Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 172 Shelter [Part 1]


"This little friend, talk to me when you have something to say." Seeing this, Feng Lao glanced at Luo Yan with doubtful eyes, and then said slowly in that indifferent voice.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask, when will Yufeng Pavilion have the Zhenge martial art "Dragon Blade" from my Nangong family?" Feng Lao asked. Immediately, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Xing Jue for the clothes.

And after hearing his words, Xing Jue's body couldn't help but tremble. Unexpectedly, he had seen him cast the Dragon Blade in the Xinghuang Cave before, and he said this at this moment, no doubt it was aimed at himself.

At this moment, Xing Jue clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He really regretted not being able to kill this villain in the Xinghuang Cave. Who would have thought that he would still do this after giving him a box of treasure pills in vain? Things.At this moment, a decision has been made in the determination of punishment. If there is a chance in the future, Luo Yan will definitely die a bad life.

"I, Yufengge, have never had the martial art "Rising Dragon Blade". I don't know what you mean by this little friend?" After hearing Luo Yan's words, Feng Lao was also taken aback, and then asked in puzzlement.

"That's strange. Since Yufeng Pavilion doesn't have the Dragon Blade, why does Junior Brother Xingjue have the Dragon Blade?"

After hearing Feng Lao's words, Luo Yan looked at Xing Jue with a puzzled expression.Not only him, but at the same time as his words fell, almost everyone present turned their shocked gazes to Xing Jue.

Xing Jue learned the Zhenge martial arts from the Nangong family?This is a bit of a big deal. Since it is called the Zhenge martial art, it is a secret that cannot be passed on to the outside world. For other forces, it is like a treasure. The Zhenge martial art is learned by outsiders, which is absolutely not allowed. .

"Xing Jue, is this really the case?" Seeing this, Feng Lao frowned, and then hurriedly turned to Xing Jue and asked.

"Returning to Master, the martial art disciple of Rising Dragon Blade has indeed learned it, but it was not learned in Yufeng Pavilion."

"It was learned by chance during a training session, but my disciples didn't know at that time that it was the Zhenge martial art of the Nangong family."

"If not, I will definitely not be able to cultivate." Seeing Feng Lao asked, Xing Jue did not hide the matter.It is a fact that he cultivated Dragon Blade himself, and Xing Jue didn't want to be the kind of person who dare not admit it.

"Hmph, good Xing Jue, you secretly learned my Nangong family's Zhenge martial arts, and you said so high-soundingly, do you really think that my Nangong family is a fool?" At this moment, the elder of the Nangong family suddenly turned cold , then pointed at Xing Jue and shouted violently.With that appearance, he wished he could swallow Xing Jue alive.


"I have a lot of martial arts in Yufeng Pavilion. As my disciple, Xing Jue can't learn anything if he wants to learn it. As for stealing some shit from your Nangong family's Dragon Blade?"

"Your Nangong family can't take good care of your own martial arts. It's because you are incompetent that you show it to the outside. You have to catch people who show martial arts. Don't point fingers at my Yufeng Pavilion disciples here."

But at this moment, before Xing Jue could refute, Feng Lao who was standing aside quit, pointing at the elder of the Nangong family and yelling.The language is so harsh that it can be said that it does not spare the slightest sympathy. From this, it can be seen how much Feng Lao loves Xing Jue.

"Elder Feng, are you deliberately protecting your Yufeng Pavilion disciples and doing something wrong?" After hearing what Feng Lao said, the face of the elder of the Nangong Family trembled, and even his body trembled a little. It was even more angry that it turned into a purple eggplant color.

"So what?" Seeing this, Feng Lao was not afraid at all, snorted coldly, and said contemptuously.

"Okay, okay, I can assure you that you will regret what happened today." At this moment, the elder of the Nangong family was even more angry, gnashing his teeth, pointing at Feng Lao and swearing.There was even a hint of threat in the words.

"Joke, I, Wang Zhaofeng, have never known what the word regret means?"

"Your Nangong family can use whatever means, and I, Yufeng Pavilion, will absolutely accompany you."

"let's go"

As for the threatening words of the Nangong family elders, Feng Lao snorted coldly without any fear, and then saw his sleeves waved, and all Xing Jue and others were involved in the space and walked away.

Seeing this, the elders of the Nangong family were even more furious. It can be said that Feng Lao didn't save him any face this time. When did he feel this kind of anger?

Not only him, but even the people in the Tibetan Medicine Villa and the elders of the Nether Palace were full of horror. For so many years, the Nangong family has always dominated Yufeng Pavilion, and it is also recognized by the four major forces as the boss of the Eastern Continent.

As for Feng Lao's current actions, it is obvious that he no longer takes the Nangong family in his eyes, so the matter is a bit serious.In order to save face, the Nangong family will inevitably do some extreme actions.

"Hey, I said Elder Zhu, Wang Zhaofeng really didn't give you face. I don't know if Yufeng Pavilion doesn't care about your Nangong family anymore." At this moment, the elder of the Nether Palace said It was with a smirk on his face, and he said to add insult to injury.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about my Nangong family's affairs~!" After hearing his words, the elder of the Nangong family gave him a hard look, and then waved his sleeve robe and took the Nangong family's A group of disciples left.

"You..." The words of the elders of the Nangong family even made the elders of the Nether Palace eat a big turtle, and then stood there with an angry face, but couldn't say a word.

"Hey, I really deserve it." At this time, the elder of the Tibetan Medicine Villa cast a contemptuous glance at the elder of the Nether Palace, and said sarcastically.Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve robe, he led his disciples into the space.

