Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 297 The Great Powerhouse

"In that case, this Illusory Moon Valley is really worth a visit." After hearing the old man's words, Xing Jue also understood the implication of the old man's words, and for the Illusory Moon Valley, Xing Jue was even more looking forward to it.

After learning about the four forbidden areas, Xing Jue followed Li Xiaohan and Yu Shiman to the Illusory Moon Valley.

What surprised Xing Jue the most was that there was actually an ancient teleportation array before the Illusory Moon Valley.Therefore, the three of Xing Jue arrived in front of the Illusory Moon Valley in just a few days through the teleportation of the ancient teleportation array.

"Wow, what a beautiful valley."

After stepping out of the ancient teleportation formation, the whole picture of the Magic Moon Valley came into the eyes of the three of Xingjue. The Magic Moon Valley was formed by several straight cliffs.

Moreover, the rock wall of Magic Moon Valley is dark blue, like crystal, extremely gorgeous, coupled with the white mist that has not completely dissipated, it surrounds the top of Magic Moon Valley like a white ribbon. The first impression it gives people is that there are only two words "Xianshan."

"Brother Xingjue, it seems that the fog in the Illusory Moon Valley will completely dissipate today, that is to say, today is the day when the Illusory Moon Valley and the spectacle of the Illusory Moon will appear." Looking at the bustling crowd around, Yu Shi Man said with a smile.

"Since this is the case, let's hurry up and get a good place. Otherwise, if we go late, there will be no place." Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't wait to go to Magic Moon Valley.

"Hey, what are you in a hurry for?"

"I've already booked the best position to watch the moon." At this moment, Yu Shiman shouted angrily.

"Eh...then you didn't say it earlier, hehe..."

Seeing this, Xing Jue scratched his head in embarrassment.He really wanted to set foot on the top of the Illusory Moon Valley as soon as possible, to feel the power of the magnetic field in the legend of the Illusory Moon Valley, as well as the bottomless abyss.

Seeing Xing Jue's appearance like this, Li Xiaohan couldn't help but secretly laughed, and after Yu Shiman shook his head helplessly, he crushed a communication talisman.

When the communication talisman was crushed, several elders walked out of the nearby palace very quickly, and when the elders saw Yu Shiman, they hurried forward to pay respects, and then personally led the Xing Jue, Li Xiaohan, and Yu Shiman walked towards the Illusory Moon Valley.

"Excellent suction"

And when Xing Jue just walked to the Magic Moon Valley, he felt a strong suction rising from his feet.And even if Xing Jue used the Wind Control Technique, he still couldn't get rid of this strong suction. At this moment, Xing Jue finally saw the power of the magnetic field of the Illusory Moon Valley.

Fortunately, Xingjue and the others are not weak, so there is no burden to climb all the way. Compared with some other young masters of power, it is miserable.

And after Xing Jue and others worked hard for three hours, they finally came to the top of the magic moon valley, and at this moment, the sunny sky began to turn slightly red from the west. Light.

"It seems that we came too late."

The magic moon spectacle in the Magic Moon Valley is a rare and beautiful sight that cannot be seen in a hundred years, so the appearance of the magic moon spectacle this time naturally attracted the younger generation of many forces.Because only the younger generation has such an elegant mood.

Moreover, many weaker people have climbed up to this Magical Moon Valley early, so at this moment, the peak of this Magical Moon Valley is crowded with people, and the peaks of this Magical Moon Valley are not smooth, but extremely It's steep, so on some slightly gentle mountain tops, it really reaches the point where people are next to each other.

However, under such conditions, there is a flat and wide land in this fantasy moon valley, and this is the location that Yu Shiman has booked.

Since the Magic Moon Valley cannot be surrounded by fog all year round, and the fog cannot be dispelled at all, there are no luxurious buildings on this flat land, only a few tables and chairs for Xing Jue and others to sit on.

And at the moment on top of the other seats.Some young boys and girls in gorgeous costumes were sitting talking and chatting.And they are all relatively powerful young masters of the League Mansion.

However, when Yu Shiman appeared, they put down their haughty attitude and started to visit one by one.After all, the Mengfu is the strongest existence in the inner circle, so they naturally have to maintain a good relationship with Yu Shiman, especially the affiliated forces of the Mengfu, and visiting Yu Shiman is a necessary relationship between subordinates and superiors .

"Xiaoman, this phantom moon spectacle is such a rare spectacle, why didn't the forces from the towering domain center come to watch it?" Xing Jue asked curiously after looking at the crowd around him.

"Hehe, Brother Xingjue, this is like why there are no forces from the inner circle to appreciate the beautiful scenery outside the towering domain."

"Even if the spectacle of the phantom moon is beautiful and rare, it is only the scenery inside the towering domain, and those people in the center of the towering domain will not put aside their identities to come here." Yu Shiman explained with a smile.

