Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 184 I Am Xing Jue [Part 1]

"Brother Xingjue, I succeeded~!"

When Li Xiaohan saw Xing Jue, he hurried to Xing Jue, and said cheerfully, from the pink face, it can be seen how happy she is at the moment.

This time Li Xiaohan retreated for more than 5 months, which was more than double the time spent by Xingjue, but for her who had never done soul cultivation, this was already very fast.

"Brother Xingjue, we have been here for more than half a year now, but my grandma hasn't come back yet."

"Since we have successfully cultivated now, why don't we leave a trace of you and me, and then go visit your Uncle Pan first." In the living room at the attic, Li Xiaohan smiled slightly at Xing Jue.

Xingjue and Xing Jue stayed in this Fragrance Pavilion for more than half a year. Even if the aroma of this Fragrance Pavilion is pleasant, they will feel a little depressed if they stay here all the time.

The two finally got the chance to stay together, and they both wanted to go around, but Li Xiaohan knew that it would be difficult to say this, so she offered it.

When Li Xiaohan spoke, Xing Jue naturally responded readily, and after saying goodbye to the woman and leaving their whereabouts to Li Xiaohan's grandma, the two rushed towards the Panlonghui.

The inner island of the Boundless Sea is very large, and the fastest journey from Fragrant Pavilion to Panlong Club will take a month. However, for Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan, as long as they are together, no matter where they are I will feel bored, but it is very pleasant to play and chat in the car occasionally, and open the window to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the road occasionally.

However, after nearly 20 days of uninterrupted walking in the animal carriage that the two of Xing Jue were riding in, it suddenly stopped.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Xing Jue couldn't help but open the door of the animal carriage, feeling the sudden stop, and said to the uncle who was in charge of driving the animal horse.

"Young man, I don't know why the road ahead is blocked, and the animal carriages cannot pass." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the uncle hurriedly replied.

"How is this going?"

After hearing the uncle's words, Xing Jue couldn't help turning his eyes to the front of the road, only to realize that they were in a city at the moment.

At this moment, the gate of that city had been completely closed. In front of the gate, there were still two rows of big men whose strength had reached the level of a martial artist. At this moment, they were driving away those who wanted to leave the city.

"Uncle, is there no other way besides here?" Xing Jue asked slowly after looking at the situation in front of him.

"Young man, this is a shortcut to Panlonghui. If you want to change the route, you will have to walk for at least two months." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the uncle said helplessly.

"Then uncle, who are those guarding the city gate?" At this moment, Li Xiaohan poked his head out, looking at the two rows of big men and asked curiously.

"This city is controlled by the Panlong Society, so they should be members of the Panlong Society," the uncle explained slowly.

"It's actually a member of the Panlong Society, so it's easy to handle."

"Uncle, wait for me here first, I'll go and ask what's going on." After hearing what the uncle said, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then he jumped off the car and headed towards the Two rows of big men walked up.

"Brother Xingjue, wait for me." Seeing this, Li Xiaohan didn't dare to be lonely, jumped out of the car and followed.

"Brother, may I ask why the city gate is not allowed to pass through?" After walking in front of one of the burly men, Xing Jue politely asked the burly man with his fists in his hands.The Panlong Society is Uncle Pan's influence, so Xing Jue still has a good impression of the members of the Panlong Society.

"Where are there so many problems? It's not allowed to pass through here now. Go and go, and go back where it came from." But Xing Jue's polite attitude was exchanged for a burst of driving away from the big man.

"Speaking like that to my elder brother Xing Jue, do you want to die?" But just when Xing Jue was about to get mad, Li Xiaohan came to Xing Jue and yelled violently at the big man.

"Yo, this girl is really juicy." But when he saw Li Xiaohan, the big man's eyes lit up.

Even the saliva flowed out of the mouth full of yellow teeth and bad breath.Then he stretched out his palm, wanting to touch Li Xiaohan's cheek.


Seeing this, Xing Jue's complexion changed even more in an instant. His palm suddenly protruded and he clasped the outstretched wrist of a big man tightly in his palm. His wrist was crushed to pieces by Xing Jue.


"My hand..." the wrist of his right hand was completely shattered, and the heart-piercing screams of the big man suddenly resounded.

Looking at the big man rolling on the ground and howling, there was no trace of pity in Xing Jue's eyes.He dared to belittle Li Xiaohan just now, which is tantamount to committing a capital crime. If it wasn't for the fact that he is a member of the Panlong Society, he would have turned into a dead body at this moment.

