Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 5 Invitation

Time flies like an arrow, and a year flies by in a blink of an eye.

On the top of the mountain where Xing Jue lived, a huge iron pillar with a diameter of one and a half meters and a height of more than ten meters was erected.The iron pillar is deeply inserted on the rock on the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looks like the Vajra Ruyi stick of Monkey King, giving people an indestructible feeling.

But if you look closely, you will be surprised to find that on this seemingly indestructible iron pillar, there are actually dense palm prints. The shallowest palm prints are one centimeter deep, and the deepest palm prints are actually several centimeters deep. Naturally, it came from the hands of punishment.

At this moment, Xing Jue was standing in front of Tie Zhu, dressed in black clothes, fluttering in the wind, looking extraordinarily energetic, and the originally delicate and young face was also a bit more mature, Xing Jue looked at Tie Zhu who was close at hand, He slowly raised his right hand, and at the moment when he raised his hand, a large amount of pale golden martial energy also poured into his right hand.

With the influx of a lot of martial spirit, Xing Jue's right hand actually began to emit golden light, and as the martial spirit continued to condense, the light became more and more bright, and when it reached its peak, it was very dazzling, and a terrifying The breath also emanated from his right palm.

"Wind-devouring Palm" suddenly shouted Xing Jue, then raised his right hand, which gathered a strong light, and blasted it fiercely at the huge iron pillar, and the light in his right hand turned into one, and Xing Jue The palm prints of light with the same size as the palms swept away in the direction of Tie Zhu with brilliant afterimages.


The palm print of light slammed onto the iron pillar without any accident, and a piercing roar spread out with the iron pillar as the center.Even the ground above the mountain trembled slightly.

“Squeaky squeak..”

A palm print with a depth of twenty centimeters was engraved on the iron pillar, and small cracks began to spread from the palm print, and finally became larger and larger, spreading over the entire iron pillar.

"Boom" As the crack deepened, Tiezhu finally fell to the ground with a loud bang.

"Haha, did it finally succeed?" Looking at Tie Zhu Xing Jue, who fell to the ground and shattered into several pieces, he laughed excitedly.

After a year of hard work, Xing Jue has now mastered the Xuan-level primary martial skill "Wind-Eating Palm", and his own strength has reached the terrifying level of the peak of a high-level martial artist, even the distance from the "Wu Zong" It's only one step away, such a cultivation speed, even if it is described as an evildoer, it is not an exaggeration.

If the head of the Xing family and all the instructors knew about Xing Jue's achievements, they would definitely regret giving up Xing Jue.After all, for such a young man with such a terrifying talent for cultivation, his future is limitless.

"Oops, is there something wrong?" Just when Xing Jue was happy to have mastered the Wind Devouring Palm, the communication talisman hanging on his chest suddenly felt hot, and then it disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

There are usually two communication symbols, which are specially used for emergency communication. Before Xing Jue went to the mountain to practice, Zhang Lao was given a communication symbol, and now the communication symbol has reacted, which means that Zhang Lao must have an explanation. matter.

When he felt something was wrong, Xing Jue hurriedly rushed down the mountain, so fast that even the cheetahs in the jungle couldn't keep up.

At the moment in the Xingzi tavern, Zhang Laozheng was walking back and forth in the house with his brows furrowed, holding a small golden book in his hands behind his back, on which was written two large characters of invitation.

"Elder Zhang, who sent this invitation? Why are you so unhappy?" Xiaohong asked curiously seeing Mrs Zhang's frown. (The girl who was molested by the little bully a year ago)

"Hehe, Xiaohong, do you know about the "Three Clan Conference" in Yunzongcheng?" Seeing Xiaohong's curiosity, Zhang Lao asked Xiaohong with a smile.

"The Three Clan Conference, of course, I know that this is a grand event that Yunzong City only holds every three years. It is jointly organized by the three martial arts families in Yunzong City, the Xing family, the Zhao family, and the Lu family. There will be three families in the conference. Among them, the best "new blood" will be selected and tested, and the final winner will receive the generous rewards provided by the three families, and the family that wins the new blood will also receive the three-year period of Yun Zongcheng. Sovereignty." Xiaohong said seriously, obviously even her little girl knew a lot about this so-called three-clan convention.

"That's right, it's very detailed, and this is the invitation card for the Tri-Clan Conference." Senior Zhang handed the invitation card to Xiaohong and said with a smile.

"What? The invitation to the Three Clan Conference? This is something only dignitaries and nobles can receive. Why is Elder Zhang not happy with such a precious invitation?" Xiaohong said with some doubts in her heart after taking the invitation.

"It was... who invited Brother Xing Jue?" Xiaohong said suddenly after opening the invitation.

Zhang Lao once told them about Xingjue.

And Xiaohong is a smart girl. Naturally, she thought that Zhang Lao was worried about Xing Jue, because Xing Jue was the most outstanding new blood in the Xing family, but because there was no air in her body, she became a waste of blood, from high above. An important person in the Xing family became the management of the tavern in this remote town.It's like falling from the sky to the ground.

And this three clan conference is a competition meeting between the new blood of three martial arts families. If Xing Jue goes, it will inevitably suffer a certain blow in the heart.

"Well, that's right, this invitation is an invitation to Xing Jue." Seeing that Xiaohong actually guessed the sorrow in his heart, Zhang Lao also had to be amazed at the cleverness of this little girl, and then said with relief.It's just that this invitation is a bit strange. It stands to reason that Xing Jue is now abandoned by the Xing family. Even if he can continue to stay in the Xing family, he is only a slave. Like this important meeting, He would not be invited to participate at all, but now Xing Jue has received a copy, there must be something in it, but he can't guess.

"The three clan conference? I must go to such a grand event." At this moment, a refreshing young voice sounded outside the door, and the person who came was Xing Jue.

Now Xing Jue is a high-level martial artist, and he is only one step away from that Wu Zong.Therefore, all the organs of its body are much stronger than normal people. Because of this, Xing Jue heard the conversation between Elder Zhang and the others, and he understood what the elder was worried about. , he must be afraid that he will be hit.

But Zhang Lao didn't know how strong Xing Jue is now. I am afraid that among the new blood of the Xing family, no one can compare with Xing Jue, and this three clan conference is exactly Xing Jue's good show. Chance.Therefore, Xing Jue is naturally going to go up.

And Xing Jue also guessed who sent the invitation, that was Xing Feng, the white-clothed young man who injured Xing Jue that day. Xing Feng was pressed down by Xing Jue since he was a child. Now he is the most important new blood of the Xing family, but Xing Jue has never served him, which has always been a problem of his heart.That's why he specially sent an invitation to Xing Jue, the purpose is very simple, that is to make Xing Jue realize how big the gap between them is.

But he would soon know what a wrong decision he made to invite Xing Jue.

"Xing Jue, are you sure you want to go?" Seeing that Xing Jue actually said that he was going to attend the event, Elder Zhang said with some concern.

"As a member of the Xing family, the invitation from the Xing family has no reason to go." After Xing Jue entered the tavern, he picked up an apple and chewed it.And there was always a confident smile on his face.

"This...hehe, it seems that my worries are superfluous." Seeing Xing Jue's confident smile, Zhang Lao's worry was inexplicably resolved, because he found that the current Xing Jue was the same as the one in the Xing family. In the middle, Xiaoao is the same as the punishment above all the new blood. He is confident and domineering. It seems that there is nothing that he is afraid of.

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