Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 1004 8 Clan Gathering

"You don't need to guess. It must be the mysterious power in your body. But then again, what kind of power is it that suddenly made my Xiaohan so strong? Isn't it dangerous?"

Xing Jue is like Li Xiaohan back then, after learning that his lover has become stronger, he is more worried than happy.

"Brother Xingjue, to be honest, I don't know too well, but I think that I am completely different from before."

"This power is very strong, so strong that I don't know if I can fully grasp it, and even wonder if he has surpassed the power of brother Xing Jue's blood."

"I heard from Sister Ying that I was born with this power. It has always been hidden in my body and suppressed my talent. Now that he is freed, my talent is also released. This is the truth. The original me."

"But..." At this point, Li Xiaohan hesitated


"But what?" Seeing this, Xing Jue asked worriedly.

"I don't want to hide from brother Xingjue. I feel that the power I have now has not been completely liberated. It can even be said that the power I have now is just the tip of the iceberg." Li Xiaohan was a little worried.

"It's so strong? What kind of power is this?" Hearing what Li Xiaohan said, Xing Jue also became nervous.

"Xiaohan, don't be afraid, I don't think this will be a bad thing, and I believe in you, no matter how powerful it is, you can master it."

After pondering for a long time, Xing Jue suddenly smiled and said that although he was still worried, he didn't want Li Xiaohan to have too much psychological burden.

What's more, he can't even do anything about the ghost gas. Facing the mysterious power in Li Xiaohan's body, what can he do?

At this moment, all he can do is to give Li Xiaohan confidence and spiritual encouragement, there is no other way, at least for now.

"Well, maybe, as Sister Ying said, maybe I can create a new race in the future, hehe..."

Li Xiaohan smiled grinningly, she told Xing Jue everything, but she was afraid that Xing Jue might be suspicious.

In fact, it was also to make Xing Jue feel at ease, so even if she was worried, she would not show it too obviously.

"My Xiaohan can definitely do it. By the way, Xiaohan, what happened to so many people from the Immortal Clan suddenly coming to the Moon Clan."

"In addition, I just felt a few strong auras. It is neither the Moon Clan nor the Immortal Clan. It is another very strong race. Has anything happened to the Moon Clan recently?" Xing Jue asked.

"Well, something has indeed happened recently, and it is a big event."

"In fact, it's not just the fairy clan. Before the fairy clan, the other six clans of the ancient eight clans have all arrived in the moon clan." Li Xiaohan explained.

"You actually let the eight ancient clans gather here, what happened?"

As long as he thinks that the eight strongest forces in the sanctuary have gathered in the Moon Clan, Xing Jue knows that it is already a very big deal.

"The body of the evil spirit, brother Xingjue, do you still remember?" Li Xiaohan said.

"The body of the evil spirit? Could it be related to the body of the evil spirit?" Hearing what Li Xiaohan said, Xing Jue became even more nervous.

Xing Jue certainly knew who the body of the evil spirit was, but it was the blood sister, and the body of the evil spirit was transformed by the blood sister.

Now that the gathering of the eight ancient clans is actually related to the blood sister, how can Xing Jue not be nervous.

"Yes, the body of the evil spirit has reappeared, and it is no longer what it was before. Everyone feels that its appearance this time will bring a huge catastrophe to the sanctuary."

"In order to resist this catastrophe, only the eight ancient clans can join forces." Li Xiaohan continued.

"Then, how far has the body of the evil spirit grown? Where is it now?" Xing Jue asked anxiously.

"The exact extent is unclear, but several masters of the blood race have died in its hands. It is initially suspected that it may have entered the battle saint of Shura."

"As for where it is now, I don't know, but I only know that the targets it chooses to attack are all the top masters of the ancient eight races, especially the blood race, and now they have suffered heavy losses."

"The most important thing is that just a while ago, the blood race received a letter from the blood demon, who said that the blood race would disappear in the sanctuary soon."

"That's why the blood clan asked the other seven clans for help, and secretly formulated a method to deal with the body of the evil spirit and the blood demon." Li Xiaohan explained in detail.

"How could this be? Could it be that the Blood Sister has grown to this extent in such a short period of time?" Xing determined to think secretly.

"Xiaohan, this is probably a conspiracy. The blood demon dared to inform the blood clan so openly, which shows that he wants to unite the eight clans. He deliberately set this trap. Catch them all."

Suddenly, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head and solemnly reminded.

He knew the way to improve the strength of the blood, that is to continuously refine the blood and cultivation of the strong, and now if the blood girl has grown to the Asura War Saint, then it is obvious that the Asura War Emperor cannot be satisfied with her.

Therefore, the goal of the blood girl right now is the Asura War Saint, and in order to complete the blood girl, the blood demon set his mind on the ancient eight emperors. This is a trap.

