Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 130 Tianzi Examination Room [Part 2]

"Xingjue, the rewards are in the depths of each examination room. As long as you can successfully pass the examination, you will naturally get the corresponding rewards." At this moment, Elder Na Luo said to Xingjue with a smile.

"So that's the case, then why there are only earth gates and herringbone gates, but not sky gates?" After hearing Elder Luo's words, Xing Jue also understood a little, but he was still a little puzzled.

Because he clearly saw the word Tian written on the ground, but the elder Chi Huo didn't turn the key to the word Tian.Presumably there must be some reasons for this.

"Haha, boy, don't you want to challenge the Tianzi examination room?" After hearing Xingjue's words, Elder Lei Li suddenly laughed, and then looked at Xingjue with some sarcasm.

"If there is, the disciple would like to try it." Xing Jue tried to smile slightly at Elder Lei Li's mocking eyes, and said undeniably.


After hearing his words, not to mention Elder Lei Li, even Elder Chihuo and Elder Qiantu who were behind him frowned, but after a while, a strange smile appeared on their faces.

"Xing Jue, since Yufeng Pavilion was built in Tianzi Examination Room, no one has successfully passed the examination, and those who entered have never come out again, so Elder Chi Huo did not open it."

"So it's better not to challenge you in the word examination room that day." Seeing this, Elder Na Luo hurriedly explained to Xing Jue.

"Hey, Elder Luo, since Xing Jue wants to try the Tianzi examination room, as the elders of Yufeng Pavilion, how can we not give our disciples a chance?" At this moment, the Chihuo elder suddenly said He said with a smile on his face, but a sinister smile flashed on his face.

"Elder Chihuo, it's not that I don't give the chance to the execution, it's just that this Tianzi examination room..." Seeing this, Elder Luo hurriedly continued.

"Hey, I said Xiao Luo, his disciple wants to try, how can you, an elder, stop him?" After hearing Elder Luo's words, Elder Lei Li hurried forward to stop him.

"Er..." Under the union of Elder Chi Huo and Elder Lei Li, Elder Luo was a little speechless and didn't know what to do.

"Xingjue, this Tianzi examination room is no different from other examination rooms. It is indeed extremely dangerous. The disciples who entered the examination room at the beginning were not lacking in warrior gods, but they also failed to pass the examination."

"And there are restrictions on the level of the examination room. The strong ones at the level of the king of war can't enter at all, so if you enter it and encounter danger, we can't save you. Have you thought about it?" Seeing this, the elder Qiantu said He came to Xing Jue and said solemnly.

Seeing Elder Luo's tense expression, and hearing what Elder Qiantu said, Xing Jue slowly lowered his head, but after a moment of silence, he said with a smile. "The disciple is willing to give it a try"

"Okay." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Elder Lei Li laughed excitedly.

Immediately, with a wave of the sleeve robe, an invisible force rushed towards the key, and then saw his fingers move slightly, the key actually turned, and finally stopped at the top of the word.

"Rumble Rumble"

At the same time, the square trembled violently again, and then another huge enchantment gate emerged.

Looking at the gate in front of them, Hu Bin and Zhao Yue felt their bodies tremble even more, and couldn't help but gasp. This gate is similar to the first two, except that there is a word "天" written on the top of the gate, but The most chilling thing is his unique enchantment.

Because the color of the enchantment of this gate is actually dark black, and the dark enchantment rotates, just like a gate leading to the underworld, devouring everything around it, which makes people feel frightened.

"Xingjue, let me ask you again, are you sure you want to enter the Tianzi examination room?" After the Tianzi examination room emerged, the elder Qiantu asked again.

"Well, this disciple is not talented, and I want to challenge this Tianzi examination room." Xing Jue nodded slightly.

"Haha, challenge, boy, are you betting your life?" At this moment, Elder Lei Li suddenly said with a smile.


And Xing Jue smiled slightly, then raised his foot, and under the different eyes of everyone, walked slowly towards the dark black gate of the sky, and finally merged into the frightening dark gate among.

After the execution, Zhao Yue walked into the enchantment of the herringbone examination room first, while Hu Bin, who also wanted to enter the herringbone gate, stood outside and waited. Only one person is allowed in.

"Haha, Elder Chihuo, do you think this punishment can pass the examination room?" At this moment, Elder Lei Li walked up to Elder Chihuo with an excited smile on his face and said.

"Huh, in the Tianzi examination room, many talented disciples have challenged them for hundreds of years, but none of them survived. I think this execution is useless." Elder Chi Huo snorted coldly, and then said disdainfully .

"I don't think so. I have lost hundreds of years in Yufeng Pavilion in the hunting competition, but Xing Jue has won the first No.1 in these hundreds of years. I think this kid does have some clues." Hearing the elder Chi Huo After saying that, Elder Raleigh immediately retorted.

"Huh..." After hearing Elder Lei Li's words, Elder Chihuo flicked his sleeve and snorted coldly, and ignored it.

