Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 154 Crisis [Part 1]

In fact, the strength of both of them is at the level of elementary battle kings, and at the beginning, Uncle Pan had the upper hand by relying on his rich battle experience and extraordinary talent.

But then the "Deputy Dark Lord" of the "Shadow of Darkness" suddenly cast a strange secret method, actually absorbing several shadows of darkness and the powerhouses of the Coiling Dragon Society into his body, which made Pan feel the most. To my uncle's surprise, the strength of that dark vermilion was also improved because of this.

In the end, he vaguely reached the level of the middle-level battle king. Although he did not really reach the level of the middle-level battle king, he was still ahead of Uncle Pan.At this point, Uncle Pan fell into a disadvantage, and then he had no choice but to order Elder Zhu to go in and look for Xing Jue.

But looking at the current situation, Uncle Pan knew that he didn't seem to be able to last long.

But no matter what, he had to wait until Xing Jue was rescued, otherwise as long as he failed, the group of them would have no hope of survival.

"Okay, then I'll show you my true strength." Seeing that Uncle Pan wanted to fight with him, the dark master snorted coldly.

At the same time, he clenched his hands tightly, and the dark red energy condensed extremely quickly in his hands. Finally, when he stretched out his palms, a huge black bat with several feet in length condensed out, and finally carried a lightning-like Speed, blasted towards Uncle Pan.


Looking at the black bat, Uncle Pan's face changed drastically, because he could clearly feel the horror of this martial skill.

Immediately, Uncle Pan clenched his right fist tightly, and the powerful energy condensed extremely quickly. With Uncle Pan's punch, an extremely powerful dark red gas burst out, and condensed into a dark red gas in an instant. with his giant fist, and then slammed it hard at the black bat.


But what surprised Uncle Pan was that just when the dark red giant fist was about to hit the bat, the bat opened its mouth and swallowed its attack directly.

Afterwards, the black bat came towards Uncle Pan at a very high speed. Facing such a fierce attack, Uncle Pan's pupils suddenly dilated, and then he spread his arms out, forming a dark red defensive shield at a very high speed.And this was Uncle Pan's last resort to save his life.


The black bats collided with the dark red defensive cover, and the dark red gas and the black gas instantly diffused, and the terrifying energy ripples spread rapidly in the sky, like a doomsday compass, slowly rotating.

"So strong"

Looking at the slowly rotating energy ripples in the sky above, the faces of all the powerhouses below are all shocked at this moment. The battle of the king of war is really powerful and terrifying.


At this moment, a figure flashed in the compass, and if you look carefully, you will find that it is Uncle Pan. At this moment, a large amount of blood is continuously flowing from Uncle Pan's mouth, and the dark red wings behind him have long since dissipated. , even his clothes were a bit fragmented, like a kite with a broken string, falling vertically with a rotating arc.


Seeing this, an elder of the Panlong Society whose strength had reached a high-ranking Martial God leaped up and hugged Uncle Pan who was about to fall to the ground in his arms.

"Master Chairman"

However, looking at Uncle Pan, who was pale and dripping with blood, the old man panicked to the extreme.


But at this moment, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded behind him. Turning to look, the elder was even more astonished to find that a dark red gas full of terrifying energy was overwhelmingly facing him at this moment. The plunder came.

And when he felt the terrifying energy of that dark red gas, the face of this Panlonghui powerhouse became even paler in an instant, because he knew that if he was hit by this attack, his body would definitely be smashed to pieces.

"Soul Explosion"

But at this critical moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the elder like a ghost. Because the speed was too fast, the elder couldn't see the man's face clearly, he could only see a dark The gas covers it all up.

And it turned out that this was none other than Xing Jue who had just been driven out of the Dark Palace.


The dark red gas blasted fiercely on Xing Jue's body, and Xing Jue was even more viciously blasted away by this powerful force, like a sharp arrow that burst out, shooting towards the distance with extreme speed go.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The powerful force caused Xing Jue to fall to the ground after flying a thousand meters, and kept shooting forward, and finally stabilized his figure after stumbling on the ground several times.

"So strong"

At this moment, Xing Jue's face was pale, there were still patches of blood on the corners of his mouth, and even his aura began to drop continuously. Under the powerful attack just now, even his instant domineering body was defeated.

If it weren't for the low-grade treasure "Celestial Silkworm Golden Silk Armor" body protection, the blow just now would have been enough to kill Xing Jue. From this, it can be seen that the dark master really killed him.