"Do you think it's demeaning? It's really an absurd idea." After hearing Yu Shiman's words, Xing Jue snorted coldly.

"People are like this, especially those younger generations who have grown up under the protection of powerful forces."

"They only know how to use the name of power to be powerful, but they have no real strength. And their so-called identities are just gifts from their ancestors." At this moment, Li Xiaohan smiled lightly.

"Hehe, what sister Xiaohan said makes sense."

"The real strong don't take identity too seriously, just like the flat ground where we can rest comfortably at this moment." Yu Shiman agreed.

"Oh? How did Xiaoman say that?" Xing Jue turned his head slightly and asked curiously.

"Brother Xingjue, I think you can also feel the specialness of the peaks of the Illusory Moon Valley. In fact, the peaks of the Illusory Moon Valley are indeed very special. Even a strong man like my father can't shake a stone from this mountain. Boom to pieces." Yu Shiman picked up a piece of gravel on the ground and said with a smile.

"What? Even the lord leader can't smash a piece of gravel in the Illusory Moon Valley?"

"Then where did the flat land under our feet come from?" Xing Jue asked in a little shock.

Xing Jue could see that the flat ground under their feet was not formed naturally, but more like man-made, so Xing Jue was curious about what kind of strong man turned such a hard mountain into a flat ground.

"Hee.. this is the story I want to tell you."

"The fog in this Magic Moon Valley is very special, it can be said to be inexhaustible, unless it is naturally diluted once in a hundred years, almost no one can dissipate it, so this magic moon wonder can only be seen once in a hundred years."

"However, just over twenty years ago, in order to be able to enjoy the spectacle of this phantom moon with his beloved, a super strong man in the sky-reaching domain used his supernatural power to drive away all the fog in this phantom moon valley. , and also created such a flat place for him and his lover to enjoy the spectacle of the magic moon." Yu Shiman narrated with great vigor.

"What? Just...dispelling all the fog in the Magic Moon Valley by one person, and creating such a vast flat land? What kind of power is that?" Hearing this, both Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan couldn't help but gasp Take a breath.

"Xiaoman, what's the name of that strong man?" At this moment, Xing Jue asked even more curiously.

"Brother Xingjue, it's quite a big deal to mention that one."

"He is Dugu Changyi, Dugu Changyi, who is known as the number one genius in the Tianwu Continent for nearly a thousand years, the youngest war emperor powerhouse recorded in ancient history, and the founder of Xuandian, the number one force in the Shentian Region." Yu Shiman said with a longing face.

"Solitary... lonely... long... Yi"

After Yu Shiman's last four words entered Xing Jue's ears, Xing Jue's body couldn't help but tremble, and at this moment his heartbeat accelerated even more, because he couldn't think of the great and powerful man Yu Shiman said, He was actually talking about his own father.

"What's the matter? Brother Xingjue?" Seeing Xingjue's abnormal reaction, Yu Shiman asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, I just admire that senior's strength." Xing Jue said with a faint smile after calming down his excitement.

"Hey, it's not just you, as long as you talk about senior Dugu Changyi in this towering realm, no one will not admire you."

"Even now, my father often tells me about the feats of Senior Dugu Changyi. Although he is older than Senior Dugu Changyi, Senior Dugu Changyi is my father's idol, because he is so strong. Now, everything he does is earth-shattering."

"It's a pity, however, that senior Dugu Changyi suddenly and mysteriously disappeared more than twenty years ago. Some people say that after he became the top existence in the mainland, he was tired of the disputes in the mainland, so he hid away with his beloved mysterious woman. passed away."

"With his disappearance, many stories about him in the mainland have become legends." Yu Shiman said with a disappointed expression.It can be seen that she regrets that she was not born in that era, and that she has not seen Dugu Changyi.

But at this moment, Xing Jue bowed his head and said nothing, and clenched his fists tightly, because he knew that his father did not retire, but was killed, and the culprit was his father's most trusted sworn brother , and now the lord of Xuandian "Dugu Haoyu".

"By the way, Brother Xingjue, all the forbidden places in the center of Shentianyu that were as famous as Huanyue Valley were all unlocked by senior Dugu Changyi. It is said that he also broke through the inner Huanyue Valley and the death forest, and all Came back safe and sound."

"People speculate that he has already learned the secrets of Illusory Moon Valley and Death Forest, but he is unwilling to disclose the secrets of these two places, so these two places are still strange places that no one knows. A forbidden place to step into easily." At this moment, Yu Shiman added again.

"Ha ha."

Listening to Yu Shiman's story about his father's feats, Xing Jue's mouth curled up into a respectful smile, and he was filled with indescribable pride and pride.

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