Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 1006 Eight Emperors Completely Defeated

In the air, the princes of the eight clans stood apart, and each of them released the unique blood power of each clan.

The fierce orcs, the cold dark clan, the righteous immortal clan, the beautiful moon clan, and the monstrous demon clan.

Different bloodlines turned into different forms, rendering this sky into another world, illusory and gorgeous, gorgeous and terrifying.

Looking at everything, Xing Jue can distinguish the strength of the eight ancient clans from the power of blood.

In terms of strength, the strongest one right now is the prince of the fairy clan. He is the only middle-rank Shura war emperor among the eight royal clans.

But in terms of the power of blood, the strongest is the Demon Race. The Prince of the Demon Race has a strong aura, and it can be said that he is the strongest in addition to the Prince of the Immortal Race.

If the strength of the Demon Prince can be the same as that of the Immortal Prince, the two will probably be stronger if they belong to the Demon Prince.

Therefore, the world believes that the ancient eight demons are the strongest, and it is indeed not groundless.

It's just that Naihe, the strongest demon emperor of the Eight Ancient Emperors, disappeared for thousands of years. Its disappearance greatly reduced the strength of the demon race. Now it is extremely low-key, and it has lost its domineering.

"I thought who it was. It turned out that these dolls were fighting. No, they seem to be targeting one person."

"Who is that young man? Why is it just an Asura War King?"

Somewhere in the fantasy world, more than a dozen figures appeared. These dozen people are very strong, the weakest is the peak of the Shura War Emperor, and the strongest has broken through to the Shura War Saint.

These people are the patriarchs of the eight ancient clans and the supreme elders of all clans.

It is worth mentioning that among these people, in addition to Fairy Ying, Yue Weideng, and Immortal Emperor, the patriarch of the Immortal Clan, there is also an Asura War Saint.

The old man was wearing the costume of the Moon Clan, and his old appearance could tell that he was older than the moon as a lamp.

And this is the Supreme Elder of the Moon Clan, the oldest existence in the entire Moon Clan.

"That young man is the Soul Eater from the Sanctuary Alliance? I heard that he has a very close relationship with the Moon Emperor." The Immortal Emperor smiled faintly.

"He is the soul-devouring clan, Xing Jue??" Immortal Emperor said this, and the high-level officials of other clans also became dignified.

"He is indeed Xing Jue, but he is not only a Soul Eater clan, but also my younger brother, the son-in-law of my Moon clan."

Fairy Ying smiled and said that the reason why she said that was to let everyone present and every clan dispel their hostility towards Xing Jue.

Let them know that this Soul Eater clan is not alone now, and he has the Moon Clan as a protective umbrella.

"The son-in-law of the Moon Clan? I don't know how to say this?" Sure enough, hearing Fairy Ying say this, the expressions of these people changed to varying degrees.

"The girl below is called Li Xiaohan. She is the princess of my Moon Clan, and Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan are married, so she is naturally the son-in-law of my Soul Eater Clan."

This time, before Fairy Ying could answer, Yueweideng replied first.


At this moment, everyone was quite surprised, and then they couldn't help but look at the Supreme Elder of the Moon Clan, because they had heard from Li Xiaohan's name that this Li Xiaohan was not a member of the Moon Clan.

It stands to reason that the entry of outsiders into the race will affect the inheritance of blood. This is a taboo for any clan, and according to the character of the Moon Clan's Supreme Elder, it will not be allowed.

But right now, the Supreme Elder of the Moon Clan has his eyes closed. Although he doesn't want to admit it in his heart, now he has no choice.

Faced with the reaction of the Supreme Elder of the Moon Clan, everyone understood what was going on. Apparently, Fairy Ying and Yue of the Moon Clan are now the dominators of the lamp, and they are already in charge of the Moon Clan. Everything here is what they say count.

Even the Supreme Elder of the Lian Yue Clan has no right to speak.

However, this is also something that can't be helped. Although all ethnic groups are distinguished by their status, strength is often the best means to establish their status.

"I heard that the talent of Xingjue is very good. Even the former Palace Master of the Sanctuary Alliance, Dongfang Xiaotian, is not his opponent."

"When I saw you today, this son is really bold enough to dare to challenge me alone, the princes of the eight clans. These eight can be said to be the strongest of the younger generation in the Sanctuary. It seems that there is a good show to watch today."

"Speaking of which, it has been ten thousand years since I saw the power of the bloodline of the Soul Devourers. When the power of the bloodline of Hun Wuji was released in shock, the bloodlines of all tribes would be eclipsed, like the king of all tribes. How far has it come?"

Knowing Fairy Ying's attitude of protecting Xing Jue, even the patriarchs of various clans changed the subject and did not dare to demean Xing Jue, but instead praised it.

"If you want to know, just watch it." Fairy Ying did not answer, but folded her arms in front of her chest and watched patiently.

Right now, this world has long been occupied by human figures, and the powerhouses of all races are attracted by the momentum created by the princes of the eight races.

If it is said that the princes of the eight clans are well-known as the favored sons of heaven, then Xing Jue is an unknown and unknown junior, at least here, that is the case.


Just when everyone was looking forward to what Xing Jue would do, when Xing Jue's thoughts moved, the space around him began to tremble violently, and then a dark black gas rose to the sky.

In an instant, the sky was covered by this black gas, and Xing Jue's posture also underwent a huge change, and it was already covered by a layer of black flame armor.

