Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 153 Unexpected Harvest [Chapter 3]

"Be careful"

Facing the attack of two powerful light blades, the four big men didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. They clenched their fists with both hands, and they blasted back at the two light blades with powerful martial arts one after another.


Several powerful attacks were intertwined with the light blade, and the tyrannical energy ripples spread extremely quickly, and the energy ripples mixed with golden light instantly filled the entire passage.

At this moment, the four men were all cautiously watching the energy ripples in front of them. They could feel from the previous light blade that the person who made the attack was definitely not a weak person, so they did not dare to be careless in the slightest.


But at this moment, the energy ripples filling the channel suddenly spread, and then two figures appeared, like flood dragons soaring into the sky, burst out from the energy ripples, and finally faced the four people Come quickly.And this is naturally Xing Jue and Su Lin'er.

"Supreme Sword Art"

Xing Jue fell among the four of them, swung the two Dragon Rising Blades in his hands, and attacked a man fiercely. Xing Jue's offensive at this moment was extremely fierce, and the golden light and shadow flickered even more so that the man was What is suppressed is the retreat.


Along with a golden light flashed from the man's neck, a stream of blood gushed out, and then the man collapsed to the ground without breathing.

Although they are both middle-ranked Martial Gods, this man's strength is much lower than that of Tianyou, and at this moment, Xing Jue has raised his strength to the level of an intermediate-ranked Martial God by relying on his soul explosion and the power of Baodan, so This man was no match for Xingjue at all.

"Bang, bang, bang"

But at this moment, three bangs suddenly sounded beside Xing Jue, and when Xing Jue turned around, he was shocked to find that the other three men had died.

At this moment, Su Lin'er was looking at her with a smile on her face, and Xiao Bai under her was even more unsatisfied.It's like fighting against this kind of enemy is not very enjoyable.

Looking at Su Lin'er and Xiao Bai at this moment, Xing Jue had to look at the fighting power of the Tianling Clan differently. They are both mid-level warriors, so the fighting power of Su Lin'er and Xiao Bai is too strong.

But this is not the time to be surprised. After a moment of shock, Xing Jue quickly took out the jade pendant and pressed it on the stone gate. With his powerful soul power, Xing Jue can naturally feel that the stone gate has been blessed with a special Enchantment.


Sure enough, as Xing Jue expected, after Xing Jue secretly passed the jade pendant to the stone gate, the faint brilliance above the stone gate dissipated instantly.

After the brilliance dissipated, Xing Jue took a step back. At the same time, he clenched his right fist tightly, and the powerful martial qi condensed at a very high speed, and finally he slammed down on the stone gate.


Although the stone gate was made of profound stones, it couldn't resist Xing Jue's full blow. With just one punch, this huge stone gate turned into several broken stones scattered down, and at the same time set off Roads of smoke and dust.


Facing the smoke and dust filling the passage, with a wave of Xing Jue's sleeve robe, a gentle martial energy spread rapidly, and then the smoke and dust were blown away.


After the smoke dissipated, a hall appeared behind the stone gate, and Xing Jue saw the old man sitting cross-legged in the middle of the hall at first sight, and this old man was old.

At this moment, the old man was wrapped with dark black enchantment ropes, and the ropes seemed to have a strange devouring power, which made the old man's aura frighteningly low, and even his figure became somewhat illusory.

"Punishment ~!"

After hearing Xing Jue's shout, the old man's closed eyes slowly opened. When he saw Xing Jue, the old face instantly became agitated, and even his body began to tremble.

"Don't move when you are old, I will help you untie these ropes."

At this moment, Xing Jue had come to the old man, looking at the agitated old man, he hurriedly said calmly.

"Xing Jue is useless, it's an enchantment rope, unless it reaches the level of the King of War, otherwise..." However, when he saw that Xing Jue wanted to untie his own rope, the old man persuaded him helplessly.

"Soul Eater Order?"

But at the next moment, his sight was attracted by the jade pendant in Xing Jue's hand. Looking at the jade pendant in Xing Jue's hand, his old and helpless face instantly became agitated.

"Om~~" At this moment, Xing Jue had already untied the enchantment rope on the old man.

"Old man, do you know this jade pendant?" Seeing that old man was so excited, Xing Jue hurriedly asked.This jade pendant was left to him by his father, and since the old man knew it, it meant that this jade pendant belonged to the Soul Devourer Clan.

"Of course I do. This is the treasure of my Soul Devourer clan, the Soul Devourer Token."

"Xing Jue, where did you get it?" At this moment, the old man couldn't help picking up the Soul Eater Token in Xing Jue's hand, and looked at it carefully, and at the same time, the excitement on his face became more and more intense.

"This is what my father left for me," Xing Jue quickly replied upon seeing this.

"Your father? That's great, this is really my Soul Eater~!"

