"Stupid!" the mysterious man sneered, "I just can't figure it out, how can there be such a foolish and loyal person like you in the world? Back then, there were so many strong people who surrendered to the Ten Thousand Saints, but now who has never betrayed him and turned to me ?”

"You are the only one who is independent, do you really think that the whole world is dirty and you are alone?"

Cai Beiyu just shook his head, and said lightly: "For the past 3000 years, my Kunpeng clan has obeyed your orders and done everything to be ashamed of the Celestial Venerable. Now that the Venerable Venerable comes back today, with this opportunity, I will always do something, Otherwise you will have a bad conscience."

"I, Cai Beiyu, have been free and free all my life, soaring freely in the sky and the bottom of the sea. Since I can't be free in life, why should I be afraid of death?"

The mysterious man smiled.

The laughter became more rampant and unscrupulous, as if hearing a big joke.

Not only was he laughing at Cai Beiyu's ignorance, but he was also laughing at his own negligence.

"I understand. You have been dormant in the palace for the past 3000 years, so you are preparing for this big formation? Oh, you are really deliberate! Just to kill one of my projections, you have calculated to such an extent."

"Should I praise you for hiding so deeply, or laugh at you for your futility, and you can't change everything?" The figure of the mysterious man became more and more faint, leaving only a cloud of fog the size of a basketball, and his divine sense gradually weakened.

Cai Beiyu didn't answer any more, her hair was gradually graying and drying.

She herself is the eye.

The large formation was maintained continuously, consuming Cai Beiyu's blood and immortal energy all the time.

It wasn't until the fog completely dissipated that Cai Beiyu's expression gradually relaxed.

The runes in the palace disappeared without a trace in an instant.A large number of withered and yellow leaves on the ancestral tree lost their luster, flying all over the sky and falling into the sea.One Kun and one Peng are also hidden in the crown and roots of the tree.

The Kunpeng ancestral tree, which never withers all year round, withered more than half of it on this day, and the remaining leaves on the tree lacked vitality, as if they might wither at any time.At first glance, the ancestral tree inserted into the depths of the sky turned out to be bare, like a pillar reaching the sky.

Cai Beiyu slumped on the ground limply, and the water-blue dress spread out on the cold ground, like a flower blooming.

The mysterious man had been violent to her before, leaving traces of destructive energy raging in her body.

It was like thousands of invisible knives cutting through Cai Beiyu's flesh and blood meridians, causing a tearing pain.


Cai Beiyu spat out another mouthful of blood, mixed with fragments of internal organs, which looked horrifying.

The half of the face that had been slapped was severely festered, and pus flowed out.

Cai Beiyu stretched out his slightly trembling fingers, and lightly touched the wound on his cheek, and gasped in pain for an instant.

Seeing the pus stained between her fingers, she smiled miserably.

Cai Beiyu staggered to the door of the hall, supported the door frame, and looked out of the hall full of longing.

Through the layers of clouds and mist, she glanced thousands of miles away, deeply missing the world, mountains and seas.

The palace is located so high that it seems like you can pick the stars with your hands.

Xu was extremely cold at high places, Cai Beiyu suddenly felt very cold.

The fourth prehistoric family.Behind the brilliance, what kind of desolation is hidden, like a person who drinks water and knows it by himself.

She fell to the ground softly, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and gradually closed, everything she saw was so blurry.

Cai Beiyu's sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos, his sense of consciousness was extremely dull, and he even had a vague illusion.

The misty clouds in front of him actually condensed into Lin Fei's appearance, as if carrying the light of the stars and the moon, he slowly stretched out his hand to her.

"Tianzun... have you come to save me?" Cai Beiyu stretched out his hand with difficulty, wriggling like a caterpillar and approaching, wanting to touch it.

But her vision became more and more hazy, and fear and panic suddenly filled her heart.

until it was dark.


The next morning.

The sky was gray and cloudy.

Lin Fei has already set up a spirit gathering formation around Zhenbei City.Although the help to the monks in the city is limited, the effect of benefiting the public over time cannot be underestimated.

But for Zhenbeicheng, this is not the biggest good news.

With the unremitting efforts of the team led by Ye Wudi, the Sun Moon Emperor Formation was finally repaired.The incident even triggered a carnival among the people, and some people even beat gongs and drums along the street to tell everyone.

The perfection of the Sun-Moon Human Sovereign Formation not only means that the hidden dangers of space-time rifts have completely disappeared, but also means that the safety factor in the city has reached an unprecedented height.

To fight outside, you must first be safe inside.

Now that the general situation in the front has been determined, it is natural that the plot will be broader.

Obtaining 33 heavy days is the most important thing!

Once he obtains this item, Lin Fei can break the current deadlock without fearing all races.

33 Chongtian is the strongest foundation created by the heavenly court for countless years. It is also called "artificial heaven".

Just relying on these four words, it is enough to imagine its weight!

"The 33 Heavens Project started from Haotian. At that time, he intercepted many spiritual mountains and rivers in the prehistoric period and filled them into 33 connected small worlds. Over the long years, he used the authority of the Emperor to transform the 33 Heavens."

"Among them, there are countless immortal medicines. Although they have been consumed, there must be a large number of immortal medicines that have matured after 3000 years. The most important thing is that every heaven has a spiritual root of the Great Dao, which is obtained from hundreds of clans. snatch."

"Don't talk about the major sects of the human race, just the most prosperous branch of the Heavenly Court official, there are twelve golden immortals, which are inseparable from the 33 heavens." Lin Fei sat on the top of the city wall, facing Ji Yaoguang Doubts, explained a little bit.

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded when he heard it, it was really hard to imagine the glory of the Heavenly Court back then.

You must know that Dao elixir is extremely rare among hundreds of clans.Even the top ten races have only one strain per family, which is unique.

For example, Qilin Daoguo, Jiuzhuan Tianlongvine, Kunpeng Ancestral Tree, Tianfeng Zixiatong, Golden Crow Sun Mulberry...

"Except for the Kunpeng Ancestral Tree and the Qilin Dao Fruit, basically the spiritual roots of the Dao that you can think of are all in the 33rd Heaven." Lin Fei said.

Ji Yaoguang roughly guessed something, and said with a strange look: "The reason why these two clans were spared is because of their friendship with you and Ye Wudi?"

Lin Fei nodded slightly: "That's right. Originally, these two Dao Linggens were also in the 33rd Heaven, but I asked Ye Wudi to send them back."

Ji Yaoguang sighed: "It's a pity that the ancestors of these two races are also ungrateful white-eyed wolves."

Lin Fei stood up, turned his head and took a deep look at Zhenbei City: "When I get the 33rd Heaven, the day of reckoning will be near."

At the same time, Ye Wudi's voice came over: "Tianzun, it's time for us to go."

Before the words fell, a jug of wine was thrown high.


Lin Fei caught the jug, lifted the lid and drank heavily.

This is the beginning of another round of history of suffering for all races.

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