"Very good, I see how long you can be arrogant?" And just after everyone left, the face of the Nether Palace was full of ferocity.Said fiercely.At the same time, a terrifying murderous aura also permeated the air.

At this moment in the dimensional space, under the leadership of Feng Lao and the others, Xing Jue is rushing towards the direction of Yufeng Pavilion at a high speed, and at this moment Xing Jue seems a little worried.

Previously, Feng Lao's language towards the Nangong family was indeed a little too aggressive, and Xing Jue was worried that according to the Nangong family's style of doing things, this matter would never be let go.

"Xing Jue, don't think too much, his Nangong family is not a good person."

"Always pointing fingers at other forces in the name of the alliance, do you really think that you are the leader of the four major forces?" At this moment, Feng Lao seemed to see what Xing Jue was thinking, and then said to Xing Jue.

After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue fell silent for an instant. He could feel that Feng Lao wanted to protect his disciple.And this kind of excessive doting made Xing Jue feel even more pressure.

"Master, this matter is caused by the disciple. If the Nangong family wants to pursue something, the disciple is willing to bear it alone." But after a moment of silence, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head and looked at Feng Lao with that resolute gaze.

Xing Jue didn't want to put the entire Yufeng Pavilion in crisis because of himself. He didn't want to let the last time Elder Chi Huo fought against the entire main pavilion's disciples happen again.

"What are you talking about, kid? Do you think Yufeng Pavilion doesn't have the ability to protect you?"

"It's up to me to decide, don't mention it again~!" But after hearing Xing Jue's words, Feng Lao's expression changed drastically, and he immediately reprimanded him fiercely, and then accelerated his forward flight speed in vain. No more words.

After hearing Feng Lao's words, Xing Jue fell silent again. At this moment, Xing Jue felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of five flavors. It was extremely unpleasant, but with Feng Lao's attitude, he couldn't say much.

"Brother Xingjue, no matter what you think, Xiaohan is on your side." But at this moment, Li Xiaohan's voice suddenly reached Xingjue's ears.

After hearing Li Xiaohan's sound transmission, Xing Jue's body trembled even more, and then he couldn't help turning his eyes to Li Xiaohan, and at this moment Li Xiaohan was looking at him with that sweet smile.

After seeing Li Xiaohan's appearance, Xing Jue was in a dilemma again. He knew the meaning of Li Xiaohan's words, and he could also feel Li Xiaohan's determination, which was a determination to live and die together. Overwhelmed.

He only regretted that he shouldn't have used the Dragon Blade carelessly, let alone let that villain Luo Yan walk out of the ancient ruins alive. At this moment, Xing Jue finally realized that sometimes you really have to be ruthless in life, otherwise you will regret it Just myself.

Under such extremely fast flight, everyone rushed back to Yufeng Pavilion in just a few days, but after sending Xingjue and others back to the main pavilion, Feng Lao and others did not stay, but faced Yufeng Palace flew away in a hurry.

At this moment, Xing Jue was standing on the attic of the Biyun Palace, looking at the backs of Feng Lao and others flying towards the Yufeng Palace, feeling extremely disturbed in his heart.

"Brother Xingjue, are you still worrying about that matter?"

Just when Xing Jue was feeling annoyed, Li Xiaohan's sweet voice like a silver bell rang in his ears in vain. At the same time, a pair of slender arms were wrapped around Xing Jue's chest, and Li Xiaohan's innocent little face It was An Yi's post leaning over Xing Jue's back.

"Isn't it just a book of Zhenge martial arts? If you return the martial arts to them, it will be fine if you don't practice it in the future."

"I really don't believe that the Nangong family will attack me Yufeng Pavilion because of such a trivial matter."

"If that's the case, brother Xingjue doesn't need to think about it."

"Because that's not about you alone, but about my whole Yufeng Pavilion's face.

"At that time, just take this opportunity to give them a little bit of strength, and let them know that I, Yufeng Pavilion, are not easy to mess with." Li Xiaohan raised her face in vain, and said indignantly.

"Xiaohan, thank you very much." After hearing Li Xiaohan's words, a happy smile appeared on Xing Jue's face.For some reason, as long as Li Xiaohan is with him, Xing Jue will feel a lot easier no matter how much trouble he has.

At this moment, in the main hall of Yufeng Pavilion's highest palace "Yufeng Palace", several elders of the main pavilion are sitting there, and directly above the main hall, the pavilion owner of Yufeng Pavilion, Qing Motian, is also looking sad Watching Feng Lao and the others.

However, Feng Lao acted as if he hadn't seen the pavilion master Qing Motian's gaze, but with a faint smile on his face, he sipped the fragrant tea in his hand.

"Senior Brother Feng, just now the Nangong Family has issued a final warning to me, Yufeng Pavilion."

"If the sentence is not handed over to his Nangong family within ten days, then their current palace master will bring all the master palace elders to my Yufeng Pavilion to ask for an explanation." Seeing Feng Lao, he just drank the wine in his hand leisurely. Xiangcha, but remained silent for a long time, the owner of the Yufeng Pavilion finally couldn't help but speak.


But just as his words fell, Feng Lao suddenly slammed the teacup in his hand to the ground, and the crisp sound of the teacup breaking was in stark contrast to the silent hall at the moment.

And everyone was shocked by Feng Lao's actions, and even the current pavilion master "Qing Motian" showed a hint of panic.

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