I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 966 Beiyu is not afraid of death, but only asks the gods to be safe

No matter how unwilling the Sky Mastiff King is, he can only accept the reality like resignation to fate.

Even if Zu Hezong was told about this matter, it is expected that the Tengu clan would have no choice but to remain silent in the end, choosing to swallow their anger.

After all, the opponent was Cai Beiyu, the ancestor of Kunpeng, who ruled the fourth race of the prehistoric.

But the Sky Mastiff King didn't know that Cai Beiyu was far less majestic than he imagined.

In the middle of the North Sea, above the Kunpeng ancestral tree, in the palace.


Cai Beiyu's body showed pain, spit out a mouthful of blood, and flew upside down.The blood was as blue as the sky, and seemed to contain infinite weight, making the whole palace tremble.


She slammed into the wall of the palace, and in an instant, a light curtain full of complicated and mysterious runes emerged, protecting the Kunpeng Palace.

However, the palace in Kunpeng's ancestral land, the mysterious restriction that could withstand the power of the Jinxian powerhouse, collapsed on the spot under this collision.

Cai Beiyu left a bright red five-fingerprint on his cheek, and even his bones were cracked by the slap. There was a buzzing in his mind, and he was dizzy.

All this was just because of the illusory figure opposite her.

This person is shrouded in black and white mist, as if there is no entity, just a strange mist condensed into shape.

Because this is just a projection of him.

The majestic ancestor of Kunpeng has been humiliated to this point in his own territory.Once this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will alarm the whole prehistoric world.

"Cai Beiyu, I'll give you one last chance to find the human being who took away my bloody luck!" The black and white fog-shrouded figure spoke in a cold voice, and actually uttered two male and female voices at the same time, which was extremely strange.

"I can't find it." Cai Beiyu's face was pale, and he knelt on the ground with his hands weakly propped on the ground.There was still blood dripping from her mouth, even mixed with two knocked out teeth.

Half of her delicate and beautiful face was already swollen and turned purple.Even the eyelids were swollen, looking quite miserable.

Half of the face is picturesque, but the other side is swollen like a pig's head, forming a stark and strong contrast.

"Heh!" The mysterious man stretched out his right hand wrapped in black and white mist, and gently shook it in the void.

Cai Beiyu was immediately pulled by the invisible gravitational force, and his neck was pinched tightly.


With a slight sound, Cai Beiyu's cervical spine was crushed on the spot, and then directly shattered into powder.

The severe pain made her tremble all over, and a hazy mist appeared in her eyes.

"Cai Beiyu, do you think I don't know?" The mysterious man sneered, "Your mastery of time and space is enough to disdain the entire Great Desolate Continent. In this respect, you are second, and no one dares to be the first!"

"Observing time and space nodes is as common to you as eating and drinking. If there is a person who is almost omniscient in the whole prehistoric age, then you are the only one! The reason why you are hiding information is because it is related to someone you care about Bar?"

"Cai Beiyu, do you really think I'm a fool? Besides Wan Sheng Tianzun, who can make you take it so seriously? Let me tell you, Lin Fei's era has passed, and he will die by my hands sooner or later! I will give you A chance to stand in line is a great kindness, don't be ignorant of good and evil!"

He didn't notice that Cai Beiyu's blood slowly seeped into the hall as if it was alive.

And this symbolizes the glorious ancestral tree of the Kunpeng clan. The huge leaves are flowing with golden light, surging like a golden ocean.From the unknown place in the depths of the clouds to the bottom of the sea, it seems that some kind of huge change is gestating.

A vortex even formed around the ancestral tree, stirring the water of the North Sea.

"Seven days." Cai Beiyu's spiritual sense was weak.

"Oh?" The mysterious man smiled with great interest, and loosened his grip by two points.

"It's about the shielding of the blood-colored luck. All kinds of methods of observing and detecting Tianzun will be affected by various accidents. Even for me, it will take seven days. After seven days, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!" Cai Beiyu said weakly replied.

The mysterious man smiled, and finally let go of his hand, allowing her to slide feebly and slump on the ground.

"It's interesting for you." He looked down at Cai Beiyu condescendingly, and even stepped on her head, pressing her head to the ground, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, "But the majestic Ten Thousand Saints, How will you feel when you know that you have ended up betraying your relatives?"

The mysterious man seemed to be interested: "Tsk, it's really interesting. Cai Beiyu, if I remember correctly, you used to be Lin Fei's maid, right? If he died at the hands of his maid, it must be more interesting. "

Cai Beiyu shuddered slightly.

The mysterious man leaned slightly, with threats in his words: "Why, you don't want to? I don't care, but it's just a little less fun. Even if you don't do it, the ancestor of Qilin and the sect of Heavenly Snake, who once Wansheng Tianzun's subordinates are also willing to serve if they think about it."

"But..." The mysterious man put down the foot on Cai Beiyu's head, and grabbed her hair, "You Kunpeng clan is finished."

Cai Beiyu bit his lip, and knelt down deeply: "Beiyu dare not, but must follow the emperor's order to get to know Lin Fei with his own hands!"

The mysterious man laughed, and was about to say something, but suddenly his expression changed.

At the same time, a golden sun emerged from the top of the ancestral tree, which instantly turned into a golden roc; a silver moon rose from the bottom of the sea, and instantly turned into a kun.


The whole ancestral tree trembled, and the golden glowing leaves were the size of a basketball court, containing majestic divinity.But at this moment, the leaves turned yellow and wrinkled.

The ancestral tree is burning with vitality, pouring boundless mighty power into the palace.In an instant, the entire palace was filled with celestial light, and the boundless and endless runes were branded in the void, each of which was the size of a millstone, as if a grand scripture was engraved, extremely brilliant.

"Cai Beiyu!" The mysterious man was shocked and angry, but it was too late.

One Kun and one Peng have already stood on the top of the palace, suppressed by the mighty power of time and space.


Chains of order were stretched out, locking the mysterious person inside.

He felt an indescribable oppression, like the sun and the moon above his head, pressing down on him, trying to crush him into powder.

"Cai Beiyu, do you know what you're doing?" The mysterious man was covered in mist that was raging violently, like countless dragons and snakes dancing wildly, trying to break free from the restraints, but it was impossible to escape the fate of gradually dissipating.

"I know. Your body is trapped by the throne of the emperor, and it takes a hundred days to condense a projection. If there is no accident, I will die in a hundred days." Cai Beiyu reversed his previous humble posture and was extremely calm.

In the golden divine light of the temple, her whole body was covered with a warm and holy glow.

"Beiyu is not afraid of a hundred deaths, but only asks the gods to be safe."

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