This night was quite restless.

The clansmen who died in Tianquan Town are nothing to the Tiangou clan, and they have nothing to do with the words "wounding muscles and bones".The gap between the [-]th clan and the [-]st clan is huge, and there is a full gold fairy, so even if a fairy falls, the ranking of the Tengu clan will not change.

This also led to their ignorance of the changes in Tianquan Town before.

But today, things are different.


Ever since Lin Fei entered the mountain gate, the place has changed a lot.Although new dog clans moved in, the palace of bones disappeared from the mountain.The original luxuriant elixir disappeared, the restriction was dilapidated, and the stone steps were full of signs of destruction from top to bottom.

A series of sword marks tore apart the stone steps, criss-crossing and devastated.The soil was even more pitted, and there were traces left after the spirit tree was pulled out everywhere. Not even the spirit soil was left, and it was dug full of holes.

Obviously, it is the "masterpiece" of Lin Fei and Lao Pengwang.

Accompanied by the indistinct singing, layers of black clouds covered the stars and the moon, and the sky and the earth were gloomy.

The singing voice was cold and ethereal, as if countless female ghosts were crying, making the listeners shudder.Just listening to it is enough to remind people of the whispers of countless ghosts in their ears, and even make people insane, full of endless fear.

Amidst the panic and panic of countless dog clans, there was a dark light shining between the sky and the earth.

It was a dog-headed human body with huge wings spread out behind it.His entire body was covered in satin-smooth black hair, even on his wings.There was no expression on that dog's face, but it still looked extremely ferocious, somewhat similar to a Tibetan mastiff.

"Sky Mastiff King!" A dog clan monk recognized the identity of the comer, and exclaimed in an instant.

"Greetings to the Sky Mastiff King!" All the monks on the dog mountain knelt down, their bodies deeply prostrate, trembling uncontrollably.

One of the three strong golden immortals of the Tiangu clan, second only to the existence of Zu Hezong, he is honored as the king of the sky mastiff!

"Who killed your ancestors?" The Sky Mastiff King's voice was extremely cold, resounding like thunder, which made people's blood surge and eardrums hurt.

The rank drop of the Dog Clan is too outrageous, and the fall of Zu Hezong is inevitable, and it can be seen at a glance.

Even other monks in the Immortal Realm should have fallen a lot.

It was precisely because of this speculation that the Sky Mastiff King came to take a look.

Although the Dog Clan is insignificant, in the eyes of the Tengu Clan, how can this be killing the Dog Clan?It's clearly hitting the Tengu clan in the face!

The vassals of the top [-] prehistoric races dare to move, really don't know how to write the word "death"?

"This...we don't know!" A dog cultivator hurriedly said, "We just moved here, and we don't know anything about what happened here!"

The Sky Mastiff King sneered, and there was a violent killing intent in his chest: "Inushan has been slaughtered, and Tianquan Town, as the nearest Tengu clan territory, has no reaction at all?"

This is dereliction of duty!

The dog cultivator immediately said: "The incident may have happened suddenly, and Tianquan Town has not received any news. Someone from us has already gone to report to Master Gou Chen!"

"No need! Now that this king is here, let's see who is so daring! If he dares to bully our Tiangu tribe, even the Heavenly King and I can't keep him!" backtracking method.


The space in midair distorted for a while, and a scene suddenly appeared.

A group of monks from the Dog Clan were about to flatter and praise the Heavenly Mastiff King for his supernatural powers, but when they saw the picture, they were immediately dumbfounded!

It was a thick and condensed blood-colored mist, covering the entire retrospective screen.Not only can't see the scene at all, it even makes the picture distorted.

"Blood luck!" The Sky Mastiff King's pupils shrank slightly, he didn't expect the matter to be so difficult.

This is the gift of multiple heavens, and it is the embodiment of the grace of heaven, which is enough to block his retrospective perception!

If Haotian didn't have this kindness back then, he might have been killed thousands of times by the strong men of all races before he could rise up.

Feeling the dormant anger of the Sky Mastiff King, which seemed to erupt at any time, the whole dog clan was trembling and dared not vent their anger.

The Sky Mastiff King stared at the bloody scene in front of him, his face became more and more gloomy, as if he was about to kill someone to vent his anger in the next moment.

As a veteran strongman of all races, he knows that such things have happened in history - such as Haotian.

As long as everything about him cannot be retrospectively perceived.

But just as he was about to erase the flashback, the bloody mist dissipated in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a silvery roc flew out.This big roc looked very happy, and kept laughing wildly, still shouting: "Get rich, get rich!"

The eyeballs of all the monks of the dog tribe almost popped out, their expressions were extremely exciting, watching Lao Pengwang's "performance show".

Lao Peng Wang ransacked everything on the dog mountain, and even looked satisfied: "tsk, I don't know how the meat of the dog family tastes. You can try it tonight, and see what it's like to cook hot pot with the dog family .”

It seems that the halazi is about to flow down.

The faces of all the dog clans turned green immediately, and the Sky Mastiff King gritted his teeth, looking as if he wished to tear him into pieces.

In the back is the picture of the old Peng Wang lying comfortably on the grass, gnawing on the lingon fruit, crossing his legs leisurely, and still humming a little song.

The mastiff king was furious!

"It's too arrogant, too presumptuous! This doesn't take the Tengu clan into consideration at all!"

"How dare Tu Mie Quanshan stay here so leisurely!"

This is the voice of all the dog clans, they are all cursing their mothers secretly, wishing to tear the old Peng king into pieces.It's just that they just dare not speak out - after all, the other party is from the Peng clan!

The prehistoric ranks No. 70 and seventh, even the Tengu clan can't compare with it!

"Okay, good you Peng clan!" The Sky Mastiff King laughed back angrily, feeling his chest was burning. "A mere hybrid roc in the realm of human immortality dares to insult our Tengu clan?"

"It's best not to let me touch you, or you will be destroyed physically and mentally!"

He seemed to be full of momentum, but he erased the picture in front of him, and he didn't intend to pursue it, which made the hearts of the dog clan cold.

To put it bluntly, it was just a few words to support the scene.

For a group of lowly vassal races, start a war with the Peng clan?not worth it.

"Let's negotiate with the Peng Clan first to see their attitude." The Sky Mastiff King thought so.

Far away in Zhenbei City.


Lao Peng Wang sneezed for no reason, and felt a wave of palpitations for no reason.

"There's no reason? Human immortal cultivators still catch a cold?"

He muttered to himself, wondering for a while.

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