Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 124 Return of Xingjue [Part 2]

"Lu Zhan, do you still want to go back to Yufeng Pavilion?" Suddenly Xing Jue turned around and said to Lu Zhan with a smile.

Lu Zhan left Yufeng Pavilion at the beginning because he felt sorry for his master Fengzi, but Xingjue guessed that Lu Zhan didn't really want to leave Yufeng Pavilion.

After all, people like him have the strongest desire for power, but Yufeng Pavilion has better cultivation conditions.

"Uh...hehe, it's a lie to say that I don't want to, but I really don't have the face to face Master." Speaking of this, Lu Zhan couldn't help but smiled wryly.

"Just think about it, I'll tell you about your master." Seeing Lu Zhan's helpless look, Xing Jue patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"What??" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Lu Zhan looked at Xing Jue in disbelief.

"To tell you the truth, I am also a disciple of Yufeng Pavilion now, and I have a pretty good relationship with the Great Elder of the Foreign Pavilion."

"As long as the Great Elder speaks, your master will definitely not make things difficult for you anymore," Xing Jue saw Lu Zhan's confusion, and then explained.

"Really?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, a rare look of excitement appeared on Lu Zhan's face.

"Of course it is true, but before returning to Yufeng Pavilion, you need to go back to Yunzong City." Xing Jue smiled slightly.This kind of thing happened in Yunzong City, he had to go back and have a look, because there was still Mr. Zhang, a worried old man, in Xing's house.

Afterwards, Lu Zhan told the Patriarch of the Lu family what had happened, and then accompanied Xing Jue towards Yunzong City.

Yunzong City is not too far away from here, so under the uninterrupted driving of Xingjue and Xingjue, they soon came to the small town outside Yunzong City.

When Xing Jue got out of the car, he found that the "Xing Zi Tavern" was more than twice as big as before. It was very luxurious at the entrance of the tavern, and there were constant guests coming in and out, and the business was booming.

"Guest officer, how many of you are there?"

After Xing Jue and Lu Zhan walked into the tavern, a rather pretty woman stepped forward and said.

"Xiao Hong, you don't know me?" When Xing Jue saw the woman, he smiled slightly.Because that woman was the little girl "Xiao Hong".

"Brother Xingjue?"

"Look, Brother Xing Jue is back." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiao Hong carefully looked at Xing Jue's eyes, and shouted happily after recognizing Xing Jue.

And under her shout, all the guys in the tavern also cast their eyes on Xingjue, and when they recognized that it was really Xingjue, they all ran over with joy.

"Xiao Hong, where's Mr. Zhang?" After seeing these people, Xing Jue was also very happy.

But after observing for a while, he found that he didn't see Mr. Zhang in the tavern.

"Brother Xing Jue, Mr. Zhang, he is sick." Seeing Xing Jue asking about the elder, Xiao Hong slowly nodded.

"What's sick? Mr. Zhang was obviously injured by those bastards." At this moment, one of Ling's assistants said indignantly.

"What? What's going on, tell me quickly." After hearing that Mr. Zhang was injured, Xing Jue instantly became excited.


"Brother Xingjue like this, Elder Zhang went to Yunzong City to buy some goods a few days ago, but at the gate of the city, people from the "Wang Family" made things difficult for him and charged the elder a sky-high toll."

"If there is a disagreement, the two sides will fight, and Mr. Zhang and the others have been injured. Mr. Zhang has not eaten for several days today, and he often coughs up blood. I am afraid that he will die..." said here , Xiaohong's eyes couldn't help getting moist.

"Take me to take a look." Hearing this, Xing Jue became even more excited, and immediately pulled Xiao Hong towards the back mountain.

Compared with that in the past, there are many more buildings in the back mountain at this moment, which are obviously reserved for the remaining Xing family to live in.

And there are still some men in the back mountain who are doing drills. It looks like they should be the new blood left by the Xing family.

"Look, isn't that Lu Zhan from the Lu family?"

At this moment, the new blood of the Xing family also discovered Xing Jue and the others, and some even recognized Lu Zhan.

Since they are relatively young, they don't know Xing Jue at all, but they do know Lu Zhan.

At the beginning when the three of them allied with the Wang family to fight for the control of Yunzong City, Lu Zhan was extremely brave. At that time, Lu Zhan was the shadow of an idol in the hearts of these young freshmen.

"Xing... Xing Jue" At this moment, an old and new blood recognized Xing Jue and said in surprise.

But Xing Jue didn't pay much attention to them, instead, under Xiao Hong's lead, he walked straight to the house where Mr. Zhang was.

"Brother Xing Yun, do you think he is Xing Jue? Is it Xing Jue who defeated Lu Zhan at the tri-clan meeting three years ago and helped my Xing family gain control of Yunzong City?" Some new blood who didn't know Xing Jue They gathered around and asked.Although they don't know Xingjue, they have heard of Xingjue's name.

"That's right, it's him," the man named Xing Yun agreed.

And after hearing his words, those new blood cast admiring gazes on Xing Jue.


