Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 3 Reborn Confidence

Xing Jue sat blankly on the top of the mountain, feeling unbelievable. If it weren't for the essence of the beast soul, the high-grade treasure pill, and the two secret books that were placed in front of him, Xing Jue would really think that what had just happened. The scene is just a dream.

"Xuanjie primary exercises, Royal Qi Jue"

"Xuanjie primary martial skill, wind-devouring palm"

"Good guy, it's all such high-level good things." Xing Jue held the two cheat books in his hand, and opened his mouth wide.

Said in surprise.

In the Tianwu Continent, exercises and martial arts are divided into "four levels of heaven, earth, mysterious and yellow, and each level is divided into three levels, low, medium and high" from high to low. , Huangjie's advanced martial arts and martial arts are considered excellent, but I didn't expect that the two books that the old man casually left were all of Xuanjie, which made Xing Jue have to deal with the old man again. Look high.

"This is really nowhere to be seen, and there is nowhere to go. There are dark and bright flowers in another village. Hehe, it seems that God treats me well." After a moment of surprise, Xing Jue suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. Confidence also resurfaced.

"Dangerous? Even if I die, I don't want to live like this"


Xing Jue looked at the beast soul and the treasure pill in his hands, and he swallowed it directly, regardless of what the old man said about the danger.

"Ah... woo, so hot, so hot..."

But at the moment when the beast soul and the treasure pill entered the stomach, Xing Jue felt a scorching burning pain in the lower abdomen, as if a fireball was swallowed into the stomach, making people feel unbearable.


The burning pain became stronger and stronger, Xing Jue kept rolling in the grass in pain, even Xing Jue's white skin turned crimson, even Yi Shan was soaked with sweat, and the top of his body was drenched in sweat. Still braving the heat, at this moment Xing Jue finally knew what the danger the old man was talking about.

After persevering for a while, Xing Jue was finally unable to resist the unbearable burning pain, and passed out, and just after Xing Jue passed out, a burst of light blue gas began to emanate from his body. , and finally turned into a light blue protective cover to wrap Xing Jue in it, and under the protective cover, the dark red color on Xing Jue's body gradually receded, and finally returned to its previous appearance.

"Uh, Mr. Zhang" Xing Jue opened his eyes, looked at Mr. Zhang with a worried expression in front of him, and hurriedly sat up. When he got up, Xing Jue realized that he was already in a hut on the mountain.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I found you lying motionless on the ground on the mountain just now. You've frightened me. If you don't wake up again, I'll go to the doctor." Zhang Lao said with a worried look.

"Hey, maybe I'm too tired, I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes, ah, I'm still a little sleepy, I think I still have to sleep again" Xing Jue pretended to yawn and said lazily.

"Hehe, you kid, then you can take a nap again, and I'll call you again when you have dinner." Seeing that Xing Jue seemed to be okay, Zhang Laocai said with confidence, so he walked out of the hut. middle.

"Well, alright," Xing Jue smiled at the back of Mr. Zhang's departure.

"Haha, is this a sea of ​​anger? Haha, I finally have a sea of ​​qi in Xing Jue's body. I can break through the boundaries of a martial artist and become a real martial artist, haha..." After realizing that Zhang Lao had gone far, Xing Jue fiercely He jumped out of the bed and laughed excitedly, because at this moment, Xing Jue could clearly feel the sea of ​​qi in his body, and this thing he had longed for had finally appeared in his body.

After feeling the sea of ​​qi in his body again, Xing Jue couldn't wait to start the practice of gathering the "Qi of Martial Arts", only to see Xing Jue sitting on the head of the bed, with a strange seal between his hands, and inside him. Straws of light yellow gas visible to the naked eye around the body also poured into Xing Jue's body.

"Haha, it really deserves to be the primary Xuanjie cultivation technique, it really is extraordinary." After doing this kind of practice for an hour, Xing Jue slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile on his face.

Xing Jue had also practiced in Xing Jue before, but at that time Xing Jue had no energy in his body, so he couldn't store the "power of martial arts" absorbed in his body, but he could still play a role in strengthening his body. Compared with the current "Royal Qi Jue", those exercises are indeed very different.

"At this speed, in about a year, I can successfully transform the sea of ​​qi into a cyclone and become a martial artist." After feeling the power of martial arts stored in the sea of ​​qi in his body again, Xing Jue said confidently. .

Qi Hai is a container that can store the power of martial arts, and after the power of martial arts is accumulated to a certain level, the sea of ​​​​qi will be upgraded, transforming from a container into an entity, and at that time, Xing Jue can manipulate the power of martial arts in the body to carry out. Attack and defense, attack and defense with martial spirit are far from ordinary people's attacks can be compared.

At that time, ordinary swords can't hurt Xing Jue at all, and this is the strength of martial arts. In other words, as long as you become a "martial artist", you are no longer within the scope of normal people.

