Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 171 Out of the Ruins [Part 2]

Seeing everyone's frowning and regretful faces, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then waved his sleeve robe again, and the five treasure chests were filled with the elixir lingering in the elixir fragrance.Looking at Xing Jue's move, Li Xiaohan and the others were puzzled.

"I, Xingjue, am not an unrighteous person. It is said that everyone who sees has a share. Since everyone can arrive at the Xinghuang Cave Mansion together, I will naturally not let everyone go home empty-handed."

"These five boxes of treasure pills, one for each of you." After filling the five boxes of treasure pills, Xing Jue turned his attention to Chu Xiuyan and the others, and said with a smile.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard Xing Jue's words, and it took a while for the disciples from the Tibetan Medicine Villa to react, and then all of them showed excitement.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue is really straightforward. If that's the case, then I'll be polite." Seeing this, Chu Xiuyan said to Xing Jue with a grateful face, and then hurriedly put the treasure pill in one of the treasure boxes into the storage bracelet middle.

After him, the other two disciples from the Tibetan Medicine Villa also took away the treasure pill from one of the treasure chests.

"Junior Brother Xingjue, I misunderstood you just now, and I will apologize to you here." At this moment, Luo Yan jumped onto the high platform again, and said to Xingjue with a smile on his face.

However, Xing Jue expressed his admiration for the speed with which Luo Yan's face changed. However, Xing Jue did not agree to his polite words, but waved his hand, motioning him to take his share Botan.

For this kind of person, Xing Jue can still deal with it. In short, if you are soft, I will be soft, and if you are tough, I will be stronger than you.

Seeing that the relationship with Xingjue eased, Na Luoyan and the disciple named Liu were also rude, and put away the remaining two boxes of treasure pills one after another.

There are hundreds of treasure chests on this high platform, and 65 treasure chests have been taken out just now. Xingjue only left a few thousand treasure pills, but the treasure pills left by Xingjue are all high-grade treasure pills, the lowest level It's also low-grade.

And compared with these, the treasure fragments obtained by Xingjue, as well as the strange ring, are the biggest gains of this trip to the ruins.

And everyone seemed extremely satisfied with the distribution method of Xing Jue, and from the surface, Xing Jue was the most disadvantaged, after all, he had previously divided all the treasure pills into four, and then Xing Jue divided his own treasure pills into four. Five boxes were divided among them.

After that, everyone searched the hall carefully, but found that there were almost no treasures except the treasure chest on the high platform.

And Xing Jue received those two armored men into his storage bracelets. These two armored men are extremely strong, which can be seen from the fact that Xing Jue's Soul Devouring Awl failed to kill them.

And Xing Jue can control them now, which will undoubtedly become a great help for Xing Jue in the future. Two high-ranking warriors will beat them to death, which is really remarkable.

After that, everyone walked towards the entrance of the ruins along the way they came. In fact, Xing Jue can control even the organs of the ruins besides the monsters at this moment, so everyone is on the way to leave. It can be said that the journey was smooth, without any hiccups.

"Strange, the pressure on the enchantment mechanism of this ancient ruins has decreased, and it seems to be completely closed."

At this moment in ancient times and outside, the elders of the four major forces are using the power of the formation to suppress the power of the enchantment space of the ancient ruins, but suddenly they really feel that the pressure is gone, so everyone feels strange.

"Could it be that something happened in the ruins?"

Looking at the entrance of the ancient ruins, the elders of the four major factions all looked sad. The disciples who entered the ancient ruins this time were all the top disciples of each faction. Let them enter here to test and grind them. practice, but at the same time, they don't want them to be in any danger.

After all, they are the hope of the four major forces, and the prosperity of the forces in the future depends on them.

After several hours of anxious waiting, a light suddenly appeared in the dark passage of the ruins, and the light became brighter and brighter.

"Come out, come out"

Looking at the approaching rays of light, the elders of the four major forces breathed a sigh of relief, because they knew that the light was illuminated by the light talisman, which meant that the disciples of the four major forces had already come out.

Sure enough, after a while, nine figures emerged, they were Xing Jue and his party, and when they saw them, the elders of various forces all stepped forward quickly, and couldn't help asking about the ancient ruins .

"Only Baodan? No martial arts, exercises, and treasures?"

At this moment, the whole group of Yufeng Pavilion was also gathered together. After hearing what Xingjue and the others said, Elder Fenglei seemed a little puzzled. It stands to reason that the power of this ancient relic is so powerful.

It shows that this relic was at least built by the powerful War Emperor, otherwise it would be impossible to have the ability to restrict them, but if there is only Baodan here, it is really puzzling.

"Well, apart from Baodan, there is only the skeleton of that senior. That skeleton is a bit special, but I didn't offend that senior." Seeing Elder Fenglei's puzzled look, Xing Jue said helplessly .

As for the treasure map and the ring, Xing Jue didn't want to tell them about it at this time, because he still doesn't know what kind of treasure the ring is and what function it has. Will cause unnecessary trouble.

"Haha, it's okay, it's a worthwhile trip to get such a number of treasure pills." After seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Feng Lao and the others comforted Xing Jue and the others instead.

