I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 965 Sky Mastiff King: Angry, trembling, cold!

The Sky Mastiff King was extremely annoyed, he turned around and tore open a rift in space, and his figure penetrated into it.

"I'd like to see what happened to Tianquan Town—damn you!"

As soon as he got out of the space rift, he immediately cursed.

Tianquan Town is full of desolation, not only can't see half of the living, there is also a large area of ​​dry and coagulated blood on the ground.The scene here is even more miserable than Inuyama.

A large number of houses collapsed, the wreckage of countless buildings piled up on the ground, even many streets were blocked, and the city gates and prohibitions were blasted to pieces.

Not only that, but all the elixir on the surrounding mountains were also looted, let alone a hair, not a single elixir left!

"Presumptuous! It's tolerable, what can't be tolerated!" The Sky Mastiff King shouted violently, and the earth with a radius of ten thousand miles exploded in an instant, and the sky was filled with endless rubble and smoke, splashing like huge waves.

It's not just a matter of vassal races, the goddamn ones have come to the territory of the Tengu clan!

To be honest, the Peng Clan and the Tengu Clan are still in the same alliance camp.The main reason is that as the lower races in the top [-], if they want not to be oppressed and exploited by the top-ranked races, they can only fight together and hold together for warmth.

But what the hell is this alliance called?

A mere ant-like silver-winged roc conspired with a mysterious character with bloody luck to bully the Tengu clan!

"Bastard, you must die!" As the most violent member of the three golden immortals of the race, the Sky Mastiff King couldn't bear it anymore and gritted his teeth.

If all this is tolerated, I am afraid that the Peng Clan will not only ride on the head of the Tengu Clan to shit, but even ask him for paper!

If Old Pengwang saw this scene, he would be scared out of his wits on the spot, crying and begging for forgiveness—you are wronged, boss, this matter has nothing to do with me, I will just run errands, you can find anything Lin Fei!

The Sky Mastiff King used the method of backtracking again, but he still could only see the bloody mist shielding everything.And no matter which direction he went to investigate, as long as it involved the time when the mysterious person left, all he saw was blood.

With the blessing of bloody luck, even her whereabouts were blocked!

"God, you thief!" The Sky Mastiff King was almost dazzled by anger, he didn't expect that he, a dignified Golden Immortal cultivator, would be so aggrieved.

However, as soon as he uttered such a sentence, he felt a sense of danger for no reason.


There was a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and purple lightning fell from the sky, almost brushing against his face.

The mastiff king was terrified instantly, his whole body broke out in cold sweat, his face was pale, and he didn't dare to move.

This is the highest plane, the closest place to the multiple heavens.

And he is a strong Jinxian, who has already come into contact with the real Dao level, and is on the road to the extreme realm, so he can be regarded as a member who is closer to the Dao of Heaven.

The Sky Mastiff King swallowed, not daring to speak any more lies.

But his thoughts turned like lightning, and he guessed the origin of the mysterious person who was carrying bloody luck.

In the current prehistoric world, the race that has accumulated the deepest blood luck is naturally only the human race.

Reminiscent of the recent huge changes in the ranking of the human race, the Sky Mastiff King instantly had a firm understanding-that is human beings!

"There won't be another figure like Haotian, right? No, even Haotian back then didn't have such an exaggerated speed of practice, and there is no comparison at all!" The Sky Mastiff King thought, and an astonishing thought popped up in his mind. idea.

It was a strong man who broke through and stood up!

It might even be... All Saints!

Thinking of this, Tian Mastiff King suddenly felt cold all over his body.

"If this is the case, then it must be killed early, and there is no room for error!" He couldn't imagine that once the glory of the human race was revealed again, what would happen to the Tengu clan!

And right now.

Another ethereal singing sound came.

This singing voice is totally different from the Heavenly Mastiff King's hymn to immortality, it is full of endless carefreeness, the singing voice is fast and the melody is melodious.As if flying in the clear blue sky, mountains, rivers and rivers pass by in a glance; it also seems to be immersed in the deep sea, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the seabed alone.

"Sky Mastiff King, you shouldn't be here." With a faint sigh, a woman in a water-blue dress, shrouded in hazy light, appeared behind the Sky Mastiff King.

The Sky Mastiff King was shocked, and turned around slowly stiffly.

Just by the hymn of immortality, he already knew who was coming.

Cai Beiyu, the strongest of the fourth prehistoric race, the ancestor of Kunpeng!

"Ancestor of Kunpeng, you..." Heavenly Mastiff King's heart was full of turmoil. Although he felt that Cai Beiyu was in a strange state, he still couldn't hide his fear.

"Since you have decided to investigate to the end, then let me rewrite your memory of sea consciousness." Cai Beiyu was extremely calm, his voice was like a flowing wind returning to snow, like a clear spring flowing, but the content revealed in his words was extremely domineering.

"You—wait, this is just a clone?" The Sky Mastiff King finally realized what was so weird about Cai Beiyu in front of him.

Immediately, he felt deeply humiliated: "Cai Beiyu, I don't care what you're thinking! But it's just a clone, you think you can defeat—"

The Sky Mastiff King's voice stopped abruptly.

Because Cai Beiyu didn't move at all, there was a Yin fish and a Yang fish in front of him, which appeared in an instant, condensing into one.

Kun is Yin and Peng is Yang.

Time is Yin and space is Yang.

"You have combined Yin and Yang?!" The Heavenly Mastiff King's horrified divine thoughts resounded through the heaven and earth.

The vast Tai Chi diagram seemed to engulf the heavens and the earth, flooding the entire Tianquan Town.

There was a streak of blood oozing from the corner of Cai Beiyu's mouth, his face was pale, and his weakness could not be concealed.

And in her palm, there was a picture of Tai Chi, and the shrunken body of the Sky Mastiff King became the dividing line between Yin and Yang.

"Tianzun, no matter what plan you have, please hurry up."

"The first clan is planning the blood luck of this human race, and wants to completely obtain the position of emperor."

"All the massacres of human beings by all races in this world are all planned by him. He wants the blood luck of this human race to accumulate to infinity, and finally be completely ignited to help him ascend to the throne of God and obtain the status of emperor... .”

Cai Beiyu looked complicated and muttered to himself.

"It's too late to find out the whereabouts of Tianzun. I don't have much time for this clone. Let me take care of everything." She restrained all her thoughts and stroked her hair from her sideburns behind her ears.With the majestic power of Yuanshen, he penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Sky Mastiff King, checked and rewritten part of his memory.

When the Sky Mastiff King woke up, Cai Beiyu had disappeared.

He gritted his teeth tightly, resentful in his heart.

"Cai Beiyu, kill my vassal race, destroy my territory of the Tiangu clan! Just because they offended your bastard mount?!" In the mind of the Tianmastiff King, he still recalled what Cai Beiyu said while staring at him lightly: "If you are not convinced, start a war with my Kunpeng clan, and I will take over."

The mastiff king was so angry that he was trembling all over, sweating all over his body on a hot day, and his hands and feet were cold.

When will the Tengu Clan stand up?

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