I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 969 I'm sorry, the actors do whatever they want

"It turned out to be the Kunpeng clan!"

"Members of the Kunpeng clan are extremely rare, and every member is highly valued! If a Kunpeng dies unfortunately, its ancestors may be able to wash away the murderer's family with blood, and even the race will have to pay a heavy price. !"

"Why did the fourth race of the Great Desolation appear here?"

Whether Ji Yaoguang or Old Peng Wang, they were completely dumbfounded by the sight in front of them.Listening to the voices of the Tiangu tribe in the town, my heart was quite messy and weird.

But Lin Fei, as a professional old actor, was not affected by them, he just gave Gou Wude a cold look: "What did you just say?"

Gou Wude was so frightened that he even knelt down on the spot with a "plop" sound, and broke out in cold sweat: "I was excited for a while, but I didn't expect it to be the grand master of the Kunpeng clan. Please forgive me, my lord!"


Ji Yaoguang suddenly felt like complaining.

Is it really a feint to scare others down to their knees and beg for mercy?

The key point is that Lin Fei is not acting in a one-man show, and beside him is his best partner who is also an "old actor".Ye Wudi looked at Gou Wude and said expressionlessly, "Slap your mouth."

Gou Wude was scolding his mother in his heart, he was terribly aggrieved, but he slapped himself quickly.

The sound of "pa pa pa" was exceptionally crisp, which showed that the pump was extremely hard, and even his face was swollen.

The residents of the town were stunned. They didn't expect the lord, who is usually aloof, to be frightened to step on the field.

This is the transcendence of the top ten races!

For example, if you really offend the "Kunpeng Clan Master" today, you just want to say hello to the Sky Mastiff King. Gou Wude's dismissal is a trivial matter, and he might even be blackmailed out of his money. I will apologize to the other party... .

This is no joke.

This kind of thing happened to the Tiangu tribe, that is, a stunned young man with a lot of fairy stones competed with a dragon clan son to bid for the auctioned elixir.The son of the dragon clan didn't bring enough fairy stones, so he failed in the bidding, which disappointed the daughter of the dragon clan who was traveling with him.Lengtouqing from the Tiangu clan was triumphant, and in front of the son of the Dragon clan, he bragged with his friends about how rich his family was, which aroused a lot of compliments.

The son of the Dragon clan felt very shameless, so he asked the Sky Mastiff King for an explanation.The words are also extremely crisp and concise, only three sentences.

The first sentence is "My father is the fourth golden fairy of the dragon clan, and my mother is the seventh golden fairy of the dragon clan".

The second sentence is "Your Tengu clan is really powerful, don't you think of my dragon clan?"

The third sentence is "If the Sky Mastiff King can't handle this matter well, I will use my own means to solve it."

The Sky Mastiff King was so frightened that he almost exploded on the spot, how the hell did he get so angry?Pay it, pay it, anyway, it wasn't my son's trouble, so I don't need to pay it...

Ceded land!


The son of the Tengu tribe was blackmailed so much that his own mother didn't know him, he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and wanted to scold him, "Can't you afford it?"

His parents were so angry that they barked and yelled, they almost put their son in hot pot...

All in all, the rules of this world are like this.

The strong can wantonly trouble the weak, and the weak can only swallow their anger.Even if there is a racial alliance, but it doesn't involve a critical matter, who is willing to take the lead for you to offend the arrogant and arrogant Dragon Clan?Do you really want to be loyal?

How many fairy stones is loyalty worth?

The Dragon Clan is still ranked fifth in the wild, one behind the Kunpeng Clan. Even if Gou Wude eats the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, he doesn't dare to offend him a little bit, and he can't wait to be a dog with his tail between his legs.

Ji Yaoguang saw it so that she secretly cursed in her heart, saying that the Tiangu tribe is also a dog after all, and they will always beg for mercy.

"Okay, that's it." Lin Fei waved his hand impatiently.

Gou Wude breathed a sigh of relief as if he had received an amnesty, and stood up.He directly vented his anger on the others, and slapped the guard on the face with a "slap", and stared: "You are a mother, what are you still doing in a daze? Young master wants to come in, quickly open the restriction!"

Hearing "raised by a mother", Lin Fei's heart suddenly surged with murderous intent, but the surface was still indifferent.

The guard was full of grievances, thinking that who the hell did I provoke?

Even though he thought so, he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly opened the restriction.

"My lord, please!" Gou Wude shyly made a gesture of please, leading the way.

Lin Fei gave a faint "hmm", put his hands behind his back, and looked around casually, really looking like a strong family son.Lao Peng Wang also felt a sense of gloom in his heart, feeling that this was so exciting, he turned into a human form and followed Lin Fei with his head high, with a look of contempt for everything.

Compared with the miserable situation in Zhenbei City, Lao Pengwang felt that he was so happy to come to the vast world, and his status was rising!

Prehistoric No.70, the name of the seven clans, isn't it majestic enough?

Not to mention that there are two super old drama characters who can pretend to be super fucking, and they have directly blown to the fourth race, and they are walking sideways everywhere.I'm afraid that a random cough will make others tremble three times in fright, and I hurriedly reflect on whether there is something that makes the big man in front of me dissatisfied...

Gou Wude had a flattering face, introducing everything in the city like a tour guide.He also asked Lin Fei which race of beauties he likes, as long as there are any in the town, he can arrange to serve Lin Fei.

"By the way," Gou Wude seemed to have thought of something, and said hastily, "I don't know if you are interested in beauties from the human race? I received a message that there is a group of humans hidden in the depths of the Luofeng Mountains, and they have already sent people to capture them. It can be delivered tomorrow morning."

"Although there are women in this city, they have been rounded thousands of times. How can you be worthy of your identity, young master? If young master likes it, wait for a new girl to be caught, and you can choose it!"

"Or if you like to eat people, then we can also cook a variety of dishes, such as braised human palms, living human brains...have you ever eaten living human brains? Hehe, it is to restrain the living people and directly Open the head, pour boiling oil into it, and dress it up with various seasonings. Tsk tsk, that taste is really unique, chi chi smoky, very fresh—”

Gou Wude couldn't continue speaking, and suddenly felt a biting chill, and his body became stiff: "Mr., Mr...."

The murderous intent in Lin Fei's eyes made him terrified.

But that killing intent was only fleeting and dissipated in an instant.

Now that there is a massacre in the city, the Tengu tribe who went out tomorrow morning will return, and they will do it again.

There's no need to rush, and there's no need to scare the snakes, so that the returning Tengu tribe escapes, or threatens the kidnapped humans, which will only add unnecessary troubles.

Catch them in one go, and save the group of humans by the way.

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