Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 185 A surprise attack from behind? 【Second Update】

"It turned out to be Elder Qin"

"I would like to ask Elder Qin, why did you block the road leading to the Panlong Society?"

Seeing Elder Qin's attitude, Xing Jue's impression of him eased a little, and he asked with a smile.

"Hey, it's not that Wind and Thunder Valley." Seeing Xing Jue's question, that Elder Qin sighed helplessly.

"What's going on?" After hearing the word Fengleigu, Xing Jue frowned and asked hastily.

"Master Xingjue should also know that the last battle against Fengleigu invited a lot of undisciplined experts from the boundless sea area, and it can be said that they suppressed my Panlong Society very badly."

"However, just when my Panlong Club headquarters was about to be defeated, a friend of the chairman's decades ago got the news of the chairman's return."

"That's why I came here to help. The good friend of the chairman is now a strong warrior, so naturally he defeated the mob in Fenglei Valley." Elder Qin explained slowly, mentioning that the Fenglei Valley was defeated at the time. When he was defeated, a cheerful look appeared on his face.

"I see"

Hearing this, Xing Jue suddenly realized that he still knew about the last battle, that Fenglei Valley did invite a lot of scattered people, because when the outer island branch was attacked, it was also the scattered people, not the A real member of Wind and Thunder Valley.

Later, although he learned that Panlong would win, Xing Jue didn't know the specific details. Now after hearing what Elder Qin said, Xing Jue finally understood that there was a powerful Zhan Huang to help him.

What surprised Xing Jue was that there was also a strong warrior in this boundless sea. In this way, as the No. 1 in the boundless sea, Uncle Pan should at least be a strong warrior. It is said that no one in the Eastern Continent is his opponent.

"Since there is the War Emperor to help, why does Fengleigu dare to attack? Could it be that they are also assisted by the War Emperor?" But after a moment of contemplation, Xing Jue felt that something was wrong, and he hurriedly asked.

"That's right. Not long ago, Wind and Thunder Valley invited a powerful War Emperor from somewhere, and then launched a large-scale attack on our Panlong Society again."

"Not only the headquarters, but also many distributions have been violently attacked. Now the branch headquarters on the outer islands have been destroyed by them."

"Nowadays, the Inner Island has suffered heavy losses. In the Panlong Society's area of ​​influence, wars are constantly raging. In order to avoid harming innocent people, the president asked me to close the road leading to the Panlong Society." See Xing When asked, the man said slowly.On that masculine face, it was full of sadness.

"What? The branch headquarters on the outer island was destroyed?" After Elder Qin's words, Xing Jue's face changed drastically.One must know that Old Man, Xiaoqian, Su Lin'er and others are all in the branch headquarters.

"Master Xingjue, don't worry, your friends are all fine. The president has long guessed that Fengleigu would not let it go, so he has already taken your friends to the headquarters on the inner island." I was so worried, Elder Qin hurriedly explained.

"That's it"

And after hearing Elder Qin's words, Xing Jue's tense expression also began to improve. As long as the elders and the others are fine, Xing Jue will naturally feel at ease.

"Elder Qin, please open the gate of the city. I have to go to Panlonghui. Maybe I can help at this time." At this moment, Xing Jue said slowly.

"If that's the case, then I'll take Master Xing Jue with me." Seeing this, Elder Qin also understood Xing Jue's thoughts, and immediately agreed.

Afterwards, the three of them opened the city gate without hesitation, and the elder personally drove the animal carriage towards the headquarters of the Panlong Society.

Under the extremely fast control of Elder Qin, they quickly entered the area of ​​influence of the Panlong Society, but when they were still a hundred miles away from the headquarters of the Panlong Society, they could already see the flames of war raging in the distance The flames of war.

"Master Xingjue, it seems that Fengleigu has launched a large-scale attack on our Panlonghui headquarters again."

"If we walk from the front, we will definitely meet their large army, and then it will be bad. Why don't we go up the mountain and take a small path." At this moment, Elder Qin said slowly to Xing Jue.

"Well, please ask Elder Qin to lead the way." Looking at the rising smoke in the distance, Xing Jue also frowned slightly, and then said politely to Elder Qin.

The headquarters of the Panlong Society is surrounded by mountains on three sides. Except for the powerful King of War, if you want to attack on a large scale, you can only attack from the front. However, as an elder of the Panlong Society, Elder Qin knows that there is a road from the back mountain to Pan The mountain path in the headquarters of the Dragon Club.

However, this path is extremely narrow, and animals and carriages cannot walk at all, so the three of Xing Jue can only walk on foot. This mountain road is extremely steep and difficult to walk. People are like walking on flat ground, relaxed and at ease.

