Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 305 Mysterious Man

"Even the patriarch of the Soul Devourer Clan used more than ten years to refine that day-level spirit! Then how terrifying would the spirit-level and god-level spirit be?" Hearing the old man's story, Xing Jue revealed That look of wonder and curiosity.

"Spiritual level? In order to search for spirits on the mainland, the Soul Devourers sent a large number of strong men to search for ruins everywhere, but the strongest one only found a sky-level spirit, as for the spirit-level spirit. It's never been found."

"Spirits of that level must not be condensed from the Tianwu Continent at all, right? As for the god level, it has been clearly recorded in the records of the ancient scrolls, it is just a legend." Seeing that Xing Jue was so curious, the old man smiled and explained. Said.

And after listening to the old man's explanation, Xing Jue also had a better understanding of the essence, and soon came to the secret room of the soul again while the two were chatting.

At this moment, the door of the soul secret room is open, and Xing Jue can clearly see the scene in the soul secret room outside the soul secret room. The wall on the first floor of the soul secret room is very special.

It can be said to be stronger than the wall in the dark passage, and there is a strange light blue spell on the wall, and the spell flows slowly in a specific pattern, making it even more mysterious.

"It has been destroyed in a mess, but fortunately, the secret room of the soul is an enchantment added by the patriarch himself, so it is not allowed to enter the second floor." After entering the secret room, the old man looked at the ground that was destroyed by the ultimate experimental beast. The first floor of the mess, said with some gratitude.

"Old man, then I will open the second floor."

The first floor was completely destroyed by the ultimate experimental beast, which also made Xing Jue not interested at all, so when he entered the soul chamber, Xing Jue went straight to the gate leading to the second floor.

"En." Seeing this, the old man also came to Xing Jue's side, nodded in agreement.

After the old man nodded, Xing Jue opened the huge stone door leading to the second floor through the Soul Eater Order.


Accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds, the stone gate began to rise slowly, and soon the second floor of the soul chamber entered the vision of Xing Jue and the old man.

Compared with the first floor, the style of the second floor is quite different.It can be described as a typical luxurious hall. There are various bookshelves in the hall, and on top of the bookshelves are various books. Obviously, most of them should be related to research materials.

On both sides of the main hall, there are several rooms, which are obviously the resting places for the elders of the Soul Eaters. In short, compared with the cruel experimental place on the first floor, this second floor is full of warm feeling.

"It really hasn't changed at all." After entering the second floor, a nostalgic look appeared on the old face.

"Old man, since this death chamber is so hidden, why didn't my Soul Eaters hide here?" After looking at the environment on the second floor, Xing Jue asked a little puzzled.

"This soul chamber is extremely important to our Soul Devourers, so after the war started, in order to avoid involving the soul chamber and research results, the patriarch ordered the soul chamber to be closed."

"As for the war at that time, we, the Soul Devourers, were absolutely sure that we could win."

"But what makes everyone feel bitter is that at the most critical moment of the war, disasters unexpectedly fell from the sky, and there will be such strong people who will target my Soul Eater."

"Facing those strong men, not to mention the Death Forest disguised by the Soul Devourers, even places like Magic Moon Valley can be easily reached if he wants to."

"That's why the patriarch's decision was to take the young masters of the Soul Devourer Clan to a remote place in the Tianwu Continent, and seal their souls with a timed seal, and then place them in the homes of ordinary people."

"But I didn't expect those forces to be so vicious. They planted so many ghosts in my Soul Eater Clan, causing all plans to fail."

When the old man talked about the events of the year, and mentioned the fiasco and demise of the Soul Devourer Clan, the old man looked a little excited, and even his soul body couldn't help trembling faintly.

For the old age at this moment, Xing Jue did not disturb but watched the old man silently, because Xing Jue could imagine what kind of mood it was to witness the old age of the Soul Eater from its peak to its extinction.

"However, it seems that some people managed to escape the catastrophe back then. Otherwise, there would not have been an excellent descendant of the Soul Eater like your father, and an equally outstanding successor like you now."

After a moment of silence, the old man cast his soft eyes on Xing Jue, and there was a gratified smile on his face, obviously he was deeply satisfied with Xing Jue's actions so far.

"Old man, it stands to reason that the patriarch of my Soul Eater Clan should have reached the level of a high-level war emperor, and after refining the spirit of that day, he was even stronger to a terrifying level. It is an invincible existence."

