Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 233 Demon Lotus Sea [Part 1]

After Xing Jue successfully cultivated the Asura Blade, he first came to Li Xiaohan's palace, because Xing Jue wanted to share his joy at the moment with his beloved first, and that was Li Xiaohan.

But when Xing Jue came to Li Xiaohan's palace, he found that Li Xiaohan was not in the palace at the moment, and Xing Jue found out after the servants of the palace told him.It turned out that Li Xiaohan was holding a meeting in the Shura Hall at the moment.

Immediately Xing Jue hurried to the Shura Hall.And the Asura Hall is the hall that Xing Jue designed at the beginning, but there are many strong people standing in the Asura Hall at this moment, and these people are all members recruited by the Asura Hall during this period. , the cadres selected by Li Xiaohan and others.

Shura Hall is a pure power, not a sect power like Yufeng Pavilion and Nangong Family, whose purpose is to cultivate hard work.It is a powerful combat organization, so capable cadres and members are very important.

The Asura Hall is like a huge net, and those cadres and members are the nodes on this huge net, making this big net unbreakable.

At this moment, the chief in this hall is not Feng Lao, but Li Xiaohan, the vice-master of Shura Hall.

At this moment, Li Xiaohan was talking about the recent events of Shura Palace and the appointment of some members.But Xing Jue didn't listen carefully to what Li Xiaohan said, at this moment Xing Jue's eyes were all focused on Li Xiaohan's slightly thin face.

Looking at Li Xiaohan's slightly thin face, Xing Jue felt bitterness in his heart.He could feel that it was not easy for Li Xiaohan during the time he was refining the Asura Blade.

You know, Li Xiaohan is just a young girl now, but she has taken on such a heavy responsibility for Xingjue. While helping Xingjue with the busy affairs of Shura Hall, you must know how much Li Xiaohan gave up that should belong to her. hapiness.

"Hey, boy, what are you peeping at?"

But just when Xing Jue looked at the slightly haggard Li Xiaohan, feeling full of displeasure, a sound of laughter suddenly sounded in Xing Jue's ears.

Turning around to look, Xing Jue found that Xiaolong was standing in the air, staring at him with that smirk all over his face.Seeing this, Xing Jue also moved his body, and beckoned Xiaolong to fly towards the depths of the Shura Mountains.

Because Xing never wanted to be discovered by Li Xiaohan and others, he did not enter the Shura Hall, but watched secretly from outside.But when Xiaolong appeared just now, Xing Jue was very afraid of being discovered by Li Xiaohan, so he hurriedly beckoned him to leave.

"What? Seeing that my little girlfriend is too tired, does my heart ache?" At this moment, Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan were sitting on the top of a cliff in the Shura Mountains, looking at Xing Jue's slightly depressed face, Xiaolong said with a smile.

However, for Xiaolong's ridicule, Xing Jue drooped his head and refused to agree. At this moment, Xing Jue was deeply blaming himself. He had always told himself that becoming stronger was to protect Li Xiaohan and make her happy.

But now because of her desire for revenge, she has dragged Li Xiaohan into the water, making her so tired.

"Uh, I said you kid, don't blame us, it's that girl Li Xiaohan, who insists on taking charge of the overall situation, why don't you want to help you."

Looking at Xing Jue's depressed appearance, Xiaolong was slightly taken aback, and then quickly explained.It seemed that they were very afraid of Xing Jue and thought that they were forcing Li Xiaohan to work so hard.

"Xiaohan, how should I repay you?" After hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue felt even more uncomfortable.

At the beginning, in order to improve Xingjue's strength quickly, Li Xiaohan was willing to risk his life to enter the third floor of the Essence Temple of Yufeng Pavilion to help him capture the third-class martial essence, but that time also caused Li Xiaohan to be seriously injured and almost lost his life.

Now it is even more to help himself, to take on the work that should not belong to him.Everything Li Xiaohan did for Xing Jue was a selfless contribution without asking for anything in return.She even asked for Xingjue to hold Su Lin'er in her arms, because she didn't want to take Xingjue selfishly.

Everything Li Xiaohan did for Xing Jue was so selfless that Xing Jue didn't know how to repay him, and at this moment he was also unable to repay.

"Hey, boy, you really have found a good girlfriend. You should marry such a girlfriend early. It would be nice to give her a name." At this moment, Xiaolong suddenly laughed.

"Hey~ Xiaolong, it's not like you don't know about my Soul Devourer Clan. Now I am not only shouldering the great task of revitalizing my clan, but also carrying a bloody feud. My future is full of unstable factors. In this state, If I marry Xiaohan, I will simply harm her."

Seeing Xiaolong's question, Xing Jue felt helpless. Speaking of which, Xing Jue wanted to marry Li Xiaohan earlier than anyone else, but he really couldn't do it.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Xing Jue has already placed great trust in Xiaolong, so under Xiaolong's repeated curiosity, Xing Jue has already told Xiaolong about the Soul Eater Clan.

