Under Gou Wude's arrangement, all the guests on the seventh floor were driven away and left to Lin Fei and others.

The old bustard dared not speak out, and was even more frightened when he learned the identity of the visitor, and wanted to go to flatter him.

"Fawn? What a fart!" Gou Quande scolded bad words in his heart, saying that whoever gets involved with him will be unlucky. Do you think you can make friends?Do your spring and autumn dream!

"All in all, you have to find a way to entertain me!" He warned solemnly, "Bring me any good wine and food, and beauties from all ethnic groups are also sent to serve! And that human race named Qingqiu Oiran... I don't care who she is with, let that guest go, and let Qingqiu go up to accompany you, Young Master!"

The proprietress is a woman who looks to be in her early 30s. It is not so much a charm as it is a ripe fruit, which is mouth-watering.When she heard this, she quickly grabbed Gou Wude's arm: "Lord, who will pay the bill?"

Gou Wude glared immediately: "Check out? Pay a fart!"

Thinking of Lin Fei's humiliation in the street before, he was immediately angry, and he felt like venting his anger on others, so he slapped that low-grade spirit stone on the table: "Is it enough?!"

The proprietress was dumbfounded on the spot, just like Gou Quande was in the same mood at that time, she cursed you in her heart, you're a swindler who kills thousands of knives!Why do you make my old lady lose money by entertaining big shots?

But she couldn't do anything else, so she could only apologize with a shy smile: "Enough, enough..."

No way, who let others be the lord?Everything in the town is under his jurisdiction, if I make him unhappy, I will definitely have a bad life in the future.

Gou Quande found an outlet, and suddenly felt much better in his heart.

Alas, I don't think so much anyway.After sending away this calamity, I will still be the Emperor of Earth in this one-third of an acre of land, doing whatever I want, good days are still to come!

He got up to leave, but suddenly thought of something, and said hastily: "By the way, you must not eat dishes made of the flesh and blood of thousands of races! This son is different from us, and he does not want to eat the flesh and blood of intelligent creatures."

The proprietress was not surprised, she even said, "I know, I must pay attention."

There are huge differences in the cultures of all races. For example, the tree-human race of the top [-] races, except for a few branches of the "Bloodthirsty Demon Tree", doesn't even eat a little bit of flesh and blood.

Gou Wude had almost finished his orders, so he left to do business, and ordered his subordinates to gather all the human races in the town, hoping that Lin Fei would take them away quickly.

Lin Fei and others lived temporarily on the seventh floor, divided into three rooms.

Lin Fei shared a room with Ji Yaoguang, and Lao Peng Wang and Ye Wudi each shared a room.

Old Peng Wang couldn't hold back his urge to have fun at all, not only good wine and good food were prepared in the house, but also a dozen or so women from Yingyingyanyan as companions.He hugged left and right, and there were even beauties serving food and wine, playing and playing, having a great time, with a smile as bright as a dog's tail.

"Fairyland, it's just a fairyland!" Lao Peng Wang was so moved that he almost cried, and said in his heart that those days in Zhenbei City were simply not human life, and he still had a good time outside.

On the other hand, Ye Wudi seemed more self-reliant.As the former Great Desolate Heavenly Emperor, what beauty has he not seen?There are three thousand beauties in the harem, all from different races, fat, swallows and thin, with different charms, how could they be moved by the girls in the brothel in a corner?

Those women were quite unruly at first, but after Ye Wudi warned them, they calmed down and were mostly dispersed.It's just one person to accompany him to drink, one person to accompany him to play chess, one person to play the piano, and one person to sing along with him, that's all.

On Lin Fei's side, after the girls from the brothel entered the door, their gazes were somewhat strange.

It's not that no one brings women to this kind of place, it's just that it's too rare.

Lin Fei made those women of other races retreat, leaving only the oiran named "Qing Qiu".

Not for anything else, just because she is a human race.

Qingqiu is wearing a smoked lotus bun, and a magpie climbing plum hairpin is inserted obliquely on the top of her head.Holding a round fan embroidered with lotus flowers in his hand, he was wearing an ivory white gold-rimmed pipa jacket and a pair of white embroidered shoes on his feet.

She has a slender figure, soft steps, and graceful demeanor.

Different from other "coquettish sluts", Qingqiu seems quite reserved and gentle.

She gently closed the door, lowered her eyelids, held a round fan and bowed softly: "Qingqiu has seen you two."

Lin Fei only glanced at her, then shook his head slightly and said, "It's a pity."

If it was under the rule of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court, the woman in front of her would definitely not be reduced to such a point.

Qingqiu is like a water lotus, even if it falls into the dust, is run over by wind and frost, and falls into mud, it still emits a faint fragrance quietly.

So stunning, with outstanding temperament.It is not surprising that even a humble human race can become an oiran.

"Sit." Lin Fei looked away, raised the silver cup, and drank the spiritual wine that contained a strong fruity aroma and life essence in one gulp.

"Thank you, Mr. Qingqiu." Qingqiu replied softly, straightened her skirt neatly, and sat beside Lin Fei.

Ji Yaoguang looked at Qingqiu, feeling a pity in her heart.

Also as a human being, as a woman, when she thought of what it would be like to fall into such a place, she felt dark and hopeless.If it were her, she would have died long ago to avoid such humiliation.

But the character of the woman in front of me is quite intriguing.You can't see the vicissitudes of being tossed by the tragic situation, and you can't see the indulgence and uninhibitedness of self-abandonment and self-depravity.

Well-behaved, elegant temperament, pleasing to the eye.

"Young master, young lady, Qingqiu dares to sit with the two of you, and I propose a toast to you." Qingqiu filled the glasses of wine for the two of them, then poured it for himself, and got up to toast.

"Don't be restrained, just sit down and drink, just talk to your friends." Lin Fei said lightly, already pointing out that he didn't care about her like a man and a woman.

Regarding this prehistoric human race... Although he didn't say anything, he felt ashamed after all.

If he could have suppressed and killed the Demon Lord of the Six Paths early in the past and ruled the multiverse, the Heavenly Court would not have been destroyed, and the prehistoric human race would not have ended up in such a miserable situation.

Tens of trillions, or even tens of billions, of human beings all over the prehistoric continent were brutally slaughtered, and the survivors were just surviving.

It's called insensitivity.

Qingqiu is just a tiny microcosm, and even in the prehistoric era, he was considered a "well-lived" human being.Human beings who are more miserable than him are everywhere in the world.Even this prehistoric land was almost soaked in human blood.

Qingqiu was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the son of a foreign race with a great background in front of him would be called a friend.

"Have you ever thought that one day you will be able to get rid of the life in front of you?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.

Qingqiu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes: "I don't even dare to have such extravagant hopes in my dreams."

Lin Fei took a deep look at her, and said as if pointing: "Maybe this day is not far away."

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