"And even such a powerful patriarch was defeated in the hands of that mysterious man. Could it be that the mysterious strong man has reached the level of the legendary war saint?"

"Battle Saint, isn't it said that the powerful Warrior Saint can get rid of all the shackles of heaven and earth, not only is his strength terrifying, but he can also live forever. And are they all going to enter the legendary Sanctuary?"

"Why is there still such a strong person staying on the mainland, and why does he want to attack my Soul Eater?"

At this moment, Xing Jue continued to ask questions.Because in the ancient ruins, the owner of the ruins clearly reminded Xing Jue that the mysterious person who caused the demise of the Soul Devourer Clan was probably still in the Tianwu Continent.

That's why now Xing Jue wants to know more about that mysterious person. After all, the real culprit who wiped out the Soul Eater Clan and killed his father was that mysterious person.

"I don't know. The Sanctuary and the Battle Saint are all just legends. No one has actually seen them, at least not in the Tianwu Continent."

"Although the strength of that mysterious person is very terrifying, it is not certain that he is a strong warrior."

"Because he directly attacked the patriarch and the top elders of the Soul Eater Clan."

"And that level of horror battle circle is not something we can get close to, so I haven't seen that earth-shattering battle, and I'm not sure what level that mysterious person is."

"As for why he attacked my Soul Eaters, I don't even know. Maybe it was an old monster from a certain force who had never been born. After all, those top peaks that were hostile to my Soul Eaters on the mainland at that time The power has a history of thousands of years." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the old man explained slowly.

After hearing the old man's explanation, Xing Jue seemed even more puzzled and confused, because now everything about that mysterious man is really mysterious enough, because both his identity and strength are a mystery. Anyone know.

"That old man, who were the major forces that attacked my Soul Devourer?" At this moment, Xing Jue asked again.

"Ha ha…."

Seeing Xing Jue's question, the old man suddenly smiled with relief, and the abnormal appearance of the old man made Xing Jue puzzled.

"Actually, after entering the inner circle, I also inquired indirectly about those forces, but what surprised me was."

"Those powers have all been wiped out, and the person who wiped out those powers is none other than your father. Because those powers were all indirectly wiped out by Xuandian for various reasons and conflicts." At this moment, the old man With a gratified smile on his face, he said slowly.

But at this moment, Xing Jue was silent again, because this means that, except for the mysterious man, his father had already killed all the enemies of the Soul Eater Clan, and even the mysterious man's The father was only one step away from killing him, but in the end he was defeated by his brother.

"cluck cluck"

Thinking of this, Xing Jue couldn't help clenching his fists and teeth, and the sound of friction between the bones of his hands and teeth came from Xing Jue's body. At this moment, his body exuded a strong murderous aura.


Seeing Xing Jue's appearance like this, Cang Lao sighed helplessly, because after hearing the news about the demise of several major hostile forces of the Soul Eater Clan, Cang Lao, a senior of the Soul Eater Clan, also admired Xing Jue's father's strength and means.

In such a short period of time, Xuandian has been built into the top power in the Tianwu Continent, and all the hostile forces of the Soul Eater Clan have been wiped out with various excuses and conflicts that have nothing to do with the Soul Eater Clan.

This shows not only Xingjue's father's extraordinary talent, but also his unimaginable wisdom and mind.

This kind of person is the real genius and strong man. In the old man's view, the various talents shown by Xing Jue's father have surpassed the patriarch of the Soul Eater Clan that he admires very much in his heart.

"Old man, is the soul manual still there?" After a moment of silence, Xing Jue's mood also eased, and then he asked the old man.

The main purpose of this trip is the soul secret book, because with him, he can help the old man recover his strength. As long as the old man recovers his strength, the strength of the Shura Palace will also increase greatly.

At that time, not only will you be able to challenge the League Mansion, but you will also be able to step into the center of the towering domain. After all, no matter how powerful the outer and inner circles are, they are only the outer and inner circles. Only the center can be called the real towering domain.

"Well, wait for the old man to see."

Reminded by Xing Jue, Lao Lao slowly came to a bookshelf, and then he saw his palm suddenly protruding, and a simple book fell into Lao Lao's hands.

"Fortunately, you are still alive."

When this quaint book fell into the hands of the old man, the old man began to caress the book lovingly, and there was a faint smile on his face, as if seeing a long-lost masked old friend

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