"Sister Ying and Senior Weideng also think so, but there is no other way right now. The body of the evil spirit must be dealt with. It is better to be late than early, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Li Xiaohan explained solemnly.

"Well, that's true."

Xing Jue agreed, but he was extremely worried, he was really in a dilemma right now.

Sister Ying on the one hand and Sister Xue on the other, neither of them wanted to get hurt, but he didn't know how to stop this war.


"You bastard, you have the audacity to seduce the prince, see if I don't beat you to death."

But at this moment, there was a burst of insults from below, and after seeing the happiness below, Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan were both taken aback.

Because they discovered that a group of people gathered below at this moment, they were besieging a woman, and that woman Xing Jue knew Li Xiaohan, and that woman was Yue Ling, a disciple of the Sanctuary League Mansion.

"I really didn't seduce the prince, I didn't."

At this moment, Yueling no longer had the prestige and arrogance she had in Sanctuary League Mansion. Her face was already flushed by palms, and she was even a little bloated.

Her clothes were also torn into a mess, revealing patches of fair skin. She curled up on the ground with two lines of tears continuously washing her face, which was very miserable.

"Fart, it wasn't you who seduced the prince, could it be that the prince can't seduce you? You shameless guy, do you really think that being a disciple of the Sanctuary Alliance Mansion is a big deal?"

"The Sanctuary Alliance Mansion is a fart, but it's just a low-level existence. You actually went to such a low-level place to make a foundation. It really embarrasses the face of my Moon Clan."

"You bitch is simply not worthy of being my Moon Clan member, you better get out of the Moon Clan immediately."

A woman with heavy makeup kept insulting Yueling, and even raised her palm while speaking, and slapped Yueling's bloated cheek again.

Facing the woman's slap in the face, Yueling didn't dare to dodge at all, she could only close her eyes and wait for the coming pain.


There was a crisp sound, and Yueling curled up subconsciously, but the pain that did not appear surprised her, and when she opened her eyes, the surprise became more intense.

At this moment, there was a man standing in front of her, and it was this man who received the woman's attack and tightly grasped the woman's wrist.

And beside this man, there is also a beautiful woman standing, and this couple is Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan.

"You... who are you?"

When her attack was blocked, the woman was extremely angry and was about to curse, but when she saw Li Xiaohan beside Xing Jue, she couldn't help but languished.

Li Xiaohan, now the princess of the Yue Clan, is the closest person to the patriarch, and she is also the person that the patriarch in front of the moon is very fond of.

Now in the Moon Clan, if you ask anyone who dares to offend Li Xiaohan, I am afraid there is no one, and this woman is naturally the same.

"Who am I? I'm from Sanctuary Alliance Mansion, why? You seem to look down on people from Sanctuary Alliance Mansion?"

With a sneer on his face, Xing Jue exerted a slight force on his palm, and the woman screamed: "I don't, I don't, let go, ah~~~~~~~~My hand!!!"

But even though the woman was crying in pain, Xing Jue had no intention of letting go.

Although he has no friendship with Yueling, they are both disciples of the Mengfu after all, and what Xing Jue hates most is bullying people like this, and bullying people he knows.

"Xing Jue, what are you doing, stop!"

Suddenly, there was a roar in the air, and at the same time, a majestic aura descended from the sky, oppressing Xing Jue.


However, Xing Jue didn't even turn his body around, didn't even turn his head back, and with a slight wave of his sleeve robe, he dispelled the aura.

"Your Majesty, save me quickly!"

And at this moment, the woman also cried out with aggrieved face, because it was Yue Xingchen, the prince of the Moon Clan, who attacked Xingjue earlier.

Moreover, at this moment, beside Yue Xingchen, there were still seven young men following.

All of them are well-dressed, have delicate features, and have extraordinary auras, none of them are mediocre.

Among them, there is also the prince of the fairy clan. Obviously, these seven people should be the other seven princes of the ancient eight clans.

"Xing Jue, you are so daring, you dare to touch my woman in broad daylight."

"The most unbearable thing for me is that you still do such nasty things in front of Xiaohan's sister."

"Sister Xiaohan, I'm really wronged for you."

The moon and stars fell from the sky, this time he didn't get angry, but approached like watching a show.

"Your woman? Your woman dares to beat my disciple of the Mengfu, shouldn't you teach me a lesson?"

Seeing Yue Xingchen approaching, Xing Jue swung the woman towards Yue Xingchen with a wave of his arm.

And Yue Xingchen was not polite, he opened his arms and took the woman into his arms. After some intimacy and safety first, he glanced around and said:

"Oh, I thought it was someone, but it turned out to be her."

"This slut seduced me, is it wrong for my woman to teach her a lesson?" Yue Xingchen looked at Yueling without any sympathy, but full of jokes.

"I didn't, I didn't seduce him, he forcibly defiled me!" Yueling stood up suddenly, pointing at Yue Xingchen with tears all over her face.

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