Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 234 Arrive at Flower Valley [Part 2]

(First recommend two books from friends, "The Art of War" and "Online Games: Invincible")

"Brother Xingjue, I miss you so much"

When Li Xiaohan found Xing Jue behind him, he embraced Xing Jue's tender body even more, and attached that beautiful face to Xing Jue's chest like a bird.

And at this moment, Xing Jue is also tightly hugging Li Xiaohan who is the little bird in his arms, smelling the faint fragrance of Li Xiaohan's hair, Xing Jue understands what happiness is at this moment, and his happiness is so simple, as long as Being able to stay with Li Xiaohan is happiness.

"Brother Xing Jue succeeded?"

After the two hugged each other for a while, Li Xiaohan slowly raised his head and asked Xing Jue playfully.And what she asked was naturally the Shura Blade that Xing Jue had refined these days.

"En, it worked." Seeing Li Xiaohan's question, Xing Jue also nodded slightly in response.

"Quick, show me the refining results of Brother Xingjue."

Seeing Xing Jue nodding, Li Xiaohan stretched out her fair white hands, looking impatient.At this moment, she really wanted to see what the sword made of Asura Divine Iron looked like.


Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled slightly, then turned his wrist, and a dark purple light flashed, and the dark purple Shura Blade appeared in Xing Jue's right hand.

"Wow~, what a gorgeous sword."

And when Li Xiaohan saw the Shura Blade in Xing Jue's hand, her eyes lit up even more. Even she, a peerless beauty, was moved by the gorgeous appearance of the Shura Blade in Xing Jue's hand at this moment. After a moment of surprise He took the Shura Blade even more, and looked at it fondly.

"Brother Xingjue, what name did you give it?" After appreciating it carefully for a while, Li Xiaohan slowly raised his head and asked Xingjue very curiously.

"Blade of Asura." Seeing Li Xiaohan's question, Xing Jue smiled with a high chin.

"Blade of Shura?"

"Asura Mountain Range, Asura Hall, Asura Blade, hehe~" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Li Xiaohan smiled sweetly, and then continued to look at the Asura Blade in his hand.

Looking at Li Xiaohan who was looking at his Shura Blade fondly, Xing Jue felt warm in his heart. He knew that the reason why Li Xiaohan liked the Shura Blade so much was because the Shura Blade was made by himself. Yes, this Shura man is his painstaking effort.

"Xiaohan, it's been a while since you came to Shentianyu, do you want to go out and play?" At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly said.

"Playing? Where are you going?"

But after hearing Xing Jue's words, Li Xiaohan suddenly raised her head, and her beautiful face was full of anticipation. For this young girl, playing games is her favorite thing to do, and she has longed for it. long thing.

It's just that Xing Jue was too busy to speak, but now that Xing Jue took the initiative to speak, she was naturally extremely happy.

"Well, I heard from Xiaolong that there is a valley called the Valley of Flowers in the eastern region outside the towering region, and there is a sea of ​​demon lotus flowers in the valley of flowers."

"The demon lotus sea blooms once every ten years. When it blooms, it is extremely beautiful and dazzling. Just a few days later is the ten-year blooming day of the demon lotus sea. Now my Shura Palace has completely stabilized, so I I want to take you there to relax." Looking at Li Xiaohan's expectant face, Xing Jue explained with a smile.

"There is such a magical sea of ​​flowers?"

"That's really something to see."

After hearing Xing Jue's narration, Li Xiaohan's expectant face became even brighter.For a young girl like her, flowers are simply her favorite thing.

"However, Brother Xingjue." But at this moment, Li Xiaohan seemed to hesitate a bit as if he suddenly thought of something.

"What's the matter, Xiaohan?" Seeing this, Xing Jue frowned slightly, and then hurriedly asked.

"Brother Xingjue, can we take Liner with us?" Seeing Xingjue's question, Li Xiaohan said vaguely.

After hearing Li Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue fell silent for an instant. If it wasn't for Li Xiaohan's reminder, he would have almost forgotten about Su Lin'er, a girl who was neglected since she was a child. The experience was truly pathetic.And now following him here, Xing Jue has indeed neglected Su Lin'er a lot.

"Well, let's go with Lin'er." After a moment of silence, Xing Jue said with a slight smile.

"Hee, that's great." Seeing that Xing Jue agreed, Li Xiaohan's worried face was replaced by that sweet smile. He was even happier than when Xing Jue said that he would take her to Huagu.

After that, Li Xiaohan couldn't wait to tell Su Lin'er the news about this number. When Su Lin'er heard the news, she was very happy.

And two days later, Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan entrusted everything to Feng Lao and the others, and then Xing Jue took Li Xiaohan and Su Lin'er to the Valley of Flowers.

In order to avoid unnecessary influence, Su Lin'er even brought a sandy hat to cover her snow-white hair and white pupils.

In fact, there are not many people in the periphery who know about the Sky Spirit Clan. Even if they see Su Liner, they will only be surprised, but they will not know Su Liner's origin. However, in order to avoid accidents, Su Liner Still wearing the hat.