At this moment, layers of aura that deterred the soul, and the body of continuous self-execution came out. Not to mention that the people present were affected, and even the blood power of the eight princes began to shake, as if in fear.


Looking at such a scene, many people were shocked. The shock in their hearts could no longer be expressed in words. The shock was so shocking that they were unable to say anything. They could only use those dull eyes to quietly watch everything in the air.

But when Xing Jue was shot, the shock really sublimated to a supreme realm.

"Hua Hua Hua Hua"

In the sky covered by Xing Jue's blood, a black fire rain actually fell. The fire rain contained destructive power, as if it could destroy everything.

At this moment, the elders of the Moon Clan were all nervous. If such a destructive attack were to be bombarded, not to mention that the surrounding clansmen would suffer heavy casualties, and even the land would be destroyed in a mess.

However, just as the elders of the moon clan were about to make a move, an astonishing scene appeared. The black fire rain that filled the sky actually changed its direction, like a serpentine dragon, rushing towards the prince of the eight clans. go.

"Quick, defend."

At this moment, the princes of the eight clans finally panicked, and even the princes of the immortal clan were no exception. The power they could gain from the rain of fire was beyond what they could bear.

But at the moment, they are riding a tiger, and they have no choice but to bite the bullet and resist.


Bloodlines changed, breaths circulated, and the princes of the eight clans all displayed their strongest defensive combat skills.

A strong aura condensed in this sky, with a spectacular shape and a compelling aura, all of which were emperor-level combat skills.

However, just after the combat skills were formed, Xing Jue's attack had already arrived. In the blink of an eye, the black fire rain blocked the waters surrounding the princes of the eight clans, and began to attack frantically.

"Boom boom boom"

In an instant, the piercing roar continued, the sky began to crumble continuously, and even the earth that had been given the enchantment began to have cracks spreading.

The black fire rain, like a wild beast, is unstoppable. No matter how strong the battle skills of the eight princes are, they are unable to resist at this moment.


"Does this punishment already possess the combat power of a high-level Asura War Emperor? But his cultivation base is obviously only..."

Looking at such a scene, not to mention the clansmen onlookers, even the patriarchs of the eight clans, and a few people who are classified as the Eight Ancient Emperors, were greatly surprised.

This is not an ordinary duel, but absolute suppression. Under the attack of Xing Jue, even the prince of the immortal race who has reached the middle-level Shura War Emperor has no ability to resist, and only gets beaten on the spot. .

At this moment, with the exception of Fairy Ying Yue as the lamp, the complexions of the patriarchs of all ethnic groups were changing, and no one knew what they were thinking.

"Little friend Xingjue, you have already won."

"Leave a line in everything, give them a step down."

Finally, the patriarch of the immortal clan spoke first, and he secretly informed Xing Jue through sound transmission.

Because he didn't want his prince to be defeated too badly, otherwise it would greatly reduce the reputation of the immortal clan, and even become the laughing stock of others.

At the same time, the patriarchs of the other clans, as well as the heads of the clans, also began to secretly plead for Xing Jue.

It's just that Xing Jue ignored their pleading at all, but continued to suppress the princes of the eight clans.

He just wanted to take this opportunity to let everyone know that no matter how long it took, the Soul Eaters were the strongest race in the Sanctuary.

"Sentence is enough."

In the end, even Fairy Ying couldn't help but speak to discourage her, but this time, Xing Jue really stopped.

In the messy space that had been destroyed long ago, the black fire rain began to flow backwards and flowed into the dark black air. The black air also began to dissipate, and the gradually dim sky returned to its former brightness.

But at this moment, the princes of the eight clans who stayed in the air were all disgraced and embarrassed.

Especially the demon clan, the moon clan, the implement clan, the dark clan, the blood clan, the beast clan, these princes, and even the armor of the top-grade exalted artifact was almost destroyed.

It turned out that they couldn't resist Xing Jue's attack at all. From the very beginning, their combat skills were disintegrated.

They can still stand here alive at the moment, it is completely the consequence of Xing Jue's hand.

Right now, the only thing that doesn't matter much is the Immortal Prince and the Demon Prince.

Although on the surface they didn't seem to be in serious trouble, their faces were not good-looking. It could be seen that it took a lot of physical strength for them to resist Xing Jue's attack.

At this moment, everyone's gaze towards Xing Jue changed. Even the former Immortal Prince lost his previous pride, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

As for the Prince of the Moon Clan, his application was even more complicated. He couldn't figure it out anyway. Why did Xing Jue become so terrifying in a short period of time? Punishment is one point higher.

But now, the gap between the two is no longer a star and a half, but a world of difference.

He had a feeling that he had been left far behind by Xing Jue, and this distance was so supportive that he could no longer catch up.

At this moment, the heavens and the earth were quiet, no one dared to say anything more, no one dared to talk about the princes of various races.

However, everyone knew in their hearts that this battle of one against eight was won by punishment.

And the way of this victory is beyond everyone's imagination, it is true absolute suppression.

"To waste your ancient eight clans, you think you are the king of the sanctuary, but now the eight clans are working together, but they are no match for the Soul Eater clan alone. It's ridiculous, sad, hahahaha..."

Suddenly, a shrill laughter broke the silence of the sky, and at the same time, a powerful breath enveloped the entire Illusory Moon World.

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