Because they were worried about what would happen to Uncle Pan and the others, the three of Xing Jue increased their speed to the extreme. Under this kind of extremely fast running, Xing Jue and others quickly climbed to the depths of that high mountain. The headquarters of the Dragon Club is not far away.

But at this moment, Xing Jue, who was the leader, suddenly changed his expression, and then suddenly stopped moving forward. Seeing this, Elder Qin and Li Xiaohan also hurriedly stopped.They all turned their attention to Xingjue who stood still.

"Master Xing Jue, what's the matter?" At this moment, Elder Qin couldn't help but asked in puzzlement.

"Elder Qin, is there a patrol team from the Panlong Society in the path behind the mountain?" Xing Jue turned around and asked after a moment of silence.

"No, almost no one knows about the small road in the back mountain except the high-level elders of my Panlong Society, so there is no one patrolling it at all."

"Especially during the current war, there will be no idle combat power here." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Elder Qin said hastily.

"That's strange, there is indeed a small group of people in front of us."

"Although this group of people concealed their aura, I still detected that they are all strong at the level of Martial Gods." After hearing Elder Qin's words, Xing Jue said what he had noticed.

And there was a look of worry on his face, because if these people were not members of the Panlong Society, then they were probably members of Fengleigu.


"Master Xing Jue, are you serious?"

"Then how many are there?"

And after hearing Xing Jue's words, Elder Qin's face changed drastically. Because Panlong is surrounded by mountains on three sides, the defense against the back door is extremely weak. If Fengleigu enters from the back door at this time, it will be really bad. up.

"About 20 people, at least ten of them should have reached the level of high-ranking Martial Gods," Xing Jue said slowly when Elder Qin asked.

"Twenty Martial Gods, ten high-ranking Martial Gods? This is terrible." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Elder Qin became even more anxious.

Even if he used the communication talisman to report the message at this time, he probably wouldn't have spare combat power to come to help, but if this group of people were really from the Wind and Thunder Valley, then the three of them would be powerless to stop them.

After all, he and Xing Jue are only middle-level warriors, and although he didn't feel Li Xiaohan's strength, he guessed that at Li Xiaohan's age, his strength would definitely not be higher than Xing Jue's.

"Elder Qin, don't panic."

"Regardless of whether they are the people of Fenglei Valley or not, we will find out after chasing them."

"Xiaohan, let's go"

After seeing Elder Qin's appearance, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and before that Elder Qin could reply, he saw his figure flickering, turning into a gust of wind and plundering along this small road, and in front of him Afterwards, Li Xiaohan also followed quickly.


Looking at the two Xing Jue who disappeared at the end of the path at that moment, Elder Qin was even more surprised, because at this moment he knew that Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan hadn't shown their real speed at all before. , and the speed they displayed just now made him feel ashamed.

At this moment, on the side of a mountain in this path, a full twenty people in various costumes are squatting on the side of the path.

"That kid from Fengleigu is too slow, it takes so long to investigate the situation?" At this moment, a big man with a thick beard muttered impatiently.

"I said you can't be quiet?"

"There is an enchantment around the Panlonghui, and it is impossible to detect their combat power guarding the back door with the soul, only careful inspection." After hearing his words, a middle-aged woman in revealing clothes and heavy makeup came out. He rolled his eyes fiercely, and retorted coldly.

"I'm talking about Hua Niang, don't you have a crush on that kid from Fengleigu? Why did you help him to talk along the way?" Seeing this, the big man laughed and said.The words were full of ridicule.

"Hmph, if you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful I'll cut your tongue." After hearing the big man's words, the woman stood up abruptly and pinched her five fingers lightly while speaking.

That is, several energy petals are condensed in his five fingers. Although the petals are gorgeous, everyone present knows that these petals are the trump card that this flower girl is famous for.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't succeed." Seeing this, the big man snorted coldly, then suddenly pulled out the big knife behind him and inserted it into the rock.

This big knife is about ten feet long, and the silver-white blade is surrounded by rays of light. Although it is not as good as a treasure, it is still a very powerful special weapon.

"You two, what grievances do you have, at least help me to solve this Panlonghui after Fengleigu is destroyed, otherwise you will not get the rest of the rewards."

Just when the two of them were on the verge of fighting, they suddenly remembered a man's voice. Turning around, they saw a young man in a blue robe walking slowly towards them.

This man's face is fairly handsome, but there is a sinister look between the brows, and the smile on the corner of his mouth makes people feel shuddering.

And the strength of this man has actually reached the level of a high-ranking warrior.He is the number one genius of Fenglei Valley, and the son of the current owner of Fenglei Valley, the owner of Shaogu "Feng Qingsu".

(It's about to reach the climax, brothers, let's sprinkle flowers^_^)

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