Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 4 1 Years of Penance

"Xing Jue" looked at the young man who slowly walked into the house. Old Zhang's face was full of excitement. He knew the strength of Xing Jue. Although high-level warriors were nothing in the Xing family, In this small town, he is a top expert. Since Xing Jue arrives, today's matter can be easily resolved.

"Damn it, you attacked me just now?" Looking at the young man who walked into the house, the little overlord asked with an incredible look on his face.

"Elder Zhang, are you alright?" However, Xing Jue ignored Xiao Bawang's questioning, and went straight to Elder Zhang's side and asked with concern.

"Hehe, it's fortunate that you arrived in time, otherwise there will be something wrong." Seeing Xing Jue caring so much about himself, a gratified smile appeared on Old Zhang's face.Immediately, he glanced meaningfully at the little bully behind Xing Jue.

"Damn, I'm talking to you!" The little bully shouted again, even though his hand was seriously injured, he looked at the young man in front of him and couldn't believe he was the one who injured himself just now. .

"Shut up!" Xing Jue suddenly turned his head and shouted, his eyes full of murderous intent cast on Xiao Bawang.

" do you want to do?" Looking at Xing Jue's gaze, Xiao Bawang suddenly felt like a deflated ball, the domineering just now seemed to be gone, and he said with a look of fear.Because at this moment, he felt something called "murderousness". The little bully has been rampant in the town for many years. He has also encountered many so-called masters, but among those people, there is no one like the young man in front of him. Like, let him be so afraid.

"Uh" seeing the little bully who was rampant on weekdays, but now he has become towering in front of a teenager, and the shop assistants in the tavern are opening their mouths into O-shapes one by one.The girl hiding behind Zhang Lao even turned her admiring gaze towards Xing Jue.

"Lick up the wine in the ground," Xing Jue said coldly.

"What? You..." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiao Bawang's face turned purple and eggplant, and told him to lick the wine off the ground. If this matter spreads out, how could he still be in this small town? ?Do you still call him alive?


But before Xiao Bawang could finish his words, Xing Jue had already jumped in front of him, and the speed was so fast that when Xiao Bawang reflected, he saw a fist slammed heavily on his left cheek.

"Pfft" was punched by Xing Jue, and Xiao Bawang spurted out a mouthful of blood and three front teeth.

"Damn, I fought with you." Seeing the spit out front teeth, Xiaobawang was angry, he was really angry, and at this moment he made a decision, desperately trying to kill Xingjue, he was angry He roared and jumped up from the ground.


But the moment he stood up, he was hit by a sea kick from Xing Jue. He flew out like an arrow from the string, knocking all the tables and chairs of the tavern into the air, and in the end it was like a pool of mud. He slammed on the wall, stayed on the wall for a few seconds before slowly falling off, and fell to the ground with a "thump", and passed out.

"Wow" After seeing Xiao Bawang being kicked down by two moves like kicking a ball, let alone the second shopkeeper, even Xiao Bawang's two subordinates are stupid, this is too strong, anyway, today's Xiaobawang The Overlord is also a mid-level warrior, but he doesn't even have the ability to fight back in the hands of this young man. What kind of strength is this?Could it be the legendary "Martial Master"?

After seeing the little bully pass out, Xing Jue turned his murderous gaze on the two strong men


"Little Master, we were wrong, we were wrong." Seeing Xing Jue looking at them, the two hurriedly knelt to the ground, begging constantly, and kept kowtowing to Xing Jue.

"Go away" Xing Jue didn't bother to be like them anymore when he saw their bear-like appearance. If it wasn't for that little overlord who wanted to attack Zhang Lao, Xing Jue would not have done such a heavy hand, so he said coldly.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the two strong sweaters hurriedly got up and ran out of the tavern as fast as they could.

"Wait, take that waste away together," Xing Jue said suddenly coldly.

"Yes yes" The strong man was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He thought that Xing Jue had changed his mind again. After hearing Xing Jue's words, he felt at ease, so he hurriedly turned around and helped Xiaobawang up before leaving in a hurry. .

But when the two strong men hurriedly helped the little bully to leave, the tavern became extremely silent, because just now, this young boy who looked young actually made them feel a murderous aura. And this murderous aura made them a little afraid of the young man in front of them now.

"Hey, is it time for Mr. Zhang to eat? I'm so hungry." When everyone looked at Xing Jue's back and said nothing for a long time, Xing Jue suddenly turned around and said to Mr. Zhang with a smile. The bright smile made people let go of the fear in their hearts. It was like two people just now.

"Haha, okay, let's have dinner," Zhang Lao said with a smile.So everyone gathered together and ate a sumptuous dinner. During the meal, Mr. Zhang also introduced Xing Jue to everyone. When he heard that Xing Jue came out of the Xing family, it was once the key training of the Xing family. After the target, not only the girl named Xiaohong, but even the shop assistants turned to Xing Jue with admiration.

"Elder Zhang, I want to practice peacefully on the mountain for a while." After dinner, Xing Jue plucked the shredded meat between his teeth in order to say to Elder Zhang.

"Cultivation?" After hearing this word, Zhang Lao looked at Xing Jue in surprise.Now that Xing Jue is a high-level martial artist, even if he cultivates again, he will not improve, unless... But, if Xing Jue has a sea of ​​energy in his body, he will not be sent here.

"That's right, it's cultivation." Xing Jue said with a smile, looking at Zhang Lao's surprised expression.

"Okay, I will block the back mountain from today, no one will disturb you, you just cultivate well." However, after a moment of silence, Elder Zhang said slowly.After all, Xing Jue was grown up by Mr. Zhang, so no matter what Xing Jue wanted to do, as long as he could help, he would help.

"Hey, this is a communication talisman. If someone makes trouble again, you can use him to notify me, and I will go down the mountain to help as soon as possible." Xingjue took out a triangular transparent card from his arms and engraved on the card. With a special seal, it is specially used for communication.

"En" Zhang Lao also took the communication symbol and replied with a smile.

After that, Xing Jue went directly back to the mountain. After returning to the mountain, it was already late at night, but Xing Jue did not rest immediately, but took out the martial skill called "Wind-Eating Palm" left by the mysterious old man. Then started to practice according to the method in the book, Xing Jue's goal is very clear, that is, to become a high-level martial artist within a year.Then leave here and go out for a walk.

However, this goal is so difficult, so the punishment must not be relaxed a little, because at this moment his desire to become stronger is very strong, only by becoming stronger can he gain respect, and only by becoming stronger can he protect those who are important to him. Xing Jue wants to be strong, but there is no end, because what he wants to be is the strongest person on this continent.However, for this so-called strongest, it is a slightly vague concept for the punishment at the moment.

After all, the powerhouses on this continent are like clouds, so the only thing Xing Jue can do is to practice hard, and then practice hard.Only hard work can be rewarded. Although he has a talent that is far beyond ordinary people, Xing Jue has always believed in this truth. This has been the case for the past 15 years, and it is still the same now.

So in the night when this world fell asleep, a 15-year-old boy began to practice hard under the starry night sky.

And this kind of hard training, Xing Jue has been practicing for a full year.

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