Xing Jue looked at the black figure in mid-air, his eyes filled with a rare look of fear, only at this moment did Xing Jue truly see the power of the King of War, and it turned out that he really couldn't resist.

"Boy, I really underestimated you, you can actually break my barrier cell"

"But it doesn't matter, you all don't want to leave here alive today." At this moment, the deputy dark master of the shadow of darkness glanced at Xing Jue and Su Lin'er, and said coldly.

His last voice was like a muffled thunder, reaching everyone's ears, and it continued to echo between the world.

And when they heard this voice, the members of the Panlong Society also began to tremble, and then one by one cast their fearful eyes on the black-robed man in mid-air.

At this moment, Uncle Pan, the president of their Panlong Society, was unconscious, and without the King of War, they naturally became a group of helpless lambs, ready to be slaughtered.As gods of war, they didn't think they could compete with a strong King of War.Thinking of this, some members of the Panlong Club even took a big step, and actually started to flee towards the surroundings.

"Little ghost, if you don't want your comrades to die because of you, quickly undo my seal." But at this critical moment, Xiaolong's voice suddenly sounded in Xing Jue's heart.

Xing Jue used the "Soul Eater Order" to untie the barrier cell and help the old man untie the barrier rope, which had been clearly reflected in Xiaolong's eyes, so Xiaolong knew that Xing Jue could completely untie its barrier. The rope untied.

"Er..." After hearing Xiaolong's voice, Xing Jue hesitated a little. He had seen Xiaolong's strength before.And Xiaolong's enchantment rope, he can indeed use the "Soul Eater Order" to untie it.

But so far he hasn't really believed in Xiaolong, so he doesn't know if Xiaolong will really help them after he comes out, or whether it will be bad for them.


But at this moment, the deputy dark lord standing above the sky suddenly slapped the sky, and then a substantial barrier enveloped the land.

Looking at the giant enchantment that enveloped everyone, the people who fled one after another were extremely depressed. At this moment, they knew that they really had no hope of escaping.


Looking at the huge enchantment that suddenly appeared, Xing Jue knew that this was the enchantment that Shadow of Darkness had arranged before, but it was in an invisible state before and could only block the transmission of signals, but at the moment it was activated by it and changed It has become a barrier barrier layer.


After summoning the giant barrier, the dark master suddenly raised his palms, and at the same time, streaks of dark red gas condensed on top of it at an extremely high speed.

In the end, a dark red sphere was condensed, and it continued to expand. When the dark red sphere condensed, even the space around it appeared dark cracks.

The incomparably terrifying aura began to emanate from the sphere, and even the aura of the dark lord began to decline, and it actually returned to the level of the first-level battle king, and it was still declining. Obviously, he used his power All of them were condensed into the sphere.

"Xiaolong, it's up to you"

Looking at the terrifying sphere condensed by the Dark Lord in the sky above, Xing Jue couldn't care too much, and with a wave of his right hand, the petite figure of Xiaolong emerged, and at the same time, the "Soul Eater Token" on Xing Jue's left hand was also a response to The enchantment rope on Xiaolong's body was suddenly pressed.


But at this moment, I saw the dark lord's palms reaching down, and the dark red sphere blasted towards the bottom at an extremely fast speed. When the terrifying sphere slid down, even the air was burning with darkness. red flame.It was like a small sun falling to the ground.

Facing the terrifying dark red sphere, Xing Jue knew that it must contain extremely terrifying power, although he didn't aim at anyone, but as long as it spreads, most of the people present will be killed or injured.

Not only Xingjue, everyone at this moment also saw everything in front of them. Facing the terrifying dark red sphere, everyone was extremely desperate. They all knew that as long as the dark red sphere successfully fell, they would definitely die. .


But at this moment, the enchantment rope on Xiaolong's body also flashed a dazzling light, and then a red figure shot out suddenly, and finally shot towards the dark red gas.


Just when everyone thought they were going to die here, a sudden violent bang sounded, the sound was so shocking that even the ground began to shake violently.

At the same time, everyone was even more astonished to discover that a thousand feet of dark red gas was spreading rapidly above it, and that was exactly the damage caused by the dark red gas.


Looking at the dark red gas rapidly spreading in the sky, Xing Jue could imagine that if it spread on the ground, even he would be doomed.

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