Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 296 4 Great Forbidden Areas

After a busy day, the ceremony of the Asura Hall finally came to an end successfully. However, the celebration ended, but the lively scene did not end. Now that the Asura Hall is stationed in Fenghua Lost City, Fenghua Lost City is more popular than before.

And under the kind invitation of Xing Jue, many guests who came to congratulate them decided to stay in Fenghua Lost City for a few more days to enjoy such a joyful atmosphere.

However, although the hospitality will continue, Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan can relax a bit, because the next thing just needs to be handed over to the elders.

"Brother Xingjue, that Gu Liang is quite interesting, especially his shiny head, which really suits his name."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, Gu Liang cares most about people saying that he has a bright head. Back in the main hall of the League Mansion, it was because of a joke I made that made him extremely dissatisfied with me."

At this moment, Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan were sitting in the hall to rest, but even though they were so busy today, there was no trace of fatigue on their faces, but joy that could not be concealed.

"Brother Xingjue, sister Xiaohan."

Just when the two were talking and laughing happily, Yu Shiman's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and then under the guidance of the servant, Yu Shiman's figure appeared gracefully in the hall.

"Sister Xiaoman."

When Li Xiaohan saw Yu Shiman, he hurriedly got up and came to Yu Shiman's side. With a sweet smile on his face, he took Yu Shiman's arm and brought him to Xingjue's side.

Facing such kind Li Xiaohan, Yu Shiman was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled charmingly. The two looked like a pair of very close girlfriends.

"Xiaoman, you still don't sleep so late, you girl is really a night owl." When Yu Shiman sat down, Xing Jue said jokingly while chewing the fruit in his mouth.

"Tch, do you think I'm here to look for you? I'm just here to see Xiaohan's sister." Seeing this, Yu Shiman gave Xingjue a blank look, and then turned her soft gaze to Li Xiaohan who was at the side.

"Looking for me? Sister Xiaoman, what's the matter?" After hearing Yu Shiman's words, Li Xiaohan blinked her big watery eyes with a look of surprise.

"Sister Xiaohan, don't you know that you like admiring the moon?" Yu Shiman not only did not answer Li Xiaohan's question, but asked in a mysterious manner.

"Appreciate the moon? I like it!!" Li Xiaohan nodded in response.

"Then I'll take Xiaohan's sister to watch the moon tomorrow, okay?" Seeing Li Xiaohan nodding, Yu Shiman couldn't help but smile and said again.

"Okay, okay" Li Xiaohan responded excitedly without the slightest hesitation.

"Cough cough..."

"It's just admiring the moon. If we like it, we can go outside to enjoy it now. Why do we need tomorrow!!" At this moment, Xing Jue coughed a few times.

"What do you know? The moon at this moment is just an ordinary scene, what's there to see? What I want to show my sister Xiaohan is a rare spectacle once in a hundred years." Yu Shiman gave Xing Jue a hard look, and retorted coldly road.

"Oh? A once-in-a-century spectacle, what is that?" Hearing this, Xing Jue also became interested, and immediately put down the fruit in his hand, staring at Yu Shiman with extremely curious eyes and asked.

"Yes, sister Xiaoman, what kind of spectacle is it?" Li Xiaohan also looked forward to it.

"When you first arrived at the inner circle, you still don't know much about the inner circle."

"This inner circle is vast and abundant, and there are countless beautiful wonders, but the rarest and most peculiar sight in this inner circle is the wonder of the magic moon." Seeing this, Yu Shiman suddenly stood up, with her back Raising his hands, he pretended to be mysterious and said.

"Illusory moon wonder?"

And what Yu Shiman said successfully aroused the curiosity of Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan, staring at Yu Shiman intently, because just the word Huanyue made Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan feel trembling verb: move.

"Yes, when it comes to the spectacle of the magic moon, I have to tell you about a place, and that is the Magic Moon Valley, which is known as one of the four forbidden places in the Cantian Realm." Yu Shiman said pretending to be mysterious.

"Four Forbidden Lands? What are those?" Hearing this, Xing Jue asked curiously.Because this kind of vocabulary is the easiest to touch Xing Jue's curiosity.

"Forbidden lands are also known as forbidden lands, and the four forbidden lands are the strange areas recognized by the towering domain, all of which have strange or even weird phenomena, and the people who go deep into them are areas that never return, so they are called Make the four forbidden places."

"And among the four forbidden areas, the Forest of Death and the Illusory Moon Valley happen to be within the sphere of influence of our Alliance Mansion, and that Illusory Moon Valley is the first of the four forbidden areas." Seeing that Xing Jue was so curious, then Yu Shiman gave Xing Jue a blank look at first, but then explained to him.

"So that's it, where are the other two forbidden places? What are they called?" Hearing this, Xing Jue understood the meaning of the four forbidden places, but Xing Jue never imagined that the death forest occupied by the Soul Eaters was also the four forbidden places One, but at this moment Xing Jue is curious about the other two regions.

"The other two forbidden areas are located in the center of the sky domain. If you are so curious, go and see for yourself." Seeing that Xing Jue continued to question, Yu Shiman's face changed slightly, and he shouted impatiently.