"The two treasures of my Soul Devourer Clan, the Soul Devourer Jue and the Soul Devourer Token, are still alive. Now there is hope for the clan to be reunited." At this moment, the old man did not care about his injuries at all, but looked at the Devourer in Xing Jue's hand with excitement. soul order.There was a look of anticipation on the old face.

Although Xing Jue didn't know the importance of the Soul Devouring Token at this moment, seeing the excited look of the old man, he also guessed that the Soul Devouring Token must be very important to the Soul Devouring Clan.

"Xing Jue, you must take good care of this Soul Eater Token, it is very important to our Soul Eater Clan." After a moment of excitement, the old man's excited mood was considered stable, and he handed the Soul Eater Token to Xing Jue , said cautiously.

"Don't worry, the old man, the younger generation will take good care of it." As for the old man's words, Xing Jue naturally swore an oath.

In fact, even if the old man doesn't talk about Xing Jue, he will keep this "Soul Eater Token" well. Let's not say that he is a relic left by his father. .

"Xing Jue, quickly take away those beast souls." Seeing that Xing Jue had put away the Soul Devouring Token, Elder Cang pointed to a corner of the secret room and said to Xing Jue.

And Xing Jue took a pleasing look, only to find that there was a strange stone shelf on the corner of the hall, and when he saw the things on the stone shelf, Xing Jue became even more excited in an instant, because at that moment, there was a strange stone shelf on the stone shelf. On top of it, there are dozens of beast souls placed densely.

Seeing this, Xing Jue was not polite, he walked to the stone shelf in a few strides, and then with a wave of his sleeve, he put all the dozens of beast souls into the storage bracelet.

Now Xingjue has entered the realm of Valkyrie, but the power brought by the explosion of soul power is much weaker, and it is impossible to raise him from the elementary level to the middle level of Valkyrie.

But now that there are so many beast souls, Xing Jue believes that as long as they are all refined, his soul power will definitely be strong to a terrifying level. With the explosive power of the soul, he can improve his level, and that kind of strength is much more stable than that obtained by using the treasure pill.

"No, someone is coming"

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly sensed that there were several strong men who had reached the level of Martial Gods, and they were rushing towards them. After hearing Xing Jue's words, Su Lin'er also entered a state of preparation.

"Elder Zhu?" But when those people approached, Xing Jue couldn't help but look happy, because at this moment Xing Jue found out that it was none other than Elder Zhu and others from the Panlong Society.

"Xing Jue, I found you." At this moment, Elder Zhu's face was full of anxiety, and it was only after seeing Xing Jue that he saw Xing Jue that he was relieved a little.

"Xing Jue, come with me quickly, if it's a little later, I'm afraid the president will not be able to hold on." At this moment, Elder Zhu had already walked in front of Xing Jue, and immediately said to Xing Jue, words It was filled with worry.

"What?" After hearing Elder Zhu's words, Xing Jue's face changed drastically in an instant. He could hear from Elder Zhu's words that "Uncle Pan" seemed to be in some danger at this moment.

"Old man, Elder Zhu, you enter my storage bracelet first and take refuge temporarily." Thinking of this point, with a wave of Xing Jue's sleeve robe, Cang Lao, Elder Zhu and others were directly put into the storage bracelet.

"Lin'er, let's go!" After putting Cang Lao and the others into the storage bracelet, Xing Jue jumped onto Xiao Bai's back.

Seeing this, the little white tiger leaped and turned into a white gust of wind, and flew towards the outside of the dark hall along this passage.

"Boom boom, boom boom"

At this moment, outside the Dark Hall, there is already a mess. The strong men of the Panlong Society and the strong men of the Shadow of the Shadow are fighting together. The terrifying energy ripples continue to spread, and the billowing smoke continues to rise .

And despite the fierce fighting on the ground, the flames of war are raging.But there is a more terrifying battle circle in the air.

At this moment in the air, two figures with dark red wings fly extremely fast, and whenever the two intersect each other, a very brilliant energy ripple will be set off in the air.These two are naturally Uncle Pan, and the Deputy Dark Lord of the Shadow of Darkness.

But among the two of them at the moment, Uncle Pan was clearly at a disadvantage. At this moment, he spit out a big mouthful of breath, and there were many scars on his body.

"That's right, you've got a few tricks, and you've managed to survive until now." Looking at Uncle Pan, who was already in a state of distress, the Deputy Dark Master of the Shadow of Darkness sarcastically said in a hoarse voice.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, just use whatever means you can." After hearing the words of the dark master, Uncle Pan shouted in a cold voice.

Despite what he said, Uncle Pan knew very well in his heart at this moment that if this continued, he would not be a match for this dark lord at all.

So at this moment, he only hopes that Elder Zhu and others will find Xingjue quickly so that they can leave here as soon as possible, otherwise he will be defeated by this deputy dark master sooner or later.

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