Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 131 Fighting the Spirit Monkey [Chapter 3]

"Sure enough, there is something strange." Seeing this, Xing Jue also realized that something was wrong, and then he jumped up, ready to jump towards the pillar in front of him.


But at this moment, the statues of spirit monkeys around the main hall suddenly made strange noises, and the surfaces of those stone statues began to fall off one after another, and then living spirit monkeys emerged one by one, one by one. Staring at Xing Jue with those blood red eyes.

"I rely on it, right?"

Looking at the menacing monkeys on the four walls in front of him, Xing Jue said helplessly, because at this moment he was completely surrounded.


At this moment, a monkey jumped up suddenly, brandishing the bright white knives in its palms, and with the sound of the sharp wind, it slashed down at Xing Jue with extreme speed.

"Hmph, courting death"

Seeing this, Xing Jue let out a cold snort, and then he dodged to dodge the monkey's attack, then raised his right leg violently, and aimed at the monkey Kick it hard.


But what shocked Xing Jue was that his swift blow was actually dodged by the monkey.

"whoosh whoosh"

But at this moment, there were dozens of monkeys around the wall, they had already swooped down from the wall, stomping on the stone pillars under their feet, and rushed towards Xingjue at a high speed.

"Supreme Sword Art"

Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't dare to be careless, and with a loud shout, two Zanpour swords shining with dark black light condensed out.

Immediately, he waved his arms, and the dark long sword turned into several sword shadows, with a dark light in it, and slashed at the monkey who came over.

"Whoosh whoosh"

Xing Jue's set of supreme sword formulas was learned from the martial arts book given to him by the silver-armored man. This set of sword formulas recorded a total of ten exquisite sword techniques. The combination of offense and defense is extremely mysterious.

Accompanied by Xingjue's various sword techniques of the Supreme Sword Art, the two Zanpour swords in his hands are like a thousand-changing magic weapon, sometimes setting off a gust of wind and sweeping away, sometimes turning into meteors all over the sky Swipe across, and then turned into a roaring giant dragon storming violently.

Sword shadows flickered around Xing Jue, and the light was shining everywhere. No monkey could get close to Xing Jue, on the contrary, it was pitifully suppressed by Xing Jue.

Under Xing Jue's exquisite swordsmanship, even though those spirit monkeys were very skilled, they were beaten by Xing Jue to the point that they had no ability to fight back. With bursts of wailing, they began to fall into the abyss. in the bottom of the abyss.

"Soul Slashing Sword, Sword Qi"

Accompanied by Xing Jue's violent shout, a dark sword aura, accompanied by the sound of a sharp wind, passed by a spirit monkey, and the last spirit monkey was dealt with by Xing Jue.

"Well, that's all."

Although it took some effort to deal with these spirit monkeys, it was relatively easy for Xing Jue. After a few strides, Xing Jue passed over the pillar like a flickering wind, and finally reached the in the opposite passage.


But at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from behind Xing Jue, and Xing Jue turned around to look, only to be surprised to find that the previously broken statue of the spirit monkey had returned to its previous appearance at this moment.

Seeing this, Xing Jue also frowned. At this moment, he finally understood some of the weirdness of the examination room. From this point of view, not only did he pass it, but he was done. It seemed that a bloody battle was inevitable when he returned.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue didn't stop, but with a movement of his body, he instantly turned into a lightning bolt, darting towards the depths of the passage.After all, the assessment site only has an opening time of one hour, and Xing must not only get the customs clearance certificate to pass, but also has to leave the assessment site within one hour.

Xing Jue has used the "Wind Control Technique, Wind Walk" to the extreme, and there are gusts of wind while walking, the speed is so fast, when running wildly in this passage, it is like a gust of wind flashing past, it is impossible to catch it .And at such an extreme speed, it took only a moment for this passage to come to an end.

"This is?"

But at this moment, in front of Xing Jue, a hall appeared again, which was much more normal than the previous one.

But the only thing that makes Xing Jue uneasy is that in the middle of the main hall there is a giant spirit monkey statue that is several feet high. It is much stronger than those thin spirit monkeys, which can be seen from its huge size.


But at this moment, there was a portrait of a man hanging on the wall behind the huge statue. In the portrait, the man was wearing a white robe, holding a long silver sword, and he was stepping on something under his feet. Although only part of the body can be seen, Xing Jue guessed that it must be a kind of monster.

And under the portrait is an exquisite jade table, and there seems to be something on that table.

"Royal Wind Technique, Popularity"

Seeing this, Xing Jue took a big stride, and turned into a flashing thunderbolt, rushing towards the stone table.

"Boom..." But just after Xingjue was swept out, an incomparably huge fist suddenly appeared in front of him, like a meteorite falling from the sky, and it slammed in front of him fiercely.

And when that fist hit the ground, there was an extremely terrifying energy ripple. The power of this energy ripple was so powerful that it sent Xing Jue back viciously.In the end, it hit the wall of the main hall, and a smear of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of his mouth.


Xing Jue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the object that attacked him earlier with surprised eyes. At this moment, Xing Jue discovered that the one who attacked him was the huge statue standing in the middle.

Sure enough, as Xing Jue expected, at this moment the huge statue has turned into a living giant spirit monkey. The spirit monkey reminds Jianshuo that it is more than ten feet high, and the mouth full of sharp fangs is constantly spraying. A large expanse of white gas came out, and those blood-red eyes, which were bigger than a lantern, were staring at him fiercely.


At this moment, I saw the huge spirit monkey swinging its arm, and its huge fist slammed towards Xing Jue fiercely from the air. At the same time, an extremely terrifying force carried a lightning-like The speed, and the ear-splitting roar rushed towards Xingjue.

Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation to make a move, and rushed towards a corner of the hall, and at the same time held two dark black Zanpour swords with both hands and condensed them out.

"Soul Slashing Sword, Sword Qi"

When Xing Jue swung his arms, there were six dark streaks, respectively blasting away at the six parts of the spirit monkey.


Accompanied by six deafening bangs, six terrifying energy ripples were set off on the spirit monkey, but what shocked Xing Jue was that under such a powerful attack of Zhanpojian's sword energy, the spirit monkey's The body was unscathed, as if nothing happened.

"Roar" But at this moment, the huge spirit monkey suddenly opened its mouth wide, and at the same time, an extremely terrifying force surged out of its mouth, and finally faced Xingjue violently coming.

"The first form of the supreme sword art, swinging the sword into a shield"

Facing this almost unavoidable attack, Xing Jue's face also showed a ruthless look, and then he waved his arms, turned his wrists, and the Zanpouljian in his hand turned into countless dark sword shadows, and finally It formed a sword shadow and condensed into a protective shield, which tightly wrapped Xing Jue in it.


At this moment, the attacking consciousness of the huge spirit monkey rushed over, and finally slammed hard on Xingjue's sword and shield...


Although the sword and shield that Xing Jue condensed just now offset most of the power of that attack, it was still not completely blocked and was hit.

After being hit, Xing Jue's body hit the incomparably hard wall, and at the same time, a smear of bright red blood slowly flowed out from the corner of Xing Jue's mouth again.

"No way, it seems that I have to work hard"

Seeing this, Xing Jue said a little harshly.Immediately after, he threw a filling pill into his mouth, and then slowly stood up, spreading his open palm.


And when the palms were clenched again, a golden "Rising Dragon Slashing Soul Sword" was condensed out at a very high speed, and the golden light spun, setting off a series of pale gusts.


At this moment, the huge spirit monkey opened its mouth again, and at the same time, the same tyrannical attack as before came to Xingjue again.

Seeing this, Xing Jue was not afraid at all, he stepped forward and turned into a thunderbolt, and swept away at that force, and at the same time turned his wrist, the Dragon Rising Soul Sword turned into A flashing gorgeous sword shield was used, and the move of "Swinging Sword into Shield" in the Supreme Sword Art was used again. Although the Supreme Sword Art is not a book of martial arts but sword intent in a broad sense, there is no martial art in the moves. So the benefits can be seen and touched, but it is even more powerful when used in actual combat.

This technique of swinging swords into shields is the result of many days of painstaking training since the beginning of the sword art. Defensive martial arts are extremely rare in the entire eastern part of the continent. Most of the strong can only rely on their own cultivation. In order to fight against the enemy, the sword intent that can use offense as defense has indeed added a lot of capital to his life-saving strength at the moment.


The powerful force bombarded Xingjue's sword and shield, setting off a tyrannical energy ripple, but this time it did not disperse Xingjue's sword and shield as before, but the sword and shield were like a piercing through the air. The meteor usually penetrates that attack.

At this moment, Xing Jue had plundered in front of the huge stone monkey, and brandished the Dragon Rising Sword in his hand. Countless radiant sword light flashed out from the sword body, and finally faced Xing Jue blasted fiercely.


Seeing this, at that time, he hurriedly waved his arms, trying to block Xing Jue's attack...


Accompanied by a deafening bang, Xing Jue's attack was blocked by the arm of the huge spirit monkey.

"Hum..." But there was a faint smile on Xing Jue's face.

Afterwards, on the arm of the spirit monkey, a peculiar dark black and golden flame began to burn, and the flame expanded extremely rapidly, spreading across the whole body of the giant spirit monkey in an instant, and finally wrapped it in it .

And a moment later, when the flame dissipated, the huge spirit monkey disappeared along with the flame.


But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time his face turned pale. Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly took out a high-grade treasure pill and threw it into his mouth.

"Sure enough, with my current strength, it will be too much for me to use the Dragon Rising Soul Sword for a long time." After Bao Dan entered, Xing Jue said with a wry smile.

Although the power of the Rising Dragon Sword is very powerful, Xingjue cannot be used for a long time at all, otherwise the longer it is used, the more serious the backlash will be. In other words, this is simply a life-consuming weapon. Martial arts.

"However, it finally succeeded." After a while, Xing Jue's injury had improved a lot, and he walked slowly towards the stone table where he was sitting.

"No way? That's all?"

But when Xing Jue walked to the stone table, he was shocked to find that there was only a wooden token on the stone table. Although the token was made of wood, it shone with a faint light. Examination certificate.

In addition to this token, there is also a necklace. This necklace is not beautiful at all, even a bit low-level. It is actually made of an ordinary rope. Besides this rope, it is a white cylinder with The jade pendant, engraved with the word essence on the jade pendant.

But after searching carefully for a while, Xing Jue did not find anything special about this necklace, but there was nothing else except the portrait, the token and the necklace.

"Hey, I'm just unlucky"

Seeing this, Xing Jue sighed helplessly, and then put the necklace, token, and even the portrait into the storage bracelet together.

Originally, I thought that I could get some rare treasures in this Tianzi examination room, but unexpectedly, I didn't get anything.


But just after Xing Jue put those items into the storage bracelet, there was a sudden boom behind him, and when the boom sounded, Xing Jue's body couldn't help but tremble.

"No way."

When Xing Jue turned around, he found that the huge spirit monkey that he had just killed had actually re-condensed into a statue, just as complete as when he saw it just now.

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