"Um, hehe, then go ahead and talk about Illusory Moon Valley." Seeing this, Xing Jue laughed.

"The Illusory Moon Valley is said to have a history of thousands of years. The mountains are straight and steep, and there is no life in that mountain range."

"The most weird thing is that there is a layer of strong magnetic field in the Illusory Moon Valley, so as long as it is deep in the Illusory Moon Valley, even the strongest fighters will lose the power to fly and can only walk on foot."

"Furthermore, the Illusory Moon Valley has been lingering in the mountains for many years in fog, and it is impossible to see its true appearance clearly. In addition, for thousands of years, many strong people have wanted to explore the mysteries of the Illusory Moon Valley, but they all failed. Back, so this Illusory Moon Valley can be called the first of the four forbidden places."

"However, the strange fog in the Magic Moon Valley will subside once every hundred years, and when the fog dissipates, as long as you are on the top of the mountains in the Magic Moon Valley, you can see the extremely strange spectacle of the magic moon .”

"It is said that the spectacle of the phantom moon is extremely magnificent, and a strong person once judged that the spectacle of the phantom moon is not an illusion, but a landscape that exists in reality."

"However, the strangest thing is that such landscapes can only be seen in the Illusory Moon Valley. And that Illusory Moon Valley is just not very far from Fenghua Lost City, and I heard from my father that in a few days, there will be that Illusory Moon Wonder That's the day of reality, that's why I want to invite sister Xiaohan to go to enjoy the moon together." Yu Shiman's eyebrows danced brightly, and she narrated with radiance.

But at this moment, whether it is Xing Jue or Li Xiaohan, their faces are full of anticipation and yearning.

"How is it? Brother Xingjue, do you want to go with me and sister Xiaohan?" At this moment, Yu Shiman sat beside Li Xiaohan, and cast her expectant eyes on Xingjue.

"Hey, I always like to join in the fun, so I can't miss such a strange scene." Xing Jue laughed.

"In that case, let's go to Magic Moon Valley together tomorrow."

"It's getting dark now, so I'll go back to rest first." Seeing that Xing Jue agreed, Yu Shiman smiled charmingly, and then walked out of the hall.

"Brother Xingjue, then I'll go back first, it doesn't count if I don't see you tomorrow."

"Sister Xiaoman, wait for me."

Seeing this, Li Xiaohan also said goodbye to Xing Jue, then caught up with Yu Shiman, and then the two walked out of the hall talking and laughing.

"Four Forbidden Lands, Illusory Moon Valley? Death Forest? I don't know how strange the other two places are."

After Li Xiaohan and Yu Shiman left, Xing Jue also walked towards his room to prepare to fall asleep, but he kept mourning about the four forbidden places.

In the early morning of the next day, after Xing Jue had done his daily practice, he called Feng Lao, Ying Huang, Xiao Long, Cang Lao and others together.He told everyone that he and Li Xiaohan and Yu Shiman were going to watch the spectacle of the magic moon. At the same time, he also wanted to ask Xiaolong and Cang Lao about the four forbidden places, so as to relieve their curiosity.

"Illusory Moon Valley? Unexpectedly, the mystery of this Illusory Moon Valley has not yet been solved."

"I think back when I was wandering the mainland with Song Yufeng, I went to explore the Illusory Moon Valley out of curiosity, but the Illusory Moon Valley is really bottomless, and the magnetic field becomes stronger the further you go down. Song Yufeng also couldn't bear the suction force of the powerful magnetic field, so we don't know what exists at the bottom of the Illusory Moon Valley."

"Although Song Yufeng's strength has reached the peak of the mainland, he has lost his youthful spirit of exploration, so he has never been to Magic Moon Valley." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaolong said with emotion.

"Well, Illusory Moon Valley is indeed the strangest place in the Cantian Realm. At the beginning, my Soul Eater Clan also had many young and vigorous people. I wanted to solve the mystery of Illusory Moon Valley, but in the end I never returned. "At this moment, the old man nodded in agreement.

"However, the Illusory Moon Valley just has a strong magnetic field. As long as you don't want to enter the valley, it's fine to stand on the top of the mountain." Then the old man added with a smile.

"In this way, the Illusory Moon Valley is really not simple. Then what are the other two forbidden areas called? What are their special features?" Xing Jue asked curiously.

"In fact, the so-called forbidden area does not have a fixed area. It is just a place where there are unknown secrets in the towering area. As long as someone solves the mystery, it will no longer be counted as a forbidden area. For example, the death forest is just It’s just a forbidden place that appeared hundreds of years ago.”

"As for the other two forbidden places, I really don't know. They should have appeared in recent years, right? But in my opinion, they should be special bases of some powerful forces."

"After all, only the Illusory Moon Valley has been passed down for thousands of years, and no one has solved the mystery in it, so the Illusory Moon Valley can be called a truly strange place after that," the old man explained with a smile.

(I got up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and started coding at [-] o'clock. I have been coding until now, and my head hurts. Give some flowers to support me. Writing a book is not easy. Thank you dear friends, hehe....)

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