"Actually, it's unnecessary for you to think about all of this. According to Nanizi's temperament, if something really happens to you in the future, will she live?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaolong asked.

But after hearing Xiaolong's questioning, Xing Jue was silent again. He knew Li Xiaohan better than anyone else, so he knew what Xiaolong said was very reasonable.

"All right, all right, you brat."

"If you really love that girl, take her out to relax. Anyway, the situation in Shura Hall is stable now, and with people like us in charge, you don't have to worry about anything at all." Looking at Xing Jue's worried face, color, Xiaolong also said a little helplessly.

"Huh? Relax..."

And after hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue also suddenly realized that during this time he only focused on improving his strength and building power, and it was precisely because of these that he ignored Li Xiaohan. Hearing what Xiaolong said, Xing Jue felt that, indeed Should take Li Xiaohan somewhere to relax.

"Xiaolong, if you want to relax in this towering area, where is the best place?"

Thinking of this, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and asked Xiaolong expectantly.Xiaolong was the top powerhouse in the Shentianyu back then, and he must have a very good understanding of the Shentianyu.

"If you want to relax, you should not go to the inner circle of the towering area, because there are too many tyrannical forces and many tyrannical characters. I am really worried about you two trouble-making brats going to that place."

"However, there is indeed a beautiful place in the Eastern Territory on the outskirts of the Towering Territory. Counting the time, it will happen to be in the world in a few days. If you take Li Xiaohan there, you will definitely be able to please her." After pondering for a moment, Xiaolong said confidently.

"Where is that place?" After hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue looked forward to it even more.

Seeing that Xing Jue was so curious, "Demon Lotus Sea" made Xiaolong pretend to be mysterious.

"The sea of ​​demon lotus flowers! What is that?" Sure enough, Xiaolong's words had already aroused Xing Jue's curiosity.At this moment, his eyes were wide open, waiting for Xingjue's answer without squinting.

"The demon lotus is a very strange flower with a lingering fragrance, and it is easy to cause slight illusions, so it is called the demon lotus, and the fruit of the demon lotus is also one of the best materials for refining treasure pills, so The demon lotus is also an extremely rare flower."

"It's just such a rare demon lotus, but in the Flower Valley of the Eastern Region, there is a sea of ​​demon lotus flowers with a radius of thousands of miles." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xiaolong slowly narrated.

"This demon lotus is so rare, why would someone let it grow in the wild, but no one removes all of it?" After hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue could feel the rarity of this demon lotus, and such a large area of ​​demon lotus The lotus flower actually grows in the valley, but no one is tempted, which makes Xing Jue quite curious.

"The Valley of Flowers is located in the center of the Eastern Territory. It can be regarded as the dividing line between the three regions of the Eastern Territory. It has the same meaning as the Warcraft Mountains in your Eastern Continent."

"But the most important thing is that the growth requirements of the demon lotus are quite unique, and the flower valley is just a suitable place for the growth of the demon lotus. Unless there is a great supernatural power that can directly remove the flower valley, if not, just take the demon lotus. Migration will only lead to the death of the demon lotus." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xiaolong explained again.

"So that's the case, so does this demon lotus bloom once a year?" After hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue also became more and more curious about the demon lotus.

"No, the demon lotus blooms once every ten years, and a few days later it happens to be the day when the demon lotus blooms."

"The demon lotus is the king of flowers. The grand scene of hundreds of millions of demon lotuses blooming is even more beautiful."

Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xiaolong replied.And as long as he thinks of the blooming of the monster lotus sea, Xiaolong is even more yearning for it. It seems that even he still has a fresh memory of the beauty of the monster lotus sea.

"Hey, if that's the case, I really want to reward you."

"Xiaolong, thank you."

After hearing Xiaolong's explanation, Xing Jue already knew quite a lot about the demon lotus sea, and at this moment, he was already yearning for a new life. Thinking of this, Xing Jue didn't stop, and blended into the space in a flash Among them, he flew towards Li Xiaohan's palace.

"Damn, I value sex over friends."

Seeing that Xing Jue left as soon as he said it, Xiaolong even opened his mouth and muttered in displeasure.

When Xing Jue came to Li Xiaohan's palace, he realized that Li Xiaohan had finished the meeting and was resting in his room at the moment. Through the curtain that was blown open by the wind, Xing Jue could see the man sitting at the desk from a distance. A slightly haggard Li Xiaohan.

At this moment, Li Xiaohan was sorting out some papers, and on those papers were recorded many things and changes about Shura Temple.

Just when Li Xiaohan was concentrating on taking care of the paper in front of him, a pair of palms suddenly and silently appeared on Li Xiaohan's waist, holding Li Xiaohan in his arms.

"Brother Xing Jue."

This sudden scene surprised Li Xiaohan even more, and when he raised his head to see that familiar face, on that slightly haggard and beautiful face, there was an incomparably bright and sweet smile.

(Three updates today, and two more)

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