After the excitement, Xing Jue came out of the house, looking at the stars in the sky, wisps of memory flooded into Xing Jue's mind again.

"Hmph, Xing Feng, you must have thought that you would step on me forever like this? But you were wrong. Back then, I was able to press on your head and make you breathless, but now I can still do it." Xing Jue turned his head to look in the direction of Yun Zongcheng, and after standing for a long time, said in a low voice.And the fists under his arms were also rattled by his clenching.

Xing Feng was the young man in white who defeated Xing Jue that day. He was selected as one of the new blood of Xing Jue along with Xing Jue. His talent was also very good, but under Xing Jue's amazing talent back then, he seemed Very unknown, but just three years ago, Xing Feng's body grew a sea of ​​Qi, and he became a junior martial artist half a year ago, and now he is a new blood that Xing's family focuses on training.

"Gollum, Gollum"

"Oh, I'm hungry, it's so late, why hasn't Mr. Zhang called me to dinner?"

"You won't forget me, will you? Forget it, I'll go down by myself." Just as Xing Jue was immersed in his past memories, he was suddenly awakened by a grunt. Yes, protests have already begun.

So Xing Jue held the back of his head with both hands, humming a melodious little song in his mouth, and walked slowly towards the Xingzi tavern at the foot of the mountain with a confident smile on his face.

And at the moment in the tavern, a good show of thieves and beautiful women is being staged.


"Damn, immortal, do you dare to take care of our young master's affairs?"

"I think you don't want to live anymore"

At the moment in the tavern, two strong men with five big and three thick men were shouting wildly with their donkey-like voices. Among them, a well-dressed middle-aged man with a folding fan in his hand was sitting at the dining table with a wicked smile on his face. Staring at the tavern, there was a shivering girl hiding behind Zhang Lao.

The good daughter Hong on the jar at their feet was smashed into pieces, and a large amount of good wine flowed out.

"Elder Zhang, let's leave this matter alone. He is the little overlord in this town, and he is also a beginner martial artist. We can't afford to provoke a small shop like this." The old man persuaded in a low voice.

"Hmph, Xiaohong, it's from our tavern. They dare to molest Xiaohong, and we have no reason to ignore it?" Zhang Laobai glanced at the little second and said coldly.

"Old guy, you are courting death." Seeing that Zhang Lao insisted on taking care of his young master's affairs, the two big men waved the big swords in their hands and looked at Zhang Lao.

"Plop, Ouch"

But an astonishing scene happened in the next moment. The two big men who were clawing their teeth and claws suddenly fell to the ground without warning, and kept holding their stomachs and screaming in pain.

"Crack, snap, snap, yes, a beginner martial artist, as expected from the Xing family." The young man sitting at the table suddenly clapped his palms and stared at Elder Zhang with a gloomy smile on his face.

It turned out that the person who just shot was Zhang Lao. Zhang Lao grew up in the criminal family. Although he was only a slave in the criminal family, he was also a beginner martial artist. Although the two big men had a good system, they were not. There is no kung fu at all, where is Zhang Lao's opponent.

"Wow, that's amazing." After hearing what the little bully said, the shop assistants all looked at Zhang Lao with admiration and exclaimed, the junior warriors are not like this little bully who is rampant in the town. Is it as great?Maybe things can be better today.

"Go away now, I can let go of the past," Zhang Lao said coldly, looking at the middle-aged man.

"Hahahahaha..." After hearing Old Zhang's words, the middle-aged man suddenly got up and laughed.

"It's just a beginner martial artist, it's okay to show your prestige in front of them, and you dare to be fierce in front of me?" After laughing, the middle-aged man's face suddenly turned hideous.With a movement of his body, his hands were like eagle claws, and with a gust of wind, he fiercely grabbed towards Old Zhang and the girl.

The "middle-level warrior" looked at the little overlord who appeared in front of him at that moment, and Zhang Lao's calm face also became nervous. in front of the girl.

Although there is a one-level difference between the beginner and the intermediate level, it is not difficult for Elder Zhang to dodge the man's blow. It is only because he is worried that the girl can't dodge, that Elder Zhang makes such an action.

"Middle-level warrior? This guy is already a middle-level warrior?" After hearing Zhang Lao's words, the shop assistants in the tavern were also shocked, so they closed their eyes in despair and dared not look again.Although their tavern is owned by the Xing family, it is too far away from the Xing family and cannot be controlled. They can no longer be as angry as they used to be, but they didn't expect that Zhang Lao would actually get into a fight with the little bully here. Seeing that their hopes will be dashed again, they are really desperate.


"Ah, my hand"

But just when everyone was desperate, they were awakened by a scream from the middle-aged man, looking at the little overlord who had a hole in his hand and blood gushing out, everyone was stunned.

"Lick the wine on the ground for me, or don't leave today." While people were immersed in shock, a young boy's voice sounded from outside the door of the tavern. The boy in black walked slowly into the tavern.

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