Immortal monk."

"It's wrong, it's too wrong! The recent rise of the human race is too strong, it doesn't make sense!"

"The Celestial Snake Race has dropped from 78th to 79th, hiss—could it be that there is a fallen celestial being? Maybe... more than one!"

The prehistoric peoples were shaken, and some great powers couldn't sit still.

The Heavenly Snakes were even more frightened and angry. One of the Golden Immortals even left from the Heavenly Snake Mountain Teleportation Array, and was about to find out who had fallen and what was behind it.

"Since my Heavenly Snake race was promoted to the top [-] races, the ranking has been improving, and this is the first time it has fallen!"

"Investigate to the end! Even if the murderer is from one of the top [-] races, he needs to give an explanation!" This was the angry divine sense of the ancestor of the Heavenly Snake, full of endless killing intent, which made the mountain tremble.

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