"you wanna die"

The sudden scene stunned the other burly men even more, and immediately a total of more than [-] burly men rushed towards Xing Jue with their teeth and claws open.

"Hey, the people who provoke the Panlong Society here are really courting death."

Seeing this, some passers-by around turned their sympathetic eyes to Xingjue one by one. The members of the Panlong Society in this city are very domineering. If anyone dares to offend them, the end will be very miserable.


However, Xing Jue let out a cold snort in the face of the twenty or so big men who were madly attacking him.Standing with hands behind his back, he stood there straight, without moving his body.

It wasn't until those big men's attacks came that Xing Jue's black clothes fluttered suddenly, and the mid-level Martial God's breath radiated out without reservation.The invisible breath swept away from Zi Xingjue's body like an invisible hurricane.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

The aura of Xing Jue was like a powerful attack, and it slammed on the bodies of those big men, and they flew upside down one by one. After landing, a large mouthful of blood was sprayed from their mouths. It was even paler to the extreme, and one by one cast their incomparably terrified gazes at Xing Jue.

As martial artists, they can clearly feel the powerful aura of Xing Jue at this moment. In front of such a powerful aura, let alone moving their bodies, even breathing is extremely difficult. Only at this moment did they know that they should not provoke people.

Compared to the fear of those big men, the people on the side looked stunned. They clearly looked at Xing Jue and didn't even move their bodies. Those big men were seriously injured. At this moment, some people turned their attention to the big man around, because they felt that someone else must have shot earlier.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack"

"This little brother is really strong."

At this moment, several applause rang out from behind Xing Jue. Turning around, he saw a two-meter-tall, muscular middle-aged man walking towards Xing Jue with a smile on his face. .And the strength of this big man has actually reached the level of an intermediate warrior.

And there are several men following behind him, and the strength of those men has actually reached the level of Wu Zun.It seems that they are the real powerhouses of this city.

"Little brother, thank you for being merciful and saving the lives of my ignorant subordinates." When he walked to Xing Jue, the man clasped his fists and said politely.

At this moment, Xingjue's aura of the middle-ranked Martial God was clearly revealed. He naturally knew that if Xingjue wanted to kill his subordinates, it would be easier than trampling an ant to death. .

"You are their boss?" In response to the man's words, Xing Jue raised his eyebrows and said calmly.

Xing Jue could feel that this man was also a middle-ranked Martial God, but because the quality of those big men before was too bad, his first impression of Xing Jue, the leader, was not very good.

Xing Jue guessed that if it wasn't for his strength, maybe this big man would not be so polite to him.

"To be precise, their boss is Lord Pan, the president of the Panlong Society, and I'm just a small elder of the Panlong Society." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the man deliberately made the Panlong Society The president moved out, because at this moment he already felt some extraordinary feelings from Xing Jue.

"Uncle Pan, it's really pathetic to have subordinates like you." Seeing this, Xing Jue curled his mouth, shook his head helplessly, and said with a thorn in his words.

"Uncle Pan, you... are you Xing Jue?" But after hearing Xing Jue's words, the man's expression changed drastically.Then he asked in shock.

As the elders of the Panlong Society, they are extremely sensitive to this term, because they have all heard that there is a young man who has a very close relationship with their current president who has disappeared for nearly 20 years, and they are used to calling him Uncle Pan , and this person is Xingjue.

"That's right, I'm Xing Jue." Seeing that the man actually knew his name, Xing Jue was taken aback, but after a while, he remembered something and said with high spirits.

"The elder of the Panlong Society, Qin Ming, I don't know how much offended Master Xing Jue has come here, so please forgive him." Seeing that Xing Jue had confirmed his identity, the man hurriedly bent down and clasped his fists with a humble expression on his face. Said.

Xing Jue's name was extremely resounding in their Panlong Association, and he didn't dare to offend Xing Jue with such a special status.

Seeing that Elder Qin was so humble towards Xing Jue, the big men who had attacked Xing Jue before were even more panicked at the moment.

Originally, they thought that Elder Qin would come forward and help them out, but they now knew that they were wrong. Looking at the current situation, even if Xingjue let them go, it seemed that Elder Qin would inevitably be punished heavily.

(Could you write more about the flowers?)

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