Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 123 Goodbye Lu Zhan [Part 1]

"dong dong dong"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hasty footsteps on the stairs in the corridor, and then a young boy walked in timidly.

Taking a closer look, Xing Jue found that this young man was exactly the one who received him just now.

"Is there something wrong?" After seeing the guy come in, he just stood there blankly, as if there was something wrong but he didn't dare to speak, so Xing Jue asked proactively.

"This guest officer, I'm really sorry..."

"This private room has already been booked, but I remembered wrongly, so I just opened it for you."

"Now the guest officer who booked this private room is here, so..."

The guy spoke hesitantly, and when he spoke, he didn't even dare to raise his head, obviously a little afraid of execution.

"So you want me to give up the private room?" Xing Jue couldn't help smiling slightly when he saw his timid look.He deliberately lowered his voice when speaking.

"Yes... yes... I'm sorry, I was confused and made a mistake, I hope this guest officer can help..."

"If not, the shopkeeper will fire me. I..." The guy quickly explained.

"Hehe, don't be nervous, I'll just let it go." Xing Jue came to the guy, patted his shoulder lightly, and said with a smile.He could understand the guy's mood at the moment, so Xing Jue didn't want to make things difficult for him.

"Thank you, guest officer, thank you, guest officer." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the guy couldn't believe his ears. It took a moment for him to react, and then he kept saluting to Xing Jue.There were smiles blooming on some dark faces.

"Give me another private room," Xing Jue said with a smile.

"Well, guest officer, please." Seeing this, the guy hurriedly led the way and walked towards Ling's private room.

But just after Xing Jue walked out of the private room, several aggressive men walked up to them. These men were wearing the same clothes, and they all had the strength of martial arts masters. Obviously, they should be from this city, a certain martial art. People from aristocratic families.

When the boy saw these men, his face changed drastically, and he immediately lowered his head and stepped aside, trying to make way for these men.

"It's you who gave the private room we booked to someone else?" But after a tall and rather fierce man walked up to the boy, he suddenly grabbed the boy's collar and said angrily. Said.

"Yes..Yes..I'm sorry.." The guy was so frightened that he was trembling all over, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Hey! The private room has been vacated for you guys, so what are you pretending to do?" Seeing this, Xing Jue raised his eyebrows and said coldly.What Xing Jue dislikes the most is this kind of bullying slave.

"En?" Seeing someone speak, those men turned their unkind eyes to Xing Jue...

"You want to take care of my business?"

Since Xing Jue is hiding his aura at this moment, in his opinion Xing Jue is just an ordinary person, and then the fierce man yelled at Xing Jue.

While speaking, a man walked towards Xing Jue with malicious intentions, and even rolled his arms and sleeves, as if he wanted to teach Xing Jue a lesson.


But when the man had just walked in front of Xing Jue, before he could make a move, he saw Xing Jue's sleeve robe lightly waved, and a burst of martial energy surged out, finally throwing the man violently to the side.

It was like a gust of wind blowing a scarecrow over, looking so relaxed.


The man slammed into the wall of the corridor fiercely, and the powerful force made him feel even more dazed, and this was just the case of Xing Jue keeping his hand, otherwise this blow would have killed him.

"You... do you know who we are?"

Seeing this, the faces of those men who had been extremely fierce before suddenly became terrified. Just now Xing Jue's attack was too fast, they didn't even see the situation clearly, and the man was knocked down by Xing Jue.

But they can conclude at this moment that Xing Jue is definitely a strong man they can't afford to offend. During this period, a man even turned around and ran down, apparently to rescue soldiers.

"I don't care who you are, just check the three numbers and get out immediately." Xing Jue said coldly without mercy.

Seeing this, those people trembled even more, screaming inwardly that it was bad, but out of face problems, they didn't want to leave just like that.


Xing Jue said indifferently, while speaking, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the crowd, and those men trembled slightly with fright, and couldn't help but start to back away.


Xing Jue continued to speak in a cold voice, and almost at the same time that Xing Jue yelled the word "two", those men hurriedly put down the mistress and ran down the second floor in a panic.It looks like there are man-eating beasts chasing them behind them, which is a bit funny.

"Uh, this guest officer, hurry up and go. They are..." After the men left, the guy rushed to Xing Jue, persuading him with a look of fear.

"Don't be afraid, come, bring my order." Xing Jue said with a slight smile, and then returned to the private room, calmly sitting back in the seat just now.

Xing Jue doesn't care who they are, because in the Yufeng Empire, there are not many people who can make Xing Jue afraid, and Xing Jue also knows that they must be going to rescue soldiers. It was that little guy, so Xingjue simply waited for them to bring in the rescuers and taught them a lesson.

Seeing this, the guy had no choice but to follow what Xing Jue said, and put the food he ordered on the wine table one by one.

And Xing Jue was not polite, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and started to eat...

"Let me see, who dares to touch people from my Lu family?" But just as the execution was about to start, there was a loud shout from outside.The sound was loud, like thunder, reverberating in this tavern.

"Intermediate Wuzong?"

After this voice sounded, Xing Jue smiled slightly. The middle-level Wu Zong might be regarded as a top powerhouse in this kind of place, but in Xing Jue's eyes, he was not even a fart.