Because after walking out of the ancient ruins, before Xing Jue could speak, Li Xiaohan just told the story. This time, he was able to successfully find the Xinghuang Cave Mansion, which almost depended on Xing Jue. His strength undoubtedly made everyone look at him with admiration again.

But the elders present here are always the masters of Xingjue, Elder Lei Li and Elder Jishui are both very optimistic about Xingjue. Now that they know these things, they are naturally quite gratified. He became more and more optimistic, and even felt that Xing Jue might become the leading figure in the rise of Yufeng Pavilion.

"Who can tell me why my disciples from Nether Palace haven't come out so far?"

At this moment, the elder of the Nether Palace finally couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart, and shouted to everyone.

Although the disciples of the three major forces have all walked out of the ancient ruins unharmed at this moment, the disciples of his Nether Palace have not yet shown up, which makes him anxious.

"Oh? Haven't the brothers from the Nether Palace come out yet?"

"After we entered the passage, we were dispersed. I thought they had already walked out along the passage." Seeing the elder of the Nether Temple asked, Xing Jue said with feigned doubts.

"Washed away?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the elder couldn't help casting suspicious eyes on Xing Jue.He didn't think things were as simple as Xing Jue said.

"This elder, about the disciples of the Nether Palace..." At this moment, Lin Yi from the Nangong family suddenly spoke.

After seeing Lin Yi speak, both Li Xiaohan and Li Chanyue showed nervous expressions on their faces, fearing that Lin Yi would tell about Xing Jue's killing of the Nether Palace disciples.

Because even if the Nether Palace was the culprit who attacked them in the first place, even if the Nether Palace disciples attacked them first, they didn't leave any evidence. Instead, Xing Jue killed them, which Lin Yi saw with his own eyes.

If this matter gets out, not to mention that the Nether Palace will ask Yufeng Pavilion for an explanation, even the Nangong family will use the guise of an alliance to put pressure on Yufeng Pavilion. At that time, the most unlucky thing will undoubtedly be Xing Jue.

"Lin Yi, if you have anything to say, just say it." At this moment, the elder of the Nangong family who was standing beside Lin Yi asked with narrowed eyes.

"Indeed, as Junior Brother Xingjue said, we have dispersed since entering the passage, and Junior Brother Xingjue and I were rushed into the same passage."

"After reaching the deep magma valley, I met up with the brothers from the Tibetan Medicine Villa and Luo Yan, but I haven't seen the brothers from the Nether Palace until now." What surprised Li Xiaohan and others the most was that Lin Yi hadn't Telling the truth, on the contrary, helped Xing Jue hide this matter from the past.

Looking at Lin Yi, whose face was neither red nor pale, the corners of Xing Jue's mouth could not help but curl up. He never expected that this seemingly indifferent Lin Yi would actually speak for him.

"That's right, we haven't seen your Nether Hall seniors when we were in the deep magma valley." And at this moment, the disciples of the Tibetan Medicine Villa agreed one after another.

The most frustrating thing is that they, who hated Nether Palace so much, actually kindly call the disciples of Nether Palace as senior brothers at this moment, which really has a taste of gloating.

After hearing the words of the disciples, the elder of the Nether Palace looked worried. At first he thought that it was Xingjue and others who killed his disciples of the Nether Palace, but seeing that the disciples of the Nangong family said so, he had no choice but to Believe.

And the elders of the Nangong family also seemed a little disappointed. They also heard about the attack on the Yufeng Pavilion before, and they also guessed that it might be caused by the Nether Palace.

However, they still maintain an optimistic attitude towards this kind of thing, especially after learning that Yufeng Pavilion is the biggest winner of the ancient ruins, they are already a little unhappy, so they really hope that Yufeng Pavilion and You Ming There was some unhappiness in the palace.

In fact, Yufeng Pavilion has been developing very rapidly in recent years. The number of war kings has almost surpassed his Nangong family, and among the outstanding disciples, there are three geniuses, Li Xiaohan, Li Chanyue, and Xingjue.

Especially Xingjue, in the last hunting competition, he had already let his Nangong family eat a big turtle, and this time he could hear the ancient relics, if there was no Xingjue, they would even find Xinghuang Cave Mansion. less than.

So at this moment, the Nangong family has already developed a kind of hostility towards Yufeng Pavilion. After all, they don't want to be taken away by Yufeng Pavilion as the number one power in the Eastern Continent.

"Since the ancient ruins have been detected and there is no threat from our four major forces, then I will leave first." At this moment, Feng Lao walked out slowly and directed at the elders of the three major forces. He cupped his hands, and then he was about to leave with Xing Jue and others.

"Wait" But at this moment, Luo Yan, a disciple of the Nangong family, suddenly opened his mouth to stop him.

After hearing his words, not only Feng Lao, but even everyone turned their suspicious eyes to Luo Yan.

"Elder, this disciple has a question I would like to ask." Seeing Elder Feng stopped, Na Luoyan bowed his hands respectfully at Elder Feng and said with a smile.But his smile is full of endless sinister meaning.

At this moment, Xing Jue frowned, because he felt something bad, and Luo Yan might say something that was not good for them.

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