I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 970 I'm going to grab it, do you have an opinion?

"My lord, is there something wrong?" Gou Wude broke out in cold sweat.

It has become a habit for them to feed on human beings, and they never thought that they would attract Lin Fei's killing intent.

Not only Lin Fei, Ye Wudi and Ji Yaoguang's faces were not kind.

Old Peng Wang also had a strange look on his face, thinking that you are a fucking genius, wouldn't it be good to be alive?But after thinking about it, he felt that there was actually no difference, anyway, Gou Wude could not escape death after all.

"It's nothing," Lin Fei said in a cold voice, "It's just that you can't kill people without nodding your head. Your actions make me sick."

Gou Wude forced a smile: "Sorry, son, I didn't take into account the cultural differences with the nobles, which made you unhappy, please forgive me!"

He secretly groaned in his heart, feeling that it was really not easy to entertain this son of the Kunpeng clan.But if you think about it carefully, although the Kunpeng tribe has slaughtered human beings wantonly, they have always given everyone a happy death.Perhaps the dead didn't even feel the pain, and the life had already dissipated first.

"How many humans are there in this town?" Lin Fei walked slowly on the street, casually took an exquisite jade hairpin from the stall, with a lotus flower carved from white jade at the end, and inserted it directly between Ji Yaoguang's hair.

After doing all this, he didn't even look back, didn't stop walking, and didn't have the slightest thought of paying the bill.

The key point was that the stall owner was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said with a smile on his face, "Master, go slowly!"

Old Peng Wang stared wide-eyed, thinking that this is okay?How about I just grab something too?Anyway, you don't have to pay the bill, it's just a steal, and the other party doesn't even dare to let go...

"Not many," Gou Wude felt a little puzzled in his heart. He didn't understand why he asked this question, but he still replied, "There are probably more than 3000 people, most of them are monks who can do something, and there are also some women."

Lin Fei said decisively, "I want them all."

Just say you want it, don't give a price.

Gou Wude's eyes widened instantly, already scolding his mother in his heart.

This bastard is Ming Qiang!

More than 3000 people, including cleaners, cooks, coolies, and sandbags for Tengu teenagers to simulate actual combat.There are also talents in various fields, such as business wizards and counselors.

Basically, it can be said that the human beings who are still living in the town can reflect its value, even if it is insignificant.Of course, beauty is also a value.For example, Gou Wude, there are 32 human maids and nine human concubines in the lord's mansion.

What does maid mean?If you have something to do as a maid, if you have nothing to do as a maid.

Lin Fei opened his mouth like a lion, and wanted to take away all the humans in the city when he came up. This attitude can be described as extremely arrogant and arrogant, and he didn't give him any face at all!

"My lord, you are such a big man, you definitely don't care about fairy stones, why don't you... show some interest?" Gou Wude was extremely humble, begging all over his face, how could he have the arrogance of the top [-] races?

He felt that the Kunpeng tribe cherished feathers and reputation, and if they put on such a high hat, they would gain some benefits, right?

Otherwise, it would be free, Gou Wude was worried that he would be so angry that he would not be able to sleep at night, and he would even be secretly ridiculed in the future.And such a young master brother, the shot should be quite generous, right?

"Yes." Lin Fei agreed simply.

Gou Wude was immediately overjoyed: "Then thank you, Young Master!"

"You're welcome." Lin Fei said, then took out a low-grade spirit stone from the interspatial ring, and threw it out casually.

As soon as Gou Wude caught it, he was thrown into a mess in the wind: "Young master, you—"

The residents on the street who saw this scene were all stunned on the spot.

It would be better not to give it!

Throwing a low-grade spirit stone is like sending a beggar, isn't it humiliating?

"Any opinion?" Lin Fei glanced at Gou Wude lightly.

"No, no!" Gou Wude cried with a sad face, wishing to send this plague god away quickly.


There was no sword, light or sword, and no blood splattered on the spot, but he was so aggrieved that he had the urge to vomit blood.

The last attempt he made was to ask cautiously: "My lord, can I keep my 32 maids and nine concubines?"

Lin Fei said decisively: "I can't."

Gou Wude had a wonderful expression of "I fucked up the dog", and cursed secretly in his heart: Why are you pretending to be arrogant with me, so I still like this mouthful!

He suddenly felt a piece of green on the top of his head, like a green grassland, and he was so angry that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were trembling, and he was almost humiliated on the spot, spurting out a mouthful of old blood.

Gou Wude thinks that Lin Fei has a special hobby and likes to play with other people's wives.

Can the fucking bear it?

It's tolerable, what... Forget it, it's still tolerable, I can't afford to mess with it.

Gou Wude was about to cry, thinking what evil did I do, how could I stay well in my own territory, and why did such a disaster come to my house?

Despite all the grief and anger in his heart, he didn't dare to be negligent, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "Young master, do you think you want to live in the best restaurant in the town, or in the city lord's mansion?"

"Restaurant." Lin Fei said casually.

Since arriving in this prehistoric continent, he has never been to a place like a restaurant.Old Peng Wang was even more excited suddenly, and wanted to learn more.

After leaving Zhenbei City, with the pretense of being from the Peng tribe, why can't they enjoy themselves?

Gou Wude responded, and soon led the crowd to an antique restaurant.

It is said to be a restaurant, but it is actually a place that all men understand.

This restaurant is majestic and has seven floors.The front faces the street, the back faces the river, and each floor is surrounded by corridors.There is a plaque directly above the door, written in the characters of the Tiangou tribe, which is "Zuixianglou".

The red sleeves are ostentatious all over the building, and there are even women of different races in human form waiting for customers at the door. They are dressed in cool clothes, and the beautiful scenery in the tulle dresses is faintly visible.

"Hey, it's the lord! What wind brought you here?" A young and beautiful foreign woman held a round fan, her eyes lit up, and she walked towards Gou Wude immediately.

In this line of work, her ability to observe words and emotions is also top-notch. When she realized that the people around Gou Wude came from unusual paths, she asked a question.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!" Gou Wude put on airs in an instant, and yelled coldly, "Let your lady boss come out."

The woman of the foreign race was startled in her heart, she hurriedly responded, and walked quickly into the building with her skirt in hand.

Gou Wude changed his face and turned his head to look at Lin Fei with a dog-legged appearance with a smile on his face, with his back bent: "My lord, please."

Lin Fei was extremely calm, and only gave a faint "hmm".With his hands behind his back, he looked arrogant, which immediately attracted a lot of surprised eyes from the restaurant, who all guessed what happened.

But Ji Yaoguang felt strange in his heart, and always felt that something was wrong.

Does this count as husband and wife visiting brothels together?

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