"Why, don't you believe it? Why don't you and I make a bet?" Seeing this, Elder Raleigh approached him again and said.

"What's the bet?" The elder Chihuo raised his eyebrows, and said a little excitedly.

"Take my Fenglei Sword and bet on your Celestial Silkworm Golden Silk Armor, but if you lose, I don't want your stuff, how about giving it to the executioner?"

While Elder Lei Li was speaking, he waved his sleeve robe, and a long sword with a blue body and flashing thunder and lightning flashed out, and finally inserted into the square.

"What a big tone, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" The Chi Huo elder snorted coldly, and then turned his wrist, and a gorgeous armor shining with a faint golden light appeared on his hand.

Elder Chihuo's Silkworm Golden Silk Armor is a peerless treasure, much more precious than Elder Leili's Fenglei sword, but at this moment he doesn't think he will lose at all, so he didn't hesitate to buy it. It was taken out.

"Haha, it's rare that Elder Chihuo is so happy, why don't you bring me one?" Seeing this, Elder Qiantu also came over.

"Hey, Qiantu, what are you betting on?" Elder Lei Li asked with a smile.

"Just bet me this is a storage bracelet with its own space, how about it?" Elder Qiantu smiled slightly, and then waved his sleeve robe, and the beautiful bracelet on his wrist emerged.

And when he saw this bracelet, not to mention the elder Chi Huo, even the elder Lei Li beside him looked greedy.

"Haha, Qiantu, are you willing to give up even this treasure? If that's the case, then I'll bet thirty Thunder Talismans." Seeing this, the elder Chi Huo laughed excitedly.

Speaking of the storage bracelet of Elder Qiantu, it was something they had been coveting for a long time. Among the elders present, only Elder Qiantu possessed such a superb storage bracelet.

"Thirty Thunder Talismans? Elder Chihuo, you are too stingy, aren't you?" After hearing Elder Chihuo's words, Elder Qiantu raised his eyebrows and said with some disdain.

"Then what do you want to bet on? You say yes," Elder Chihuo asked.

"Hey... Since I support Xingjue, I naturally want something useful. I'll bet on the Jade Cloud Palace in your main pavilion." After hearing Elder Chihuo's words, Elder Qiantu said with a smile.

"What?" After hearing Elder Qiantu's words, Elder Chihuo was taken aback. The Biyun Palace is one of the most magnificent palaces in the main pavilion, and it was rewarded to Chihuo by the Supreme Elder. Elder's.

And for some reason, that Elder Chihuo didn't live there, but stayed there all the time, but that treasure hall is definitely an extremely important thing for Elder Chihuo.

"Okay, I promise you" But after a moment of silence, he agreed happily, because he didn't think he would lose at all, a gamble that he couldn't lose, why didn't he gamble.

"Cheer up, haha" Elder Chihuo agreed, Elder Leili and Elder Qiantu laughed excitedly.

Compared with the three of them, Elder Na Luo had a sad expression on his face. He had been ordered to bail Xingjue into the main cabinet at the beginning. If something happened to Xingjue, he would be in bad luck.

Xing Jue naturally didn't know what was happening outside at this moment. When he stepped into the gate of Tiantianzi, he felt that his eyes went dark. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in a long passage.

A very special kind of charm is hung on both sides of this passage, and the light emitted by the spell can just illuminate the passage.Although it looks like a light talisman, Xing Jue knows that it is a spell above the light talisman.

And on the walls around the passage, there are all kinds of patterns engraved, some are fighting monsters, some are fighting against enemies, and some are facing thousands of troops, but the only thing in common is that that The main character in the pattern is a handsome man holding a long sword.

Since he already knew the danger of the Tianzi examination room, Xing Jue did not dare to be careless at this moment, but walked forward slowly with cautious steps.

But to Ling Xingjue's surprise, he didn't encounter any danger at all in this passage. It wasn't until a moment later that an extremely spacious hall appeared in front of him.

Surrounding the main hall are vivid statues of spirit monkeys. To Xing Jue's surprise, those statues are all wearing armor, holding various weapons in their hands, and posing in various shapes. It's as if each is a separate living body.

But what surprised Xing Jue the most was that there was no ground in this hall. Below this hall was a bottomless abyss, which made people shudder.

But what surprised Xing Jue was that in the seemingly endless abyss, there were countless pillars erected, and various spells were carved on the pillars, which seemed quite mysterious.

The pillars extended from the bottomless abyss to the height of the ground under Xing Jue's feet. Obviously, these pillars were the path leading to the opposite passage.

"Hey, such a strange space, I really don't know how they built it." Xing Jue muttered to himself, then jumped onto the nearest pillar.



But just after Xing Jue's toes landed on the pillars, those charms actually began to emit a light blue light, and after that, all the surrounding pillars began to emit the same light.

At the same time, Xing Jue felt a strange force enveloped him. At this moment, Xing Jue found that his speed was greatly restricted.

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