Su Lin'er now knows her own background, but Su Lin'er has no impression of her race, the Sky Spirit Clan, and looks extremely unfamiliar, so she is very afraid of being discovered by her tribe and being taken back to the Sky Spirit Clan This is why he made this move because he wanted to stay by Xing Jue's side, but Xing Jue didn't know what this young girl was thinking.

The area of ​​the outer eastern region is very large, but at the current speed of the three of Xingjue, they arrived at the so-called Valley of Flowers in just a dozen days.

The valley of flowers is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are round. Looking down from the sky, this valley of flowers looks like a pink eye pupil, which looks quite weird, and it is also gorgeous in the weirdness.And on the hilltops around the flower valley, many palaces and attics were built, and these were used to accommodate the servants.

Speaking of these palaces and lofts, they were not built by the powers in the outer and eastern regions of the Towering Territory, but by a power called Gold and Silver Villa in the inner circle. This power is not only powerful, but also extremely powerful in financial resources.

Because they occupy almost all the scenic spots in the periphery to solicit money, and because of his strong strength, even some forces in the periphery dare not interfere too much, they can only turn a blind eye and close one eye, let Others get a piece of the pie in their own domain.

Of course, thousands of years ago, when Xiaolong and the others came here to admire the sea of ​​demon lotus flowers in the Valley of Flowers, no one occupied the Valley of Flowers. At that time, there was probably no such so-called Gold and Silver Villa.

Under the control of Jinyin Mountain Villa, it is extremely convenient to come here to enjoy the demon lotus sea. Not only can you eat and live, but you can also enjoy a lot of high-quality services, but all of this is under the condition that you have enough treasures , otherwise, it would be impossible to even ascend the Valley of Flowers.

In order to cause unnecessary commotion, Xing Jue and the others even stepped out of the space when they were some distance away from the Flower Valley, and walked up the Flower Valley on foot. It's a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

But after all, the sea of ​​demon lotuses in Huagu only blooms once every ten years, so many people from the eastern regions have come to Huagu at this moment, and even some people from the inner circle have come here especially, so the Huagu today can be described as a sea of ​​people. The inns were almost full, so Xing Jue barely ordered three rooms.

After booking the inn, Xingjue followed the reception staff of Jinyin Mountain Villa to the top of the Valley of Flowers, and when he arrived at the top of the Valley of Flowers, Xingjue was shocked to find out how charming the Valley of Flowers is, because on the top of the Valley of Flowers The gathered crowd had already told Xing Jue all this accurately.

"Wow, Brother Xingjue, look at it, it's so beautiful."

But when Xing Jue was expressing his admiration for the crowd of people at the top of the Valley of Flowers, Li Xiaohan's sweet voice suddenly sounded.

And following the Xingjue pointed by Li Xiaohan, I discovered that looking down from the top of the Huagu mountain is the sea of ​​demon lotus flowers. The color of pink.So even if the demon lotus has not bloomed yet, it is already extremely beautiful.

"Tomorrow is the day when the demon lotus blooms, and the sea of ​​demon lotus flowers will be beautiful at that time." While Xing Jue and the others were admiring the beauty of the sea of ​​demon lotus flowers, the old man who received the three of them was said with a smile.

"Is it tomorrow? It seems that we just came at the right time." After hearing the old man's words, Xing Jue felt even more grateful. If he came two days later, he would have missed the grand opening of the demon lotus sea. .

"Hehe, this sea of ​​demon lotus flowers is extremely rare. It blooms once every ten years, and the flowers only bloom for three days. After three days, the demon lotus will condense into demon lotus fruit. The demon lotus fruit is a good material for refining treasure pills."

"And it is said that every hundred years in the demon lotus sea, a demon lotus holy fruit will be produced, and that demon lotus holy fruit has the effect of enhancing skills. It is said that as long as the warrior god eats the demon lotus holy fruit, That is, you can directly break through to the level of the king of war."

"Warlord, that is the real powerhouse in this continent." Seeing this, the old man explained even more.

"Then can this demon lotus fruit be picked at will?" After hearing what the old man said, Li Xiaohan asked quite curiously.

Although the value of the demon lotus fruit is high, it is only the refining material of the treasure pill, and the value of the treasure pill collected from the flower valley is far higher than the value of the demon lotus fruit, so Li Xiaohan is not greedy for the demon lotus fruit. Lotus fruit, but just want to enjoy the fun of picking the demon lotus fruit.

"Well, guests can pick them at will." Seeing Li Xiaohan's question, the old man replied with a smile.

"Hey~, that's great, Lin'er, brother Xingjue, when the time comes, the three of us will pick together and see who picks the most?" After hearing the old man's words, Li Xiaohan smiled sweetly, playing His temperament was revealed again.

"Okay, I'll satisfy you." Seeing this, Xing Jue also smiled and responded readily.

After that, the three of them walked towards the inn they had booked under the guidance of the old man, talking and laughing.

(There are three updates today, and one more.)

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