After that, there was a burst of noisy footsteps in the corridor on the second floor, and then several men walked in, and these people were the ones who had just been driven away by Xingjue.

"it's him"

The tough man who had grabbed the hotel clerk before came in, pointed at Xingjue and shouted loudly.Then those men hurried out of a way.

At this moment, a tall man with a vigorous face came in, but when the man saw Xing Jue, his expression changed instantly, and after a moment of silence, he said excitedly: "Xing Jue decision."

"Lu Zhan?"

And when this man appeared, Xing Jue also recognized at a glance that this was Lu Zhan, the strongest new blood of the Lu family in Yunzong City back then.

"Hahaha, that's great, I didn't expect to see you again"

After recognizing Xing Jue, Lu Zhan strode over to Xing Jue in a few strides, hugged Xing Jue in his arms, and said excitedly.

And Xing Jue also looked very excited. After three years, he could meet Lu Zhan again, and Xing Jue also felt very kind.


After seeing such an intimate appearance, the men behind Lu Zhan were dumbfounded and stood there a little at a loss.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, do you know who this is? Apologize quickly." After that, Lu Zhan suddenly turned around and angrily reprimanded the men.

As their boss, Lu Zhan knew their demeanor very well.But as the boss, the younger brother has suffered outside me, no matter whether it is wrong or not, he has to take care of it, otherwise he will lose his prestige.

But he never expected that what they provoked this time was not someone else, but Xingjue.

"Forget it, forget it, it was a misunderstanding." Xing Jue said with a chuckle, originally he was extremely disgusted with those men, but when he found out that they were Lu Zhan's subordinates, he didn't want to worry too much.

After that, those men retreated obediently, and only Lu Zhan and Xing Jue sat on the wine table and drank heavily.

"Lu Zhan, why didn't you go back to Yufeng Pavilion?" Xing Jue said a little puzzled after sitting beside Lu Zhan after drinking a cup.

After he entered Yufeng Pavilion that year, Xing Jue specifically inquired about Lu Zhan, but found that Lu Zhan had not returned to Yufeng Pavilion.

"Hey, don't mention it. After that incident, my master "Feng Zi" expelled me from the sect. Out of guilt, I didn't go back to Yufeng Pavilion." Lu Zhan said slowly .Obviously, he still has lingering fears about that incident.

After hearing Lu Zhan's words, Xing Jue also nodded slightly, and expelled Lu Zhan from the school, which was also in line with that Fengzi's temperament, and Lu Zhan is such a loving person, so Xing Jue is also understandable.

"Then you are not in Yunzong City, why did you come here?" But what Xing Jue couldn't understand was that even if Lu Zhan hadn't returned to Yufeng Pavilion, he was still a famous figure in the Lu family with his strength. Running here.

"Xing Jue, haven't you been back to Yunzong City for a long time?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Lu Zhan slowly raised his head and gave Xing Jue a meaningful look. .

"Yeah, I haven't been back for three years. Could it be that something happened in Yunzong City?" Seeing Lu Zhan's expression, Xing Jue guessed that something might have happened.

"Well, you're right."

"One year ago, a martial arts family named "Wang Family" suddenly came to Yunzong City."

"That martial arts family is so powerful that it wants to monopolize Yunzong City. For this reason, Lu, Zhao, Xing, and the three martial arts families joined forces to fight against it in order to maintain the status of Yunzong City." Lu Zhan said slowly. .

"Oh? What's the result?" Hearing what Lu Zhan said, Xing Jue frowned slightly. A family that can make three martial arts families unite to fight against it does have some strength.

"As a result, it naturally failed..."

"After the war, the three major families were severely injured and completely lost their strength to fight against them. Afterwards, the three major families were driven out of Yunzong City."

"The Patriarch of the Zhao family took a group of slaves to seek refuge with distant relatives, and our Lu family came here."

"The worst is the Xing family. In that battle, the head of the Xing family "Xing Tian" was seriously injured. Since no one was in charge of the overall situation, they finally ended up disbanding." Lu Zhan said slowly, obviously I still have lingering fears about what happened back then.

"What? The Xing family has disbanded?" After hearing Lu Zhan's words, Xing Jue immediately became nervous. He was not worried about others, but only worried about Mr. Zhang who had taken care of him since he was a child.

"Then do you know where the Patriarch of the Xing family is now?" Xing Jue asked nervously.

Mr. Zhang was very loyal to the Xing family, so Xing Jue felt that even if the Xing family disbanded, Mr. Zhang would follow the head of the Xing family, so as long as he found the whereabouts of the head of the Xing family, he would definitely be able to find Mr. Zhang.

"It is said that the Xing family owns a property in a small town thirty miles away from Yunzong City, and it is well run by a slave. So after the Xing family disbanded, the head of the Xing family went there with the remaining members of the Xing family. .” Lu Zhan said slowly.

"That's good." After hearing Lu Zhan's words, Xing Jue felt relieved, because he already knew what Lu Zhan was talking about, and it must be the "Xing Zi Tavern" he was in charge of back then.

And the house slave Lu Zhan mentioned must be Mr. Zhang.

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