"Stinky girls, don't talk nonsense."

"I don't even look at what you are, the prince will defile you? I'm piss~" Yue Xingchen not only denied it, but also accused Yueling.

"Yue Xingchen, you..." At this moment, Yue Ling gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

In the Moon Clan, her status is too humble, and this humbleness is manifested to the extreme in front of the Moon Clan Prince.

"Have you ever done it, don't you know it yourself?"

"Would you like to confront the patriarch and let her decide right from wrong?"

Seeing Yuexingchen as such a rogue, Li Xiaohan stood up angrily. As a woman, she can better understand Yueling's feelings at the moment, innocence is the most important thing to a woman.

"Sister Xiaohan, the patriarch is discussing with the patriarchs of various clans how to deal with the body of evil spirits."

"It's not good for us to disturb her because of this trivial matter?"

Hearing Li Xiaohan say this, Yue Xingchen suddenly felt guilty, and hurriedly borrowed words to evade.

"Are you guilty?" Xing Jue sneered aside.

"Guilty? Will I have a guilty conscience? I just put the overall situation first." Yue Xingchen denied.

"The overall situation? Can someone like you say such things?" Xing Jue was still disdainful.

"That's right, Yue Xingchen, who you believe is very clear to the entire Yue Clan." Li Xiaohan also echoed.

"Xing Jue, Li Xiaohan, I know that you have a grudge against me for what happened at Yaolong Mountain that day, and you have always wanted to take revenge on me."

"I also know that you have a very close relationship with the patriarch. If you want me to confront you, it is obviously going to suffer."

"Let's open the skylight today and speak eloquently. If we have any grievances, let's settle it together today." Suddenly, Yue Xingchen put away that wretched smile and said very solemnly.

"We're just not right, but since you said so, I'll naturally accompany you. How do you want to solve it, can you tell me?" Xing Jue chuckled.

"The last time you and I faced off without a winner, why don't we compete again today. If I win against you, you won't have to intervene in this prince's affairs in the future. What do you think?" Yue Xingchen said.

"What if you lose?" Xing Jue asked back.

"If the prince loses, I will admit that I defiled Yueling, and I will be responsible to her," Yue Xingchen said.

"Responsible? You defiled people, as long as you are responsible?" Xing Jue sneered.

"Then what do you want?" Yue Xingchen asked.

"Whatever, if you lose, kneel in front of Yueling and slap yourself ten times, then admit your mistake and say that you are not human."

"You......" Hearing Xing Jue say this, Yue Xingchen seemed a little hesitant, the stake was indeed a bit high for him.

"What? Are you scared?" Xing Jue smiled ironically.

"Afraid? It's a joke, this prince doesn't know how to write fear, don't talk nonsense, just come when you have something."

Yue Xingchen let out a cold snort, and finally took on the challenge.

At this moment, Yue Xingchen had already released the power of his own blood. He, who had been shriveled by Xing Jue, did not dare to be careless this time.

Although it is a day with the scorching sun hanging in the sky, the power of the blood of the moon and stars blooms in surprise, and the sky changes suddenly.

The blazing sun was no longer there, replaced by the starlight in the sky and the huge phantom moon hanging behind him.

"The moon clan's phantom moon power is indeed gorgeous, worthy of being called the most beautiful bloodline power in the sanctuary, and Brother Xingchen's phantom moon power is simply perfect."

Looking at the moon and stars in the sky, the other princes couldn't help but praise them.

While praising Yue Xingchen, he also casts contemptuous eyes at Xing Jue from time to time, as if to say, with your cultivation level, how can you fight such a powerful Yue Xingchen?

In fact, it's not just them who think so, many of the Moon Clan people who are watching also think so.

They didn't know about the battle of the Demon Dragon Mountain that day, so they all felt that with a cultivation base like Xing Jue, they would definitely lose.

"Xing Jue, why don't you come and fight me? Are you afraid?"

Yue Xingchen stood in the air, and after the power of the blood was released, the aura of the whole person was completely different. He thought he was careless at the beginning, but now he felt that he could defeat Xing Jue.


However, for Yue Xingchen's provocation, Xing Jue just sneered without writing.

Then the right palm sticks out, and the five fingers slowly spread out, only to hear a "puchi", a dark flame burst out from the palm of his hand.

"That is?"

Looking at the flames in Xing Jue's hands, the eyes of the prince of the immortal clan suddenly enlarged, and he, who was in the middle-level Shura War Emperor, seemed to sense that the flame was not simple.


Xing Jue raised his arm suddenly, and the half-inch-tall flame turned into a majestic flame that soared into the sky, and there were bursts of roaring sounds as it surged.

The speed of this fire is very fast, when the moon and stars just reacted, it has penetrated the starlight that filled the sky and surrounded the moon and stars.

In the blink of an eye, the black flames entwined the moon and stars, completely blocking its movements.

"Get down."

Then I saw Xing Jue swung downward suddenly, and Yue Xingchen fell to the ground with a plop. The powerful force instantly shattered the barrier on the surface, and a huge deep pit emerged.