"cough cough"

With the opening of the door, an old man suddenly coughed violently. He fixed his eyes and saw that an old man was lying on the bedside of the ship.

And that is the elder, the elder at this moment looks much older than three years ago.And that pale face was obviously seriously injured.

"cough cough"

There was another violent cough, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

Seeing this, Xing Jue came to Elder Zhang's side in a flash, supported Elder Zhang who was wheezing and coughing, and began to pat him on the back, trying to relieve his pain.

"Xiaohong, don't worry about me..." and when he felt someone supporting him, the elder said with a fake smile.

But when he raised his head and saw Xing Jue beside him at the moment, that old face froze instantly, and even his body trembled at this moment.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm Xing Jue. I'm coming back to see you." Looking at Mr. Zhang's current appearance, Xing Jue's eye circles were a little moist, but he still pretended to smile.

"Xing Jue, it's really Xing Jue, Xing Jue, you're back..."

"cough cough"

After carefully looking at it, and finding that what was in front of him at this moment was indeed Xingjue, the elder smiled excitedly.However, it may be due to being too excited, which caused another burst of severe wheezing and coughing.

"Mr. Zhang, quickly take this precious pill." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly took out a "Holy Medicine Pill" and handed it to Mr. Zhang.

However, when the elder saw the treasure pill in front of him that was shining with a faint light and emitting a tangy fragrance, he couldn't help but be taken aback.This is the first time he has seen Baodan.

Don't talk about Mr. Zhang, even Lu Zhan and others couldn't help but gasp when they saw this treasure pill. Although they couldn't be sure of the grade of this treasure pill, they knew that this treasure pill Certainly priceless.

"Xingjue, I'm fine...don't waste the treasure pill..." After a moment of silence, Mr. Zhang didn't accept it, but said with a smile instead.

Such a treasure pill is priceless, and now Xing Jue is out to experience this kind of treasure pill, which can be said to be of great use to him, so Mr. Zhang refuses to take it.

"Mr. Zhang, Baodan is not as important as your old body." Seeing this, the elder turned his wrist and directly stuffed Baodan into Mr. Zhang's mouth.


In desperation, Mr. Zhang had no choice but to swallow the treasure pill, and then looked at Xing Jue with a face full of relief.


But at this moment, a faint light flickered on Elder Zhang's body, and the pale face of the elder was even more radiant in the eyes of everyone. After a while, even his face The wrinkles on the skin have also reduced a lot, and they have completely recovered.

"This... is simply a magic pill"

Lu Zhan couldn't help but said in shock when he saw that the elder who was pale and weak before had recovered into a healthy old man with a flushed face.

"Xingjue, where is Xingjue?"

At this moment, a thick voice suddenly sounded outside the door. When Xing Jue turned around to look, he saw a strong and strong man rushing in with a full face of excitement.

And this is the instructor who trained Xingjue back then, but at this moment, he has actually broken an arm.

"Instructor, your hand?" Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly came to the instructor, and said with a face full of shock.

"Eh..." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the instructor became silent for an instant.

"Xingjue, the instructor's hand was interrupted by the head of the Wang family."At this moment, a man's voice suddenly sounded behind Xing Jue, and it turned out to be Xing Feng who had a lot of trouble with Xing Jue.

"Okay, okay, okay, the Wang family, it's the Wang family again." After hearing this word, Xing Jue's face instantly became grim, and a terrifying murderous aura began to pervade.

In the Xing family, the life and death of others has nothing to do with Xing Jue, but Mr. Zhang and this instructor are people who are kind to him, and now both of them have been murdered by the Wang family, Xing Jue can't be angry.

An hour later, Xing Jue stood with his hands behind his back, on the wide slope of the back mountain, and beside him stood the recovered Mr. Zhang, and the instructor of the Xing family. A few young and new blood of the Xing family, and a group of house slaves.

"Xing Jue, do you really want to go back to Yunzong City? The strength of the Wang family is no small matter. It is said that the eldest son of the head of the Wang family is a disciple of the master of the Yufeng Pavilion." Standing beside Xing Jue, the instructor said worriedly.

After healing Mr. Zhang's injuries, Xing Jue learned about the current situation of the Xing family from the instructor and Mr. Zhang. Only then did he learn that the Patriarch of the Xing family had died of illness a long time ago due to serious internal injuries, and now The instructor of the Xing family is now the leader of the Xing family.

But now that the Xing family has left Yunzong City, they have no basic income. The remaining new blood and slaves who have not left the Xing family all rely on the tavern run by Mr. Zhang to survive. It's a bit difficult with so many people.

So just now, Xing Jue announced one thing, Xing Jue announced a news that shocked everyone, that is to lead them back to Yunzong City and take back everything that belongs to the Xing family.

Although not many people in the Xing family knew Xing Jue, they knew that Xing Jue was the one who defeated Lu Zhan.And they also heard that Xingjue has a very strong master.

So in their hearts, Xing Jue is like an idol, and now Xing Jue has not only returned, but also brought them back to Yunzong City to regain everything that the Xing family lost, which made many young new blood excited .

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