Looking at such a scene, everyone was shocked, and even many people failed to see Xing Jue's move, because everything happened so fast.

"Cough cough..."

Under everyone's attention, there were bursts of panting and coughing sounds, and gradually a figure emerged from the thick smoke, and this one was Yue Xingchen.

At this moment, the moon and stars are covered with scars, which are burns caused by flames.

Yue Xingchen's eyes were very complicated. He seemed a little unbelievable. He couldn't believe that a few days ago, he could still be tied with Xing Jue, but at this moment he couldn't even beat Xing Jue's move.

But compared to him, the people of the Moon Clan who worship the moon and stars are even more stunned when they see their prince's embarrassed appearance at the moment.

"You are defeated, come here and admit your mistake." Xing Jue said coldly, looking at Yue Xingchen without a trace of pity.

"Defeat? It's not over yet." However, how could Yue Xingchen admit that he was defeated? He suddenly roared and was ready to attack Xing Jue again.


And this time, Xing Jue didn't sit still, and when he turned his wrist, another ray of flame burst out and went straight to Yue Xingchen's chest.


A loud bang came, and while the black flames were raging, the dazzling brilliance was flying everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, the flames dissipated, the brilliance disappeared, and the figure of a man was standing in front of Yue Xingchen, who was actually the prince of the Immortal Race.

"I've heard that the Soul Devourers are very powerful, and seeing them today really lives up to their reputation."

"Seeing Brother Xing Jue's methods, I feel really itchy. I don't know if I can ask Brother Xing Jue for some advice." The Immortal Prince smiled.

"Brother Xian, I'm really sorry, I really want to learn about this brother's methods, can you let me come first?" But as soon as the prince of the fairy clan finished speaking, the prince of the blood clan stood up.

Not only him, but after the prince of the blood clan, the prince of the utensil clan, the demon clan, the beast clan, the dark clan, and even the prince of the demon clan all wanted to challenge Xing Jue.

Seeing such a scene, Xing Jue's mouth couldn't help but raise a smile, it was a sarcastic smile.

If it is said that the other princes are close to Yue Xingchen, it is not a problem.

But the prince of the demon clan is actually so close to Yue Xingchen, which seems to let Xing Jue know why it is difficult for the prince of the demon clan to inherit the throne.

Let me ask, a person who has used despicable methods many times to spy on the jade body of his sister and sister, he is not an enemy, but a traitor.

"It seems that the princes do not want to see their brothers beaten in vain."

"Well, since that's the case, there's no need to talk nonsense, let's come together."

Xing Jue tapped his toes on the ground, and saw a gust of wind vortex rising into the sky. When the pale white vortex dissipated, Xing Jue was already standing high in the sky.

The princes of the eight clans, except that the prince of the immortal clan is the cultivation base of the middle-level Asura War Emperor, the other seven are all the first-level Asura War Emperor.

Of these seven, apart from the Demon Prince's aura, which is quite strong, the others are not even as good as Yue Xingchen.

Especially the prince of the demon clan, I don't know what means he used to raise his strength to the level of the first-level Asura war emperor, but his breath is really not worthy of the name, and it is so weak.

Therefore, with Xing Jue's current cultivation base, he still has certain confidence in dealing with the princes of the eight clans.

"what do you mean?"

However, after hearing Xing Jue's words, the prince of the demon clan was extremely unhappy and shouted angrily, as if he also knew that Xing Jue looked down on him.

"I said, let the eight of you come together." Xing Jue repeated, and this sentence was much louder than before.


At this moment, not to mention the prince of the demon clan and Yue Xingchen, the others also showed angry expressions.

As the prince of the strongest eight clans, his status is supreme, and when he was looked down upon by others, this is simply the greatest humiliation for them.

"Hey, everyone, it's rare for Brother Xingjue to have this Yaxing. If we don't obey, it will appear that we are not."

"You said so, Brother Xingjue?"

However, compared to the others, the most powerful immortal prince responded with a smile.

Looking at the immortal prince's weird smile, Xing Jue couldn't help frowning. To be honest, these eight princes and the other seven Xing Jue really didn't pay attention, but this immortal prince was indeed a little different. .

There is strength, but not conceited, and even a little insidious, insidious enough to put down his face, this is a real ruthless character.

"Hey, yes, since he wants to humiliate himself, it doesn't look like we don't if we don't fulfill him."

"Brothers, why be polite to this kind of person and don't teach him a lesson, he really doesn't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick."

I have to say that this immortal prince is very appealing. When he said this, the princes who were very angry before suddenly changed their attitudes.


In an instant, the princes of the eight clans rose into the air, and they spread out in the form of a formation, forming a confrontation with Xing Jue.

At this moment, more and more people were watching, and many of those who saw such a scene felt unbelievable.

It is indeed unacceptable that a prince-level figure of the eight ancient clans is actually confronting a guy whose strength is only